What pill are Napalm Death, Eyehategod, and Behemoth?

Attached: redorblue.png (656x654, 718K)

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le epic redpill xD

don't sage me :(

all 3 are red pill

old gorgoroth and deicide

dimmu borgir is untrve

Iowa by Slipknot is redpilled

Swap Whitechapel and Dimmu Borgir.

Whitechapel is a good band from an awful scene, Dimmu Borgir is a bad band from a great scene. Whitechapel should be bad because they do have that standard deathcore sound and their contemporaries are terrible, but they just aren't. Their music is actually pretty strong. On the other hand, Dimmu Borgir basically took all of the power out of black metal and tried to turn it into showy pop music.

random q in my head. would you rather swap out dimmu and replace them with cradle of filth? I always wondered what people thought who were shittier between them. can't believe I liked them both when I was growing up

That's a really tough question for me. To me, Dimmu Borgir's just flavorless, watered down black metal, while Cradle of Filth is much more cringey, but they do have some flavor because they're basically blackened goth metal. So it's like, do I go for the flavorless, uninteresting thing, or the flavored, awful thing. Idk.

that's fair. I would go with cradle because they at least (to me) tried to be unique albeit very cringe a you stated, and I loved the lyricism from danny filth that I can still quote things from him today and I haven't been into any metal except for a few bands in many years. oh well, have a good one

thanks, your opinion makes sense and I would honestly defer to you, since you're a former fan. I was never into them, so my understanding of both bands is a lot shallower


I've never heard of 90% of the bands on the right, but I guarantee you none of them are better than disturbed or ax7

>none of them are better than ax7

I mean c'mon, cannibal corpse was okay, and so was rust in peace and reign in blood, but that's literally it for that side. If you don't mind onions metal then blue pill is 100% the correct answer.

Psychosocial's intro is better than the entire discography of the right side combined


Really what is wrong with that statement? Don't be a drone and just wolf down the red pill because you heard linkin park is for basedboys, nu-metal was based.


>numetal is based


>Napalm Death
blue (maybe red for certain older albums, but who knows)

every thing you say is intensifying the cringe, I feel like a roly poly


korn should be in redpill imho

korn is based and redpilled actually

Tool's aight
But 90% of Avenged Sevenfold's music is extremely tepid, middle-of-the-road radio-oriented, processed rock verging on post-grunge. You just said you prefer them to Motörhead, Corrosion of Conformity, Type O Negative, Amon Amarth, Cannibal Corpse, Hypocrisy, and SLAYER. I mean Jesus fucking Christ, come on now kid

This is actually a really good point. They can be easy to unfairly overlook because of all the bad stuff associated with the nu metal tag that they pretty much defined, but they actually had some really strong material, and they were certainly innovative.

>But 90% of Avenged Sevenfold's music is extremely tepid, middle-of-the-road radio-oriented, processed rock

You're right it's incredibly watered down, but still good nonetheless


it is the current year

Bands on the left are *core, metal is on the right in the OP image. Why the hell are hardcore bands marketed as metal?


eyehategod is based as fuck

saged, reported, and blocked

from Louisiana like all good bands




good lads all

>Purple Pilled


Nah, Slipknot sucks.

>nu metal bad
>Avenged Sevenfold bad

Attached: NPC.jpg (636x773, 32K)

Fuck you, I'll make my own pill.
>Negură Bunget
>Celtic Frost
>Mercyful Fate
>Impaled Nazarene
All of you are a bunch of tasteless morons.


look at all that googlecore



Attached: 1561407696432-1297564839.jpg (2560x1440, 1.19M)

Blue, Blue, Red
Avenged Sevenfold is redpilled

Correct in that it's your average npc metalhead's opinion.

Stopped reading there.

That shit is bad.
Literally can't listen to it. Grow some taste, for fuck's sake.

Nile and Burzum are redpilled you can't take them sorry.

no, you're a posuer and a newfag to metal if you honestly think nu-metal and Avenged Sevenfold are good


red any day, blue doesn't even deftones or soad

What's bad about Varg?
He made some great music.
Why do you mean by can't take them?

>you don't conform to our opinion? You're not a real metalhead! No real metalhead would disagree!
I hate metalheads so fucking much. Call me poseur all you want, I couldn't care less about being part of your lot.

Feels good having shit taste?

Attached: UwqkCgU.jpg (533x294, 53K)

Yeah, it feels good to be able to hold my own opinions.

which are objectively shit

Enjoy getting ears fucked by faggots.

So, what you're saying is that you like really, really entry-level extreme metal. That's nice.

Celtic Frost, Kreator, Sodom, Ulver, Bathory, and Nile are all great. I'm loling at you being so edgy about fucking Opeth and Burzum, though

Avenged Sevenfold is really fucking bad

What's wrong with Opeth?

Burzum and Opeth are the best bands there

oh my


the opposite of that


double cringe

>Amon Amarth
>Dimmu Borgir

I agree on Dimmu Borgir. However, Amon Amarth are a fun, dumb band. They're Swedish melodeath, but I always felt like at heart they were a power metal band.


For red pilled metal, try pic related

Attached: 51l6UCIQhwL._SY400_.jpg (400x400, 46K)


blue pilled
kys melo-shitter

Is there a blank template for this? I want to place different bands.

They have like one good album and that's Hail to the King.

Opeth is my fav band and you can't do anything against it.

Corrosion of Conformity is boring as fuck, I still don't know how they exist other than being your favorite dadmetal band's favorite band

>Hail to the King
Fucking kill yourself. City of Evil is at least an enjoyable buttrock/metalcore hybrid, and s/t has objectively their best song. The band is easily ignorable without those.

Where's Venom?

Attached: Venom, Welcome to Hell.jpg (590x590, 52K)

Just put black boxes over the bands in google drawings you lazy fuck

EHG isn't melodic you retard