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is there a scientific reason that all cubposters are absolute fucking morons?
sehun looks like my dad
you'd have to be mentally deficient to like that ugly talentless piece of garbage
not sure if that’s a good thing
sounds right
>3 goddesses
>3 talentless bitches
mark them
My dad looks like that Soob lookalike
Actually yes, it's called comfirmation bias
i see 6 sluts!
omg! i can see bambam's baby.
is he single? asking for my brother
6 goddesses
post BRUTAL moggings
Who is this cutie?
no my dad isn’t divorced
imagine how much worse it would be if sohee was actually in front with them
All twice songs without the filler
Kim Namjoon
blackpink has the best thigh gaps
it’s our girl wonnie
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
qt girl
5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 2
Listening Breakthrough
Twice's true rapper
sluggo is so hideous
I’m dating the girl on the left
cutie mentioned
post some breakthrough chewy
word but all of them
wow shes beautiful
Who's your favourite member of BTS?
trust momo
>krillen where are you pick up
I love mommy wendy's zimzalabim look!
when will the kpg detectives give me a nickname
taejin + jim are our bangtans
i don’t really have one, none of them are the clear best
Kim Namjoon
Waiting for Jin to finally rid the world of V. V must be stopped
i am still waiting for mine
she’s the ugliest shit but nice try
Looks based
what is this meme?
>tfw absolutely LOCKED IN on those eunbis
i don't care about you
Wow, she’s my girlfriend
Zimzalabim in your area
imagine licking gowon s neck
the ugliest shit (sluggo)
we all hate V here.
we all love Jin here.
simple as
Jin is hard working
V is a shallow pseudo art fag
Rape Master
crazy how Ahin is the most talented in that pic
Kim Yoohyeon
wording this but unironically
rv kinda got owned here. jennie not scared to pose next to irene either
post her butt
Jong un
but I made all the anti bp streamables and webms
bp getting mogged hard
none we prefer exo desu
horse looks hideous as usual
keep up the good work
i really shouldnt
that doesn't mean you can't have a favorite though
the ugliest shit (sluggo)
i've never seen so many ugly shits in one pic
>horsé's chin
gonna be a based from me
It's not even fair MOMMY can mog the entire universe
forgot your exo avatar
god DAMN
you deserve an award for your service
Agreed though I'm still wondering why SM wanted to debut Chanhun and Bacon's solo at the same time.
Reminder that the Slug anti is a literal gaypoop faggot. Check out the deleted posts in this thread they are all him
ugliest shit
Rosé looking beautiful like usual
he never responds to these either
he won't even deny it
i want to live and die in her butt crack
It's always Jimbo
That's because everyone hates Sluguggo
You don't have any family photos?
live and die by the slug
thinking about SinB...
gaypoppers are the worst
slugroastie in tears
based and daddypilled
its horseshit
live and die by the rin
For me it's Ashley from old ladies code
sluggo was a nice time with you too baby literally the ugliest devices
it’s funny because both baekhyun and sluggo are ugly and plastic
Begone gross sod*mite
i'm not prepared to die for arin before we even meet each other
Is she still alive?
that's actually pretty well done but i need photoshop
actually this but swap 5 and 8
>i'm not prepared to die for arin
>who is your favorite worm?
literally no one
>wanna know how i got these scars
>she has monolids so she must be natty!
not surprised it's gayshitters trying to stir shit up and badmouth cute girls
someone tells you it's either your life or arin's monos, do you let him shoot you?
They just had a comeback last month
It's Seulgi which is okay since she's busted
they were already the worst posters before that revelation but this just secures it without a shadow of a doubt
>alex the brown girl from rania claimed she got hit on by at least 5 gaypops at music shows backstage she hardly promoted
imagine how many gaypops had their way with your waifu
we like seulgi here
I’ll take the whole clip
something wrong with her neck?
maybe they were just into niggers
i don't like uggos
i can't believe the whole time it was an exoroastie hamplanet lmao
>cute girl
EunB and Rise are the ones who are sadly no longer with us
Cute and innocent
Oh rip...cute Ashley mommy
Do mentally ill gaypoop f*ggots and trannies really think they can mess with the Slug gang?
write "arin i would die for you" on a notepad and then post it here
>fags hating cute girls
imagine my shock
maybe she was jelly about bacon flirting with her while he played starcraft
Is there Boy group anyone can recommend if I only listen girl groups? Only gg I honestly hate is blackpink. Not that I like all of em but they’re the only ones I actively hate.
>Slug sends her regards
is that the slugposter?
big bang is the only boy group for a girlpopper
we’re probably getting chanhun teasers this month, there’s not much time left
Is this the most beautiful woman in kpop? The answer is yes as voted by reddit.
B1A4 has girly music
gentlemen, what based country is this? turkey? romania?
this but block b
this and also nct if you don't mind weird experiential songs
this is what happens to slug antis when i see them irl
exo’s discography is top tier, i also like vixx and shinee
that’s it desu
the ugliest tranny (sluggo)
Good thing you clarified you hate BP twice in your post or I'd have to revoke your kpg posting privileges
>good music
Based SlugChad
this looks 3d for some reason
ohnononono a whole year of falseflagging with 20 different idols down the drain
>as voted by reddit
>jimin avatar
pipe down seatrash
What about Stray Kids?
the ugliest tranny (sluggo)
you motherfucker
me as the security guard pretending to call it in but letting slugchad take out the anti
Why is Jennie kpg's #1 most favorite girl?
NCT are flops and have terrible music, just pick one
monsta x
i'm amazed at how sluganti can handle so many devices with his limp wrists
jimbo’s screeching doesn’t count as music
she gets mogged by everyone
she isn't
don't be mean to your waifu
unbased kid
based raging faggot
can some one post *that* jin pic
jin is beautiful..
it's just noise
pinhead larry?
reminder that the gaypopper is ban evading
based chewychad
>zero twice members
>2 blackpink members
did twice like red hair?
and gay
Dear god, the ass was fat
parents raising him right
SEETHING gaypoopers
momo is kpgs girl
BASED drake
get his ass
wow that thing on the right is hideous
but I'm an Asian girl
id like a dubu gf please
best legs in business
Post the Sana version
Congrats to Drake on his NBA championship win
Everyone and their momma is a Kim in Korea
i only remember dubu (sorta) and mina having red hair at debut
hyunjin is the best, you’re right
Flim flam the zim zam finally grew on me. I still think it was specifically made to be incorporated into their live shows rather than a stand alone single, though. Just like RBB.
post laeetherin2 and 1 and all u have please
remember when faggots told us they were comfy and just discussed music?
shoe on head
out of stock
someone post that thing summing up bts lyrics
it's literally all fake deep shit
You used to larp as a Sanaroastie like 3 days ago. Get your personas straight gaypooper
how did this perfect body go to waste in some uberflop group
Lmao you just don’t want to admit the gayfag is a Twiceshitter too
yeah but there was a copypasta or something making fun of it some time ago
Who will take care of Bacon's solo while Xiumin is serving?
sluggoposter is having a mentalbreakdown
based homoposter
shell be fine thanks to chinese sponsors
any sharkman in
your immune system is having a breakdown from the aids
implying bacon needs any guidance now
wow this girl is so pretty
SlugChad stomping the gaypooper exo tranny
just leave it to exodad
the most pure angel
yeah but I'm already in the next thread
I'll be the first to post a cute girl this thread
BIGBGANG is basically extra 2NE1 for a girlpopper
BTS is AOA for girls, go into it like that and you'll be able to enjoy it
how are things looking over there?
gotta get up oh500 hours sharpish to toil for another 9 hours
bless u
so hot
cheek heart gang
I’ll post it next thread
Alright, kpg, which group do I fag about for clear skin?