Has a girl ever been impressed by YOUR music?
Has a girl ever been impressed by YOUR music?
most of them are normies who dont know what to make of eclectic music, but the few who have good taste are impressed and commend it.
yes unironically
my sister
unironically yes
yeah, once. I blew it though
what kind of music do you make
shitty jangle pop instrumentals
some girl also told me i sounded good while practicing guitar in the dorm lobby
>practicing guitar in the dorm lobby
AFAIK no one I know period has even listened to my music, even after offering to show them.
yes, multiple times
I put my music on at a friends party and some people actually enjoyed it. One girl even came up to me and said she liked it
literally this.
It's depressing how little the people you know care.
>dorm lobby
I hate you. You people are the fucking worst. I hope someone breaks your fingers.
no one gave a fuck about my solo black metal project even when I started to gain some attention and a following, but when some mongoloid in one of my lectures released his debut rap SONG everyone is congratulating him and showing their support.
fucking CHAD
Killing blow is I don't even make shit that's inaccessible to normalfags, it's poppy music.
they don't respect the artistry
The soundcloud rapper I went to school with has five times as many followers as me
Imagine thinking this high of yourself. Have sex.
rap/trap is the best way to go right now. It's the safe choice since it's what's most popular. There's a lot of demand for indie shit still but I find most people that are into that genre tend to have the artists they like, and they wont be willing to take a flyer on you, even if that's just for 3 minutes.
Mostly elderly ladies. Although some girls my age also seem to like my playing, but that's more out of humour than enjoyment of the music itself.
t. Larping accordion busker
>practicing in the dorm lobby
I hope you get cancer