ITT: post albums you are eager to listen to for the first time and others tell you what the ideal situation for it would be.
ITT: post albums you are eager to listen to for the first time and others tell you what the ideal situation for it...
Post-gay sex
Try to listen to it during a long train or card ride.
for me it's pic related
Ideally when feeling isolated in a new city or going off to college. However a friendless Saturday night would suffice.
The album does a good job of capturing contemporary existential dread and the weird lonely technological coldness of it.
pic related for me
it was made for commuting so try it during then
this user is 100% right
when you've lost someone close to you
On a long drive around 6 or 7 PM
When you’re 13 years old after getting bullied during lunch.
Where’d you get this epic bait image, ifunny?
>The album does a good job of capturing contemporary existential dread and the weird lonely technological coldness of it.
That explains why I don't like it, because I don't feel contemporary existential dread and the weird lonely technological coldness of it.
after smoking shitty brick weed on a very cold lonely night
bus ride to highschool
dont listen to it at all
What album is this
definitely a train ride
any form of death has happened recently
reverse image search you retard
anyways it's Dismemberment Plan's Emergency and I
In my experience, while playing Pokémon
What said
Helicoptering into ‘Nam
Long transit, my first ever listen to OKC was during a long bus ride and it was a pleasent expierience
During nights when you feel extra lonely or sad
what album is this?
And I guess LCD Soundsystem in general
Emergency and I
Anywhere, anytime.
I'll echo what everyone else has said- listen to it mid commute. Plane, train, automobile, doesn't really matter. Bonus points if stuck in traffic.
Listen to it after a big change in your life, especially if you're moving somewhere new. Breakups are good too.
Slow drive in the rain.
Good for a long night drive through the city, and works even better if you've suffered recent loss or you're in a bout of loneliness.
I love OK Computer. It's the best art rock album ever recorded. I read about it on RYM and saw it was the number one album on there so I bought it and that's why I like it so much.
nice man.
While running or during a car ride, especially with a nice view (a road on a cliff would be ideal)
Driving at night in a shady neighbor