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show me, blow me
you can't hbo me

>taking on the jew while being part of the jew machine aka the (((industry)))
no wonder he got ruined

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Go back to r/The_Donald

he was thrown in from birth so taking the redpill must have made him very confused

go back to auschwitz moshe

Lay down the bluepill dude you can OD on it

Go back to watch shitty pewdiepie videos

redpill is definitely more of an OD risk

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I apologize, you're clearly not a Jew because Jews are smart and you have terrible English. You're a Mexican subhuman. Kill yourself Paco.


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Being mexican is better than being a shitty fat ass burger
Go and shoot some school you stupid fat abortion

He was right about you. Stay in your shitty country.

Why don't you stop eating at McDonald's? Or invading countries?

I'm not American.

And what are you then? A bong? Lmao like if that was better

No. But you are trash. You have no soul.

Still better than having your shitty ass blood

MJ is whiter than any jew

Lana can get it desu.

Mexican have no soul.

Bongs and burgers neither

What is bong?

This is why jews own the western media and you don't


based song


great song, still sounds amazing today

just the percussion alone took up 20 tracks

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Becoming a trap isn't redpill