Is pretending nu metal was good the cringiest trend in music at the moment?
Is pretending nu metal was good the cringiest trend in music at the moment?
Vein is a legitimately great metalcore band with a clear nu metal influence. There are also plenty of "core" bands with nu metal influences that are fucking terrible, though, like Emmure.
Nu Metal was generally dogshit, but there are some great bands associated with it like Deftones and Soulfly. Korn were uneven, but even they had some really strong material, and they were certainly innovative. And of course Serj Tankian has done some good stuff.
probably the only numetal album that actually holds up today
But Emmure has a song about Hitomi Tanaka.
more like titomi hrrrrngnaka amirite
pretending billie eilish is good is worse
Who's pretending nu-metal was good?
Quite contrary, I've seen people acknowledging that nu-metal has produced some great material and wasn't just universally awful in all it's great breadth.
Though, this is of course the virtuous lens you can look through when viewing things in the retrospective when most of the absolute trite music has been lost to time.
good album
This, Alpha Wolf, and Dealer are based as fuck
Vein sucks ass
People pretend to like Eilish and Nu-Metal for the same reason - poptimism.
>Hybrid Theory
I don't care what you zoomers think, oldschool Linkin Park will always be based.
all those one word metalcore bands are pretty decent
Nigga zoomers love shitty radio rock that their older siblings played. Most of the nu metal revival shit is soundcloud rap adjacent.
based adrenaline
My man. Dealer is the truth.
SOAD isn't nu metal.
they were absolutely nu metal. just cuz you like them doesn't mean they werent coated in wretched feces. i bet you like koRn and limp bizkit unironically
>doesn't like based limp bizkit
This was pretty great
They weren't nu metal objectively. Lyrically, musically, instrumentally, image-wise, they aren't even close. They're more like alt metal with hints of experimentation and middle eastern-sounding/Armenian drum patterns thrown in.
objectively the only decent numetal band, mainly for laughs, but god damn me if this song isnt still catchy.
early aughts pseudo-cyberpunk was fun
they're not nu-metal and they've never done anything as good as korn's s/t. please post a soad song that compares to this:
>early aughts cyber punk
then here comes these gigantic faggots
Gay and whiny. SOAD is based because they don't take themselves so seriously. It
Linkin Park
Dir En Grey (if they count)
Fear Factory (if they count)
Have all put out some quality stuff in that prime nu Metal time imo which makes an effort to steer away from a more generic buttrock sound. Also Errorzone’s a great album; the variety keeps it interesting but it all gels together better than like Code Orange.
Mudvayne certainly put out a bit of quality before going full assrock. Their musicianship was excellent. Ryan Martinie is a hell of a fucking bassist.
pretty much all of limp bizkit with the exception of fred durst and the dj were very talented. talented dudes in otherwise successful but horrendous situations
John Otto is solid on the kit and Borland is definitely high tier.
They barely have any nu metal influence at all, stop this stupid meme. There's more Deftones in their sound then there is Korn or Slipknot.
and i dont mean early nu metal deftones
>Alpha Wolf, and Dealer are based as fuck
these two are fucking awful compared to vein holy fuck id rather listen to stray from the path
t. fag
t.deathcore loser
have fun cutting your gaping ear holes off when you grow up
my ears are normal.