What is #666 in your playlist?

Attached: 666 playlist.png (1681x39, 9K)



>yung lean








I know this thread is just making fun of OP, but really what is the point of playlists? I mean I guess you could make them like mixtapes, but why have a playlist with 600+ songs at all, what do you get out of that?

all of my music is in a single playlist because I use foobar, maybe OP's too

Attached: file.png (1100x19, 1K)

Only thing I can think of is workout music. If you are too scared to shuffle your library in front of others you gotta work on your confidence or your music library or both.

you can customise foobar to not be like that m8

yeah but I like it like that

more like gaylist

Newfag here what's wrong with a playlist

My girlfriend listens to playlists. I listen to albums.

Nothing per se, it's just that people with bad taste usually use playlists. Then again, you can use playlists and still have better taste than Yea Forumsdrones, so it's okay. I mean, like this guy , who says he listens to albums, probably because he thinks they are a big artistic achievement, when 99% of albums aren't, and instead they are just a format to sell as much as possible, especially when it comes to rockists.

it shows you're too much of a pleb to sit through an album

Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr they're a collection of similarly constructed songs that often transition into eachother making for a cohesive and progressive listening experience that can fit a particular mood. The fact that something is an artistic achievement doesn't really change that all.

there's nothing wrong with playlists but the whole wave of cucked spotify listeners made everyone sour on them

honestly i love playlists, especially at night when you're just chillin it's nice to have a variety

99% of the time they aren't. 50% of the time they are that doesn't add value to the album.

Depends, if all you listen to is Lil Nas X then yeah his EP isn't much more than all songs separately

I mean your average rock album.

Wait what? Plenty of albums have similar sounding tracks. They're made by the same person and usually with the same production style and within relatively close time between eachother. Sure, some albums don't use track transitions and some albums have very different songs, but %99? That's just absurd

its about context niggers. i use a huge playlist at work and listen to albums at home.


>Plenty of albums have similar sounding tracks.
So does rap shit.