Itt we are reddit

Welcome to reddit r/music. Discuss music

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i like ariel pink :-)

poopy poopy pants

Omg, so this

This is honestly the best mainstream rock album of the 90s. Better than anything Nirvana ever did, better than OK Computer, better than any Smashing Pumpkins or RHCP or AIC or whatever else.

Attached: The-Blue-Album.jpg (249x250, 6K)

oh yeah uhhh i sure like Rick And Morty and The Office. i like these things. hey guys, uhhh this whole thread is on a cob! lol. so uhh i have a youtube channel where i play games sometimes i just upload for fun y'know it's not for views or anything, but comments are always appreciated. been playing a lot of overwatch lately ya know. really getting into mcree. i think he might be my main. really digging the new album by that band that regular people listen to. can't wait for the next thing i like. gonna stream some monster hunter later, if you wanna watch. uhhhhhhhhhh

What!!??!! >:( curt kobaine is so r/oldschoolcool!!!

Edit: spelling changed scool to school

this but only ironically

i love the beatles so much. literally the greatest band to ever exist.

Yea Forums = r*ddit
literally the same garbage

reminder to not post any problematic black metal

Is this another forced fucking meme, then? Saw this post word for word earlier so I guess so.

Um sweetie didn’t you hear the Beatles are canceled. Besides the sin of being bland straight white men they are incredibly racist homophobic gramophonbix spouse abusing pices of shit. Fuck anyone who listens to their music.


Dude I LOOOOOOOVE KENDRICK LAMAR. And it's not just cause he's black or anything.

edit: thanks for the gold kind strangers

God I love Skrewdriver.

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

Attached: marvel.jpg (750x1000, 84K)

Give me upvotes. Give me gold. I will censor and modify my true views in pursuance of these higher goals.

This pasta is getting stale. Also, r/music.


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yeah i remember watching them once

shadow edit: a word
edit: it was on youtube
edit 2: what's with the downvotes?
edit 3: always knew this sub was a hivemind, keep the downvotes coming!

just bought "currents" by tame impala on vinyl. i like to play my nintendo switch while it plays and it sounds amazing

Yea Forums? What the fuck is that?

Downvoted and reported.

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this but unironically

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At least they're enthusiastic. I mean, I'm definitely drawn to more pessimistic and misanthropic impulses and like-minds, but I'm not happier for it.

wow you are beautiful... want to see my zelda tattoo? its a tri force.

OMG my girlfriend loves this. My girlfriend. She loves this. My partner, she is a fan of this.

sorry user, this is a feeling only real sex havers can understand

I have a girlfriend too. And she doesn't like this :(

You have a girlfriend too? Hey, we both have girlfriends. Awesome.

Have you heard aphex twins latest set? Like DUDE, no I mean DUUUUUUUDE that shits RAD!! aphex is a living prodigy!!!

trying too hard, beatlesfag

Ummm, we don't ask for upvotes here dude. Not cool

Edit: wow this blew up. Thanks for the gold kind stranger, just doin my duty as a good r*dditor xD

My mom likes this. Isn't that crazy? A mom. Liking this. Hahaha. Anyway, feel free to upvote as much as you want.

Reminder that r/music never pretends to be Yea Forums

Like you would know that.

Not them, but I browse Reddit and they really don't. You guys are obsessed.

I've never been to r/music, but I used to visit the RuPaul's Drag Race subreddit for a spell.

I'm homophobic now.


I like music!

edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

do your part and start browsing only reddit from now on please




Flower boy is like tylers worst album and so rym-core

[user was whipped with the ninetails for this bigoted post]

>but I browse Reddit
Cool. Now stay there.

We should really try and get that done here.

playboi carti sucks you can’t hear anything he’s saying
Edit: wow! thank you for the gold kind stranger!

I agree.

Attached: ahegao6.jpg (640x640, 97K)

tight production

tight cunny.

(band that OP likes) is really good, I hecking love them!!!!
(band that OP hates)? They suck, I can't stand them!

im not even sure if OP is aware of how ridiculous this is. im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt.

>oh, i just got shadow banned

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