Sup fags, it's been a while that I'm thinking about buying a portable music player and stop using my phone. Problem is, I don't know which models are popular for a good cost x benefit.
I use players like DFX or Poweramp to enhance the sound quality and I just can't live without it, you can screech "muhhh original mastering" all you want but for me it just sound lifeless and muffled.
Please recommend me good portable music players in general, bonus if they run on android so I can use audio enhancing apps, no DAC or any of this expensive faggotry.
You posted a very good one, just don't get anything made after the Zip. The previous versions are compatible with rockbox, which has its own eq settings that can be customised.
Elijah Walker
Holy shit that has to be some of the dumbest arguments I've seen in a while.
I just want something really lightweight that will not make me angry or nervous if I ever get robbed or break it.
Jack Ward
So you carry your phone, wallet, keys every day. And you want to add something to it so in the very rare occurrence that you get mugged the guy gets another thing to take from you?
For style points, it's usually not an MP3 player anymore, it's a DAP (Digital Audio Player). That will help you narrow it down. If you're new to DAPs and you don't know what to look for, shop by features you want/quality of the DAC (Digital Audio Converter) which will decide the maximum audio quality it will output. Some DACs add a certain flavour to the audio like heavier bass or clearer mids and it's much like shopping for a DAC for your computer. If you're looking for a great all around DAP for a good price that plays all the major formats like FLAC, you can't go wrong with a FiiO because it supports everything, it runs on android, it has Wifi and bluetooth and it has a pretty good 12ish hour battery life. The M11 is popular. If you're looking for something that is no thrills, just audio-to-headphones with clear audio quality and a ton of battery life, get a Plenue D. I have one, it lasts 30 hours of continuous playback, and takes a cellphone microsd for increased storage. I charge the thing once a month and never even fully turn it off. Astell&Kern make the super high quality big-boy DAPs and they'll cost you hundreds of dollars but they sound amazing and are worth the price if you have the money to throw around. Don't buy anything with a fruit for a logo.
Samuel Richardson
Not OP, but I carry one because it lets me carry 300 gigabytes of FLAC with better audio quality than my 800$ cellphone for only 120$, because it's only made for a singular purpose instead of a scattershot swiss-army knife design like a phone. I can throw it in my bag, have it on me whenever I want it, charge it every month or two at most and not ruin my phones battery life (or data if yours is limited) and use the phone for what it's actually for, which is google and emergencies. I get why people use their phones since they're always on them but lets not pretend having a cellphone means anything else with a battery is obsolete now.
Luis Sullivan
I bet you listen to your autistic FLAC files with $15 earbuds
Samuel Torres
No I don't, but I'm not saying you need to walk around with autistic FLAC files, I'm saying it supports them if you're into it.
Noah Cooper
literally does not make a difference compared to 320 kbps
Julian Edwards
>300 gigabytes Buy a good phone with an sd card >Better audio quality You have literally no proof of that >ruin my phones battery life By using it like you normally would? >limited data >He doesn't download his music.
I actually don't care that much about this issue. I don't know why I'm even arguing. Am I bored? Do I have issues? Am I autismal? I may never know, but I just want you all to know that I don't mean the angry things I may say.
I don't carry my phone everyday, I rarely make or receive calls because I talk with people through the internet. Having a small devide to play music is much better thant running around with a giant phone hanging on your pockets or straped in your arm like a retard, and even so, I can just clip the player on my clothes and not bother with my phone at all in my pocket. A portatile player is easily replaceable, a phone and all your information is not.
Also, bringing phones in the gym is a fucking nightmare when all you want to do is just listen to music.
Adrian Wood
>I'm saying it supports them if you're into it. So does any smart phone.
Jacob Scott
>I don't carry my phone everyday >bringing phones in the gym is a fucking nightmare Okay. Those are valid reasons.
That's totally true, I agree. I'm not telling everyone to buy a DAP if they don't want one, I'm only helping OP with what he asked. There is nothing wrong with carrying a phone and using it for music, I often use mine for Spotify anyway. But I enjoy using a DAP because it helps me avoid falling back on listening to the same 10 albums on spotify whenever I'm bored, and has noticeably higher audio quality than my smartphone, because the smartphone isn't explicitly designed for audio playback, it just includes it. Everyone is different and I don't like always carrying an 800$ glass brick in their back pocket everywhere I go.
Yes I do have proof it is higher quality. The DAC inside of a device has statistics like anything else in a computer/machine and there are measurable, recognizable differences in output quality between different devices. Also I have ears and I like the way the DAP I own sounds.
David Fisher
>I don't like always carrying Valid reason. You have my approval. >Also I have ears and I like the way the DAP I own sounds. cognitive dissonance. Bring me a double blind study with at least 2k people involved.
The used market for old Rockbox-able ipods is huge and cheap, and you can modify them to use large capacity flash storage and batteries. You can even use the charging port as a lineout and take advantage of the Wolfson chip on earlier models.
Caleb Walker
>ITT a retard with an anime picture voices their retard opinions
I suppose that's true, and is probably the best option if you're looking to be cost effective. I remember I was going to Rockbox my old iPod ages ago but I think what stopped me was instability on the specific model I owned. Doesn't it still have a pretty limited list of file formats though?
Jayden Morgan
>I can't come up with an argument other than "I can totally tell the difference" and "I don't know how batteries work" let me insult him.
Also yes, you are correct. And I like that .webm, I'm stealing it.
That looks pretty cool but all these DAPs look way bigger defeating some of the intent purpose for me. I don't need a big cool touch screen, I just need something compact with good sound quality, the more barebones the better. But thanks for the recomendation, user, I'll keep them in mind in for the future.
Blake Wright
I've only ever tried mp3 and 16/44.1 flac with rockbox on my 5th gen ipod video, anything more and it gets automatically downsampled and just wastes battery. 24/48 ALAC is supported with the stock firmware though. The list of supported codecs has grown over the years though in the stable branch.
Sebastian Ortiz
Shit, forgot I was mentioning
Isaac Sanders
In that case the sansa clip sport is actually a fantastic player. It's water resistant and pretty rugged so I'm not afraid of it breaking when running/at the gym. Make sure to get the one with the SD card slot though.
The FiiO's are all android and feature robust, and different models come in very different sizes, like the m6. The Plenue D is very small. Pic related.