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>artificial intelligence generated mashups >mainly rock and breakbeat >electronic and unpredictable >mainly instrumental >patrician music selection Thanks for listening! Based. Bass and drums are pretty funky. I like the tone of the vocals too. The instrumental part starting at like 2:39 is slick as shit
>groovy bassline >comfy guitar strumming >instrumental I love how noisy it gets, but it still keeps being catchy. I would have preferred a little more rawness in the vocals maybe, but good job anyway. How it switches between verses, choruses, and the bridge sounds really nice.
Anyone know of any good websites to keep track of music you like? I used to use LastFM but they removed the option to add an artist without scrobbling - something that I can't do as I mostly listen to music at work etc.
Third single for my upcoming album "Spiderman: Redux" . The album is a concept based album around the original Spiderman video-game for PS1. Any feedback is appreciated, ty.
i fuck with the percussion, however I find the track to be a bit too unmelodic for my liking.
that little synth you add at 0:17 is sooooo nice. that little 3 second section is probably my fav part of the track, along with that fucking bass outro... god damn. very detailed track overall. I fuck with this one heavy.
I don't remember seeing you here before, maybe it you just passed under my radar, but this is pretty great, that saw bass is gritty and adds a lot of texture and the beats are very well executed, and even tho it's glitchy it still has a lot of melodic elements in it. great work user
This is a piece I made about two nations going to war, the first third is about the first nation preparing their defenses, the second is the enemy arriving at the gate, the last is the enemy general (the dark piano part) giving orders to his army
Here's some of my unreleased boom bap stuff on
Here's some of my recent work with twig, be sure to check him out on soundcloud as well, if you want drums for anything just let me know and I'll do something for you.
You might enjoy this recent live set I did in Naples, south Italy. There's a concrete possibility I was the first to bring this kind of electronic music there :)