Is he right? Keep in mind that he's classically trained and studied Music in uni

Is he right? Keep in mind that he's classically trained and studied Music in uni.

In all seriousness, does studying music theory really reveal the mediocrity behind all anti-melodic, experimental music? Are we being gypped by unironically listening to noise?

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Atonal music can be emotional (which is the purpose of music)

Experimental music doesn't necessarily have to be anti-melodic. Experimentation, deconstruction has its place in music, but these things alone don't automatically create interesting music. You don't have to study theory to think that noise rock and no-wave is largely pretentious trash that is only remembered by nerds trying to be cool.

It's all based on opinions and personal preferences. We've been jewed into enjoying western tones and harmony, but there's more to music than just that. Just because some Jews came up with a system to remove dissonances a long time ago doesn't mean that music that contains no dissonance is the only good music. Watch Evangelion episode 25 and 26, bro. It's all just perspective, bro.

pretentious would be the last thing that I'd call a good deal of noise rock.
no wave, yeah.

time to take the apocalypsepill

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He got fed eurocentric libtard propaganda in the university.

It's been 100 years.

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I'm not an unimpressive, jealous white person, so I don't get angry at Jewish people and try to discredit things based on their Jewishness.

>Keep in mind that he's classically trained and studied Music in uni.
So? People are plebs and retarded no matter their degree.
>In all seriousness, does studying music theory really reveal the mediocrity behind all anti-melodic, experimental music?
Depends, but no, usually the opposite.
Fucking BASED. Theosophical modernist atonality is divine tier.

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If he did study music at uni, he must have dozed off in theory class and never bothered taking in any seminars past classical era because what he complains about in modernist music had been the natural trajectory of harmonic theory since the establishment of functional harmony since Baroque. Innovators in music have been essentially figuring how to get away with writing music that was less overtly diatonic and more chromatic so that common plebs could stomach it. Schoenberg and the Second Viennese School were the ones who reached the general limits of chromatism and figured how to make music that did not require to even hint at a tonal center in order to make effective and purposeful music. Schoenberg's biggest influences were Bach and Brahms among others because he greatly valued contrapuntal harmony and utilized it to an advanced degree in order for his music to have cohesion. If this dude wasn't so far up his own ass he could have sat down to listen to one of Schoenberg's pieces and maybe have picked up on that.

He's absolutely right. Jews can't into art.

Mendelssohn, Mahler, the list goes on. You're full of shit.

Lou Reed

>he's classically trained and studied Music in uni.
>does studying music theory really reveal the mediocrity behind all anti-melodic, experimental music?
Stupid points: the people he hates literally mastered music theory & were classically trained, etc. By this logic, all this knowledge LEADS to write anti-melodic experimental music

(which makes sense since we are in the 21th c., THE most apocalyptical/technoglobalist/anthropocenist era: art mirrors the world).

this type of thread should be banned

He's right to hate atonal classical music as it's fucking terrible and it's an absurd joke how much of it has been produced and that it dominated the tradition for so long (gee wiz wonder why no one listens to classical music now). He's wrong to associate other non-melodic music with atonal classical music. Noise is unironically much better music than tone row snore fest garbage.

This random idiot you posted means nothing in the scheme of the world.

This. Fuck these bait threads and the assholes who post them. Such a waste of time to have to look at this garbage.

People did atonality before Schoenberg you know. Serialism was just the first style of classical music to formalize and revolve around it.

>Taking a Yea Forums poster seriously
Arnold Schoenberg had to master classical theory before inventing the twelve-tone technique. Modern composers who just ape the classics are actually amateurs.

>Modern composers who just ape the classics
It's obvious you have no ideas of the state of classical music, why composers have moved back to tonalism, and what ideas are being explored by current tonal composers.
>le invented le 12 tone technique
There were tone rows before Schoenberg. And he could have invented the specifics of the 12 tone technique without first "mastering classical theory" the two things are totally unrelated. Good post user.

>And he could have invented the specifics of the 12 tone technique without first "mastering classical theory" the two things are totally unrelated.
No he couldn't, you have to master the technique before creating anything new. And this is what conservatives don't understand about modern art.

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