riri do u luv me?
Riri do u luv me?
they wanna fuck trump?
I guess they do
Lmao they’re all ugly
Not surprised to see the washed up Hollywood left enabling an invasion of our great nation! Sad!
does she know he isn’t against legal immigration
What the fuck is wrong with her forehead
I ironically want that shirt.
the fuck is with the fucking image on that shirt with that font, looks like some post-ironic MDE meme
damn women
it's funny how they all hate this NYC liberal guy now
herd mentality. i get he’s easy to hate because he’s brash and whatnot but he’s unironically the best president of america in a long time. at the very least he hasn’t started any wars or conflicts, which no president since carter can say
> at the very least he hasn’t started any wars or conflicts
with an administration full of neocons like bolton and pompeo I wonder how it's still the case now
what's funny is how all these hollywood npc's shit on the orange guy but never talk about the permanent washington bureaucracy like the aforementioned bolton who has been part of I don't know how many administrations at this point
We hate him because he doesn't deliver on his key promises and his leadership has been unpredictable at best.
Bolton isn't a neocon he's a pro American realist, in practice they aren't wildly different however.
I remember his interview on Tucker's show when he was about to enter the office of national security advisor and he denied that Iraq and Libya were a disaster which is utter bullshit. I guess Trump just listens to Kanye instead of this hawk. Which is good for you, I'm not an American anyway.
Is it though? The average American bourgeoisie benefits from an imperialist government
this but unironically
Fuck non-whites in white countries.
Not from her country
Fuck off back to /pol/ faggots
>Well (clap emoji) who's (clap emoji) gonna (clap emoji) clean (clap emoji) your (clap emoji) toilet (clap emoji) mr (clap emoji) Twump
they know, but they choose to ignore it, because obviously they can't argue that the US needs illegal immigration
i hate trump
legal immigration is cringe and for retards
>never talk about the permanent washington bureaucracy like the aforementioned bolton
how out of touch are you?
literally everyone keeps talking about how shit bolton and that entire warhawk gang is
> literally everyone
Tucker Carlson?