
Abigail edition
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Melodeath cucks

Thanks for answering my question lads. Sucks that I have to get new headphones though

based and cuckpilled

>not listening to industrial crossover shit

>get the repress of this
>read linear notes
the fucking madlads

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melodeath sucks

when will you people admit that they're good

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>virtrve signaling
I like PURE BLACK METAL as much as the next red blooded misanthrope but lol.


when they're not just a shit version of Ad Nauseam

Why do people complain about Megadeth vocals.
They're literally perfect

Look, if you want to rip on In Flames post-Clayman I get it, but how can you tell me Kalmah sucks?

they sound like a fucking nasal virgin trying to be cool

Dave is one of my favourite vocalists to be honest

What are some bands like Tsjuder and Urgehal?

this might be better than I.N.R.I.

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The average scandinavian BM band

I need menacing choir-core

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This is amazing Blackened Heavy Metal. I hope this sub-genre gets bigger in the coming years.

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but wasn't ulcerate a thing way before they were

what headphones do you use to listen to metal?

>blackened heavy metal?
so like Mercyful Fate?

Audio Technica ATH-M40x

He just got announced a few days ago that he has throat cancer.
Is sad

being first doesnt mean you dont get superseded

This but MX-50s

Attached: audio_technica_MX50.jpg (912x1500, 214K)

I have these as well

Sennheiser HD700

yeah I know, I was literally the first person to post about it (or at least one of them) hopefully he gets good treatment

Awww, fuck. Everything is dying.
[spoiler]Marty Friedman was the best part of Megadeth

>Marty Friedman was the best part of Megaeth
well obviously

falsetto edition

It’s just black metal with heavy metal riffs. So no, not like Mercyful Fate.

Tin Audio T2 for me (too poor to afford good headphones). This things are amazing for listening to metal, classical and rock, though.

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Ping Conspiracy poster
I just got reminded this existed, an old debate about the dangers of hard rock, it's at 5:50

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video doesn't work mate

lil dicks on his forehead what a fag

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I didn't know Willem Dafoe was in a metal band.

They're extremely good, it's just that the pic-related album is their weakest

If a song is so heavily distorted that it sound likes electronic and not instrumental can it still be considered metal? I made an album and it was all done on a bass guitar with a vodka bottle + effects instead of a pick to get a unique sound. Does metal have to have clear instruments?

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it's good, reminded me of Vomitor

Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult

Yo this is actually really nice

DM with BM vocals?

thanks user :3

This is good. Do you plan on having more stuff in this noise inspired style?

black metal

not really, i got discouraged after trying to shill the album hard so i could get more people to notice but failing to do so i decided to put my effort into learning violin instead. if it gains more popularity i definitely will try to make a better album since i enjoy this style a lot but my main goal is to make music/art that people will choose to listen to without me having to ram it into their faces.

jesus i shouldve proof read that post

Understandable. What gave the idea for learning the violin?

I found this 10 year old mess just for you, user.

A few reasons, I want to learn classical so I can understand/make complex music and introduce it into a genre I like that is simple. Im thinking of moving on to nu-metal/black metal/crust punk some day but with the twist of complex instrumentals so I am making something new. Violin is also a bitch to learn which I find fun

I like it, very unsettling. How did you make it?

Nice. Well I support you in your endeavours user

I wanked about with a 15 watt practice amp, a cheap ESP LTD F-50 and a frayed, shitty amp cable until I got good feedback loops and then just wobbled around like a shoegazing cunt.

then I solved a rubix cube and recorded the sounds of the cube clicking and stuck it over the feedback loop I recorded. I probably messed with levels in audacity to add bass drone or something. It's been a long time and it was very low effort. I was also trying to be at least a little more earnest here but I was still using a webcam from 1999 to record the practice amp here and you can hear the cable cutting my signal here and there in it. Also my franctic strumming noises kek

but I'm married with kids and no longer make music that isn't me just noodling away on a guitar alone somewhere and its never recorded. Reach for your dreams, user.

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Look if you wanna rip on Carcass post-Heartwork I get it, but how can you tell me Dethklok sucks?

Does /metal/ like Post-Punk?

>married with kids
what are you doing here?

I've been using the Skullcandy hesh 3 for a while, the sound quality really brings out the mids but jesus christ the frame is flimsy as hell, it's already broken in 4 spots due to shitty design. Next time I get payed I'm getting crushers instead

I still reconnect with my old life from time to time. I certainly don't spend every day here like the good old days of withdrawal from society.

I think it's good to not forget who you are. I'm always going to be a bit of a cunt and I'm always to going to like shitty, edgy music.

Post-punk isn't metal, so even if some of us do, it doesn't matter.

I was just wondering, you don't have to be a dick about it.

anybody still have run-ins with one of those vehemently anti-metal boomers? Some lady gave me a death glare at the store for wearing this once

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I wan't being a dick about it though, I thought I was pretty neutral in my response. Anyway, if it makes you feel better, I really like The Cure and the rest of post-punk is cool in my book.

based boomer

wow, what a bitch, that's not even remotely offensive

one time my stepmom tried to get me hooked on showtunes because she thought Rock and Roll was the devil's music. She ain't never gonna stop me from overly sexualized dancing and dressing like an indigent
Loud rock music!

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My bad. I was just asking because I know a lot of people in here like Electronic Music so I was wondering if they liked Post-Punk.

Demontage, Midnight, Bulldozer

but it's spooky, and anything that's creepier or less modest than a floral pattern is practically a beacon for the devil to come and rim your asshole

Don't worry about it. Iirc a week ago (or maybe a bit more than that?) we had a discussion about how pretty much everyone here likes The Cure.
Anyway, what are you blasting user? I'm listening to some vk right now, which is also kinda off-topic (unfortunately)

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Different user, but I think I remember that, wasn't there a sub-discussion about growing out hair and how curly goth is the way to go?

Not him. I like Killing Joke, Sexgang Children, Christian Death, Bauhaus, Joy Division etc.

Yeah, that was it. Some user was insecure about his hair or something

new devourment is pretty good

>my ball sack is very sweaty and itchy
metal for this feel?

>rubbing my itchy eye
>knuckle goes straight into the socket and basically punches it on accident
metal for THIS feel?

Cock and Ball Torture most definitely is what you're looking for

How do I get people who are mostly into prog metal and melodeath into more types of metal? Most of them seem to hate all other subgenres except melodeath and prog metal

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Hard to cure shit taste

If they like melodeath then get them into stuff like Moonsorrow and Ensiferum, user. Once they're into folk, you ease into folky black stuff.

if there not into it, there not into it. although my dream is to get a friend into extreme metal, problem is i don't really have any friends

I'm currently listening to deathcomescrawling.bandcamp.com/releases
This is the same guy that does Midnight Odyssey.

You need to get some friends who work the masked man.


I pick one of these

Monoprice Monolith M1060

Monoprice Monolith M300

Phliips SHP9500

Tin T2

Audiotechnica M40X

I wanna pick up the Tin P1 next

i got hired at walmart. meal for this feel?

What's some good metal to make me feel like a mighty celt warrior sacrificing Christians anx performing blood rituals

Something processed and unhealthy with slightly oppressive packaging.

I'm think some TGI Friday's loaded potato skins.

Isn't there like a flowchart for extreme metal? And if not, should we make one?

Use Devin Townsend, eventually they're gonna want more and then you can work Strapping Young Lad into there, which is very good as a gateway to heavier stuff

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Dammit I mean to say work FOR the masked man.


enjoy your muddy bass

Not that user but am I retarded or are you making no sense? Are you referring to lyrics?

I'm in a thread full of black metal. If anything, mud is going to enhance the rawness.

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Where do I start

>black metal
>implying there's gonna be any bass to muddy up in the first place

Are the Chasm melodeth? Cause they're like my favorite death metal band

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Also a good point, user.

Show them Stargazer

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>restrung my 7 string
gimme some stuff to play, preferably half step down but I have a pitch shifter

Is there any black metal albums where the bass is audible?

shogun album of trivium is pretty fun on 7 strings breh

Drudkh comes to mind.


Shit, no album or song.
here ya go. bass-y Drudkh


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Listen to Ustalost. Burzum worship with a little bit more of flair.


I still don't understand what you are trying to say

Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon


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>How do I get people who are mostly into prog metal and melodeath into more types of metal?
why would you try to get other people into other genres? let these fags sit with their heads up their arses.

how the hell did djent go from Meshuggah to this?
it's the most watered down paint by numbers shit, at least Fredrik knows how to play poly-rhythmically

>why would you want to share things you feel are worth sharing with people you value as friends?

being a misanthrophic cunt to the point of no friends is bad
even misanthropes have friends. they make all these bands we like.


Should I skip Morbid Angel's Domination and listen to their next albums?
I heard it wasn't very good.

eventually any normiefied genre goes down to lowest common denominator path


Dont skip it, its pretty good

if you want to share, share. that's different from trying to "get" them into other genres

what about Heretic?

What are you blasting?

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I really like the first three Morbid Angel albums. How are the rest of them?

Been humming the riff from Existence all day and can't stop

>nobody posting "slam" or "brutal death metal"

Why? :'(

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I keep getting brutal and technical death metal mixed up.

btw posting some real shit:

I dislike black metal.

brutal is playing bad but making the excuse that it's to make it heavy as fuck
tech is playing bad but making the excuse that it's supposed to be complex as fuck


delete this

delete this

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Gonna be honest, as I got older I moved toward folk metals and away from death stuff.

Are you guys ready to make a new chart?
We need to replace some of the doom sub genres on the Roll Chart with something else.
Any suggestions?


Skip the ambient songs

Sorry, I forgot my tripcode

It's okay, we would be mad if too many more people started liking it anyway.

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Inconsistent. Formulas and Gateways are tolerable.

I think it would be best to start a Trad Heavy Metal Chart.
What do you guys think?

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We're going with trad, I guess.
The new thread will be made soon.

I'll think really hard, user. drop the link here.

Here we go

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How do I decide what band to have as my backpatch that I wont regret? I already have 1 jacket but I dont really like it

simple: Which band was your first actually metal album from?

black sabbath

Metallica, I have a RtL backpatch on my first one, but Im not enjoying it anymore since Ive finally started getting really into black and death, and cant decide on a new one. Maybe Ill just make a second one for more extreme metal bands instead of replacing it
Not a bad idea actually

Five million women so alone in the night
Oh, I had them all satisfied profusely

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Is this supposed to be this massive wall of noise

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an autumn for crippled children

>no female vocals

Yes I can imagine the ladies are practically banging down their door

fucking amazing track, best on the album and a top 5 Darkthrone song

not as good but still worth listening to

lmao back sabbath


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does anyone have a chart of BM for atmoshitters? (not the one of the guy getting pegged, that's all sludge).

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Anybody else prefer 70s hard rock and metal to 80s metal? Imho even though there was good shit from the NWOBHM it kind of homogenized the genre a little too much. In the 70s there was way more variation within the genre imo.

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give me your best atmospheric black acts

Paysage D'Hiver, Darkspace, Evilfeast,.

Also Midnight Odyssey and Alrakis

Death metal itself has integrity, it's the stuff that only exists to be the "most br00tal dude haha" that I stay away from

I don't hate it or anything. I just don't go listen to Cannibal Corpse any more. Death is great, Entombed is great, Cryptopsy

Also, I'm a melodic death fag, so lots of shit like Kalmah, Dark Tranquillity etc. Heap scorn on me, I don't care. I never do.

Panopticon and that’s all you need

I'm much more into Black Metal these days.

>lyrical themes of winter
>sounds like blizzard

thoughts on this album

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Essential Why? tier

Legit had moments where I wanted it expanded on sonically to achieve some good stuff.

thoughts of this album?

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Even as a raw black metal fan I have to confess that I only truly enjoy Winterkalte and Kristall and ISA by Paysage d’hiver. The other releases from the band are just too long or the production is just too shitty (can’t even heard the intruments)

Das Tor is pretty good actually.

Yeah but the songs are just too long, it gives me a headache to listen to raw production for so long.

This is every black metal album cover

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Fuck you mean? They're really good and nobody thinks otherwise except for ironic meme trolls.
Everything is Fire is a fucking bomb of an album and riffs are crazy

Recommend me some more albums with titties on the cover

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I got banned last time I posted the pic but The Autophagous Orgy by Lord Gore

Nihil by Impaled Nazarene is an extremely tip top album, sir.

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why do people call Tool metal

Because they’re tools ;D


Anyone still listen to them?

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Yes but only because they haven't heard the greatness that is Laibach

>10 subscribers
Looks like no one else is either bro

Euronymous is dummy thicc.

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I have heard the greatness and still think that sometimes you just need this.

This but Ich will.

i could listen to this on loop forever.

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Give me blackened heavy metal

Do you have more like this?

The only album you really can't tell what's going on most of the time is Kerker

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so first wave?


When is this meme going to die? The bass is audible in 99% of everything. The only time you can't hear it is when it doesn't fucking exist.

Root - The Temple in the Underground
I - Between Two Worlds
Rebel Wizard
Dawnbringer - In Sickness and In Dreams

I mean I'm thinking more Motorhead riffs with black metal vocals desu

Got you covered

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Have some sepülchral thrashing riffs.
This chart still needs to be updated.

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yeah that's essentially just Venom

We only only need a couple more good traditional heavy metal albums to complete the chart.
Join the thread and post your suggestions.

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>Heap scorn on me, I don't care. I never do.

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I guess the "REEEE THIS BAND IS NAZEEEESSS!!!" meme existed longer than we thought

The absolute best fucking part is that Varg wrote those lyrics

>it's a shame we have to protest these people based on a lyric or two but they aren't open to reasonable argument so we have to riot
>no I'd never debate a nazi that's one of their recruiting tactics don't you know
top tier smuggie

>people are not open to reasonable arguments
>we were forced by them to cancel Type O Negative's show without any discussion or arguments
wew lad

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do you find metal to give you fulfillment similar to religion or ideology

To religion, yes. That's with music, and art, in general though. Aesthetic catharsis is the closest I've ever been to God.

were all just trying to have a good time here

Does anyone have a power metal recommendation chart that features helloween, the two first avantasia albums, alestorm, adagio, blind guardian, edguy, running wild, and some other albums? I'm trying to find it again, it was my entryway to metal.

I don't know which one of you said V8 but you're fucking based

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something about that guy's face really bugged me during the whole thing

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It definitely makes me happy, that’s all I have to say.

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Metal is a primal form of music. It makes you walk, talk, and fuck like a beast

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>Browse Metal Archives several hours looking for new stuff
>Listen to several bands and albums
>Don't hate most of them, but don't really like any of them
>In the end find one band that I kinda like
Am I an autist? How many albums/bands do you go through before finding one you like?

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I never really relistened to albums for a few years there, I always loved diving into metal archives and finding weird shit tho

Good album
Satanist was better imho

I look for new stuff based purely on recommendation/hype, but I also don't really seek out new music that often. Typically when I try to get into a "new" artist I'll find that I enjoy 1 or 2 albums a lot more than the rest of their output and I'll pretty much keep those albums in a semi regular rotation of stuff that I listen to and just ignore the rest of their output.

That’s a terrible way of looking out for music, my man. The majority of metal releases are just shit. Just look out for top charts from people that listen to metal, make them do the work for you, right know there is already top five/top ten lists out there for this first half of the year, that’s how you discover good music. This method of finding about music triggers the trve manchilds, though.

doom metal with good vocals?

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Candlemass, Messiah Marcolin is really good

Not but desu I still enjoy a lot of that shit metal and I enjoy being the one to comb through stuff desu

Not him*


If I only had followed the charts in the past I would've missed lots of gems that are never discussed or mentioned anywhere. Charts are sometimes fine but there's still good obscure stuff around that needs to be dug up.

Gorguts? Yeah, that's a pass for me

Yeah t bh I should have worded my comment a little bit better, it’s always good to go and search for some underground gems but the majority of good releases every year you will find them on top ten charts, going out there and just check out every new band that releases their new demo is just not the best method to fulfill your metal needs.

Tbh the only reason I don't do that is because it takes a lot of time and research and you always miss someone and more than a few are physical only these days

I listen to entry level and don’t give a shit about everything else

based and non-contrarian pilled

Total fucking lie, those charts are always full of overhyped garbage. The only way to find good shit is by yourself.

i just look at metal lists on RYM and listen to the stuff with the non-cringy band names and/or good album art

what's wrong with them?

post charts

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melodeath rocks

Not based

Good fucking god the drum snare in this album is absolutely perfect

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seth had a good voice for black metal, the parts where they're just growling into the microphone close up are pretty cool. wish he would've done a real black metal album with an actual electric guitar and drum set up
i wonder what he thought of the scene in general

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Good fucking god the drum snare in this album is absolutely perfect

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Post more totally real black metal album covers. I just discovered these guys. They're not bad.

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What genre is Morpheus Decends? Is it brutal death metal or just plain old school death metal?

good stuff, ty for the intro

We just finished the Traditional Heavy Metal Chart.
Tell me what you guys think.

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Two of those are real

>saw Ghostemane/Ho99o9 last night
>bigger mosh pits than any metal show I've been too lately

Explain yourselves

did u pre-order?

Replace 'Motorhead - Bomber' with 'Motorhead - Rock N Roll'

Seek Christ

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first decent chart you made

Remove the last command and change it with the crimson idol, replace rocknrolla with operation mindcrime or crystal logic

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I think most people filtered me by now lmao.
Anyway, for the next chart, I think we should do a Brutal / Technical Death Metal Chart.
Now this is a bit confusing to me because some bands combine both styles and they are pretty difficult to tell apart.
Should the Technical and Brutal Death metal charts be separate or should they be combined?
I think they should be combined since they both sound similar, anyway.
Let me know what you guys think.

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Combine them, as long as you put suffocation and obscura EVERYONE is happy

Satanic Eternal Doom - Jesus Wishes He Was Hung Like This

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Make a chart for best pepsi flavors

Crystal Logic is already on there friend.

If you're including USPM then it's a damn shame there isn't a Fates Warning album on there.

>7 Maiden albums
>10! Priest albums
>6 Sabbath albums

I get that they're very popular and influential bands but they shouldn't dominate the chart like that. Needs more variety.

very epic

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Fuck variety
We got the BEST traditional albums on that chart.
I don't give a fuck if there are 20 albums from the same band on it.
If it's the best, it's fucking staying.
End of discussion.

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fucking captcha sucking every dick in the known universe
it took me like 10 minutes to post this

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I'll take hidden gems over overrated "classics" any day.

We can make a fucking hidden gems chart for that.
The point of my charts is that they are the BEST.
Get it through your fucking head.

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I don't see any Warlock album on there

Thanks for your suggestions.
We should probably head back to my thread and discuss which albums to replace on the chart.
Here's the link.

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>Rocka Rolla and Firepower
>Heaven & Hell but no post-Ozzy Sabbath albums
>Fly to t he Rainbow instead of Taken By Force
>only one Manilla Road album
>3 fucking Manowar albums but no Mötley Crue
>not a single Warlock album

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>but no Mötley Crue
That would be in a Glam Metal chart

Nigga, shout at the devil is straight up heavy metal and DAMN GOOD

Glam metal doesn't exist, it's just heavy metal & hard rock with a different look. Also I just realized there's no Ozzy either. This guy is just retarded.

*plays the ride cymbal in your path

Listen, you idiot.
Stop flooding the general with chart recs.
I made a fucking thread just for it.
Pay attention.

ITS A GOOD CHART but needs a bit of work

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I don't care, retard. You posted it here.

It's about as informative as going on RYM and looking up the top 100 heavy metal albums. It's genuinely useless.

If you didn't care. You wouldn't have replied to me, retard.

Fuck off, tripfag.

Filter me, you idiot.

i hate you

Aosoth - IV: Arrow In Heart

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This guy gets it.
Now get your asses in the thread and help me.

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Pandaemonium have a couple
stop spamming

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for me its Mein Land and Keine Lust

i want to fuck those fairies

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It's 100% a meme that black metal has no bass, mainly coming from people who don't listen to it. All of the classics have audible bass. It's only some of the later clones that might have the "no bass" sound. Even the notorious "no bass" examples of the classics like Darkthrone and Nattens Madrigal have clear audible bass despite normies claiming otherwise.

>suggests his charts are the best of a genre, when there is evidence he doesn't even listen to the stuff he puts on there
>Floods catalog and the general with his attention whoring posts
>seems to have 5 reaction images he reuses daily over and over
>gets mad and acts like others are the problem when called out
>Started tripfagging

Fuck this faggot

There are like 3 cannibal corpse ones if you're fine with anything past the Bleeding

Attached: a0359726596_10.jpg (1200x1200, 342K)

Just filter me already.
That's what the tripcode is for.

Attached: cannibal-corpse-the-wretched-spawn-del-2004-delantera.jpg (945x945, 216K)

Attached: Cannibal Corpse-Worm Infested.jpg (600x600, 330K)

why not just start saging so you don't feed the bump limit?

Oh fuck,
Why didn't I think of that?
Also you guys should read these posts I made.

fucking based
women have no place in black metal

That album is good shit. Can't beat actual black metal. Atmospheric black metal is cancer. Atleast DSBM fags know they should kill themselves

He knows what he's doing. He acts like a cunt and then replies to everything with "just filter me", to shit up the general even further.
It reminds of when we were invaded by the slipknot spammers. There was one of them who would fuck up the OP and when he got called out, he would act like he didn't know that what he was doing wrong and that he had no ill intentions etc. Honestly, I won't be surprised if he's one of those kids.

please read this

i was gonna argue but damn those digits

Attached: bateman4.jpg (544x499, 39K)

Attached: Front.jpg (500x500, 230K)

Attached: cover.jpg (331x337, 44K)

>quadruple satan
the most based and redpilled opinion turned fact of all time?

Attached: masters of smug.png (204x200, 105K)

Thank you for your wisdom sightly bigger Satan

user you don't even have the best albums on your chart.

I figured,
Me and one other user had a soap opera going on in the chart thread if you guys want to see it lmao.


genuine question, what are you trying to accomplish?
there are already multiple charts on those genres that cover the classics.

I'm done using tripcodes. You guys will recognize me either way.
I plan on doing one more chart than taking a break, maybe, I'm still having a blast making these charts
The next chart will be Technical / Brutal Death Metal
Like I said. I'm having a lot of fun making them.


early fuck off

I've seen this before during the whole sharia lawbouf arc, he thinks by making these charts he's gonna contribute to a community, and gain recognition and thanks for doing so. There would always be one or two kids in every hwndu thread that would try to become red commander by forcing his own shit down everyone else's throat, failing to realize that no one likes someone that tries to stand out on an anonymous image board. We're all faggots, but we're all faggots equally. nobody gets to be God-Emperor faggot

Bruh moment

This makes sense. Sorry if I forced my charts down your throat. I'll keep the chart posting to a minimum for now on.

You think you aren't being transparent, you stupid motherfucker? Every single fucking time someone calls you out on being a pathetic fucking attention whore you try to act as if they were right and you were going to stop instead of being confrontational so as to gain the sympathies of retards just to keep being fucking unbearably obnoxious the next fucking thread
You aren't fooling anyone but yourself, you stupid motherfucker
Stop spamming, stop being self-important, stop being a fucking retard (oh wait, you are actually fucking physically incapable of doing that)
Even now that you mentioned (again, just to feel like you have any sort of relevancy because no fucking body gives an ounce of a motherfuck about you in real life) that "ohhhh everyone has filtered me" you suddenly "drop your trip" for no fucking reason, just so people can still see your irrelevant fucking nonsensical blabber
Get banned from this website, sucker, and then kill yourself so that you get banned in real life too
Fuck off and fucking DIE


And yet they still sound plastic and shit, just another Darkthrone cockblow "band"

>Album notes read "No orders from Norway accepted" and "Kuolema Norjan kusipäille!" (="Death to the assholes of Norway!").

Attached: impaled_lp_tol_blue1_b87c8055.jpg (599x605, 152K)

>The band was infamous for their apparent hatred of the Norwegian black metal scene back the early 1990s; however, the band now seems to have disassociated itself from that dislike. Luttinen later affirmed that "We have absolutely nothing against Norwegians. I even made up with Euronymous before he was killed so just forget this thing, it is ancient history"

I hope this is a pasta.