ITT Album covers you want to FUCK

ITT Album covers you want to FUCK

Attached: me in the back.jpg (700x700, 165K)

I'm more of a latex man myself, also Death Grips

Attached: unknown.png (450x449, 185K)

Attached: B8C555EF-8137-4589-AB42-80EACE72064A.png (208x250, 112K)

Based LDA


Attached: 1540266399277.png (750x1334, 1.45M)

Attached: chocolate and cheese.jpg (1024x1023, 285K)

Attached: Deathisjustadoor.jpg (700x700, 68K)

Attached: C3A5D20C-E646-4DAB-8507-B8C12683E41E.jpg (1410x1418, 218K)

so does bono

Attached: 816LHcgjwZL._SX355_.jpg (355x353, 33K)


Attached: Björk-Debut-1993.png (316x316, 203K)

Attached: midori.jpg (500x500, 23K)


Attached: Hounds-Of-Love.jpg (600x600, 49K)

Attached: 4E0D7B00-443A-4243-B383-FD1DF9AA42DE.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Attached: awakengentlemasstouch.jpg (220x220, 20K)

Attached: 1560443395420.jpg (1080x1080, 119K)

Attached: file.png (960x960, 2.01M)

Attached: Sky_Ferreira_-_Night_Time,_My_Time.png (300x300, 148K)

why do you wanna fuck buff dudes user? you gay?

good album

I was waiting for this

Attached: Pros.jpg (1600x1580, 811K)

Attached: azealiabanks-slayz.jpg (745x745, 46K)

Attached: Blank Banshee 0 Album Full Album cover.jpg (600x589, 430K)

Attached: 6b3e844f9520bca56678bf24c236f586.1000x1000x1.jpg (1000x1000, 167K)

fucking degenerate euros

The final redpill

dose pencil erasers...


the only right answer

Attached: Fortress Miniature Tigers.jpg (452x449, 79K)

Attached: piper.jpg (488x488, 97K)

Attached: Nicki-Minaj-topless-Queen-cover.jpg (1080x1080, 124K)

whatever do you mean user?

Attached: U2_Boy[1].png (300x300, 19K)

Attached: 2b430ef36d7af9619648e96608d538ac.jpg (500x494, 49K)

Attached: 5AF1768A-8877-4548-A4AE-32E27511AAA3.jpg (600x600, 215K)

Attached: 97CDF88F-C410-4DA0-ADCD-7B4AD457CF2D.jpg (1448x1448, 175K)


Attached: 5191NSoNhNL.jpg (494x500, 36K)

Attached: cover.jpg (1400x1400, 277K)



im jerkin off