rare girls edition



poasting rare kpop grils

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm cyberbullying a foreign asshole by reacting with a laugh to every single one of his Facebook posts and he's pretty mad about it, replying to all my posts with unfunny quips while seething

Kpop for this feel?

based, i like both of these girls.

>irene's exposed shoulders

up !

Attached: slugshine.jpg (377x377, 18K)

u shud google "goaste.jpg" that's the image that's proper for your feel

Why do kpop girls like this pose so much?

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based citypop yukika

omo yeri

wow irene is beautiful

irene is so flippin hot bros

So is Ateez good now?
These are pretty strong SOTY contenders

sunny slug up

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zimbabwe time

Why do Koreans hate brown skin so much?

>he thinks this will work in Yea Forums of all places
Based newfag

Omo sluggie tight top

hides their manly chins

Okay SM time to put this group out to pasture

bb cream psyop working as intended

Show's still on
Red Velvet is live right now

MBC Show! Music Core
3:45-5:05 PM KST


this song is still shit but it works way better live

>pentagon knock off
>kard knock off
if the originals have no chance, why would they

issa zimzalabanger

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>*crowd cheering*

Based eyedi fag
Can any of you niggerz say this song is bad? No. Eyedi is the alt girl kpop needs

our girls did great

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They think it makes you look poor like you work outside.

I recently watched a video about how Chinese people aren't into home improvement because they'd rather pay someone else to fix their homes. Fixing it yourself makes you look poor.

is stray kids done?

sex with jisun
sex with binnie
and sex with irene

I have lost any respect for the Korean public

Omo that sexy Slug outfit. Waiting for the fancam

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yes they already performed

word and right in the pooper

can this fucking bimbo just do porn already

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zimzalakilled it

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justice for girls of mixnine

somi is white

they wouldn't be after red velvet, so what do you think

It really offends me when people jokingly call Lisa a "ladyboy" or whatever.

1) That is extremely hurtful to Lisa.

2) That is disrespectful to the people of Thailand and Southeast Asia in general.

3) That is hurtful to the millions of Lisa's fans.

4) It's just plain mean and rude and most of all FALSE.

Irenes feet


Attached: jiumixnine.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

word, but jiho instead of binnie.

>It's just plain mean and rude and most of all FALSE.
I mean how can you be sure

especially jung hayoon

ladyboys are my fetish. i wish a lot of idols were ladyboys. these 3 especially.

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Attached: thai boy.jpg (354x565, 26K)

why dont more groups experiment like these? like dramatically change the sound from what's normal (aka an off copy of western pop)? why no k girl metal bands like babymetal?

you forgot that it's rude to ladyboys

How do you know it's false? Ever seen DNA test? Bikini pic? Nude? No? So how do you know? Are you a dentist and recognized her teeth as female? Are you the doctor who performed her birth? How do you know?

Metal is cringey af

you can't just write things like that and not post em

koreans don't like experimental

When did Momo get smaller?

korea is not that open to rock bands or metal in general. day6 is the most successful one right now just because jyp has kept them alive for long enough as his passion project and they pander to gp tastes (well, as much as they can as a band)

>not liking sick riffs

DC used the show knowing in advance they'd pull out before the end, they don't need any justice

can BTS just fuck off with boy with luv already jesus christ

koreans are SHEEPLE

didn't that bts song come out months ago?
how are they still winning?

these shows are such a joke, imagine if every group just stopped doing shows since you can just win one without performing on it

Why did they end the show with Boy With Luv BTS wasnt there

>Yeri's zimzimbalibam fancam has the most views
Based stylist unnie

>Red Velvet were some of the most awkward rookies
Elaborate on that.

because they "won the show"

shit, i forgot about bonusbaby. what a terrible fate.

who won music core?

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If Lisa was a ladyboy it would be great for the LGBTQTLOL community

They're stages and variety appearances were awkward to watch because they were clearly uncomfortable

boy with cub

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Hyukoh are more popular

our girls

i know i just wanted to post the webm. they did sue yg over mixnine though so an attempt at justice was made. it didn't really lead to much though

part of why they seem to have just one general kind of taste as the korean gp is they're simply a lot smaller in population and market size, compared to other countries like the U.S. and Japan that have more populated scenes for different genres.

Just look at Dreamcatcher's struggle for popularity despite being very cute and talented girls and you'll understand why the majority play it safe.

Based post. kpg's rudeness must not be tolerated.


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So they didn't even perform and they won? How does that work? Why perform there in the first place then

>despite being very cute

they were in their heyday

yeah that's nice. where's yoojung?

Can't wait for Chungha to save 2019

Zim and zalabim, zim, zim and zimzalabim

is that the sound trannies make

they aren't struggling more than other nugus

our girls

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i just know she had a dick

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I only like Rosé and Lisa

she does not have a dick

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finally something everyone can agree with

I only like Rose, Lisa, Jisoo and Jennie

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A week ago I was completely convinced that purepop was going to die and slutpop would replace it just due to the natural progression of female fans taking over. Just look at how every group except izone twice and fromis have slutted out this year. Gfriend is the only maybe right now, but it's not looking good for them either.

Now though I have changed my mind.

There is absolutely no way that roasties will be okay with sulli on the same stage as their oppas. There's gonna be a huge blowback to kick sluts out of idol music. Roasties are only okay with pretend slut idols.

what's wrong with her face hahahahahaha

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If kpop is seem as teenage music what do adult Koreans listen to? Kpop is all Korea has except old as fuck folk music

if blackpink were trannies i'd probably like them more

Anybody else come to their senses and realize Birthday is a banger?

You know, the new Red Velvet song wasn't that bad. I just listened to it.

why do you keep saying this



thats kang mina dude theres nothing wrong with her

kang = ancient egyptian dna

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look at melon and check out the ballads and coffee shop music in the top 100

Is this Kpop?

Probably 70s and 80s American music


>izone twice and fromis
Breakthrough is slutpop lite, fun has some slutpop parts and izone who?

my waifu is an anime princess

My waifu is a beautiful angel

if Lisa has a dick she goes from a 8/10 to a 10/10

what do the guys listen to?

>alot news
>some shows
>ITZY rookie gg without promotion beat them

so finaly EXO finito

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word cuz vags are disgusting

LMAO have you seen that saerom fancam

I love them so much bros...

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based minaposter

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that's what both most adult korean men and women listen to

my wife is Seulgi

Sounds like kpop to me
IU is kpop
What the fuck is coffee shop music? In my country coffee shop music is junkie reggae

IZone are the only true pure girls

there's also k-hiphop

wtf. gugudan do worse than some dead groups?

oh no

>somi only knows 1/5 of the choreo, how are we gonna get around that?

that outfit make her look fat.

gen 1 started in 1997ish. people who were young teens then are only like 35ish now. the majority of korean adults never listened to kpop as teens so they would have no interest in it as adults.

She's cute so I don't care

korea is hilarious they have kpop playing at like random places like north korea propaganda all over


Our girls for sure

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>CLC #47 (doing promotions)
>Favorite #49


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Will the bogpill begin to take effect in 4th gen kpop?

She has to be put in unflattering outfits because her body is too lewd and makes roasties seethe.

anything with a tempo slower than my great grandma's resting heart rate

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our girls blackpink who don't have penises

idols love memes and dabs

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LOONA aren't on promotions right now are they?

*who have one penis

I didn't listen to kpop as a young teen, yet here am I

Why is Somi doing a relay dance with her BACKUP DANCERS?

Makes no sense

jenny is a vietnamese tranny tho

knock knock

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thailand invented them

they fukken kings

Sunmi and Chungha do the same thing

cute rin

lot of girls to masturbate to

dreamcatcher is actually better off than a lot of nugus /because/ of how hard they dig their heels into their specific little niche where it's a population of 1. it's just that it's not the koreans giving them much support outside of their small very dedicated fanbase, it's the touring they get from overseas.

>not atlantis
lol pathetic

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i tried bbcream as a male the other day shit covers everything its pretty useful and you probably wouldnt be able to tell it just looked way good like u have no faults

>gugudan lower than busters and elris

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no one cares about that lazy selfish person

Poor Filipino. He has no idea

izone about to beat exo

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covers up ugly chin.

her laziness is actually the correct response to be worked like a illuminati slave

its like if u sit out in P.E.

i should look into that my skin is terrible

>relay dance with 1 person
what's the point?

never date a girl who likes kpop just a warning to you all

peace b is her network eyedi

except Somi's dancers are just freelancers


I'm saying why even do it in the first place when youre a solo artist

never date a man who likes kpop too desu

Very autistic dance

makes sense i wouldn't date me

did she dump you for a jungkook pillow?

slutcub was a mistake

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they're psycho

kpop roasties are femcels

i felt bad for them, but then sally made me happy.

if it's bad address the problem instead of masking it. sometimes dairy or other food intolerances can cause acne. uv rays can actually irritate existing acne so sunscreen is also useful, but it has to be properly removed at the end of the day with a cleanser (oil cleanser + foam cleanser if it's waterproof).

implying i have a choice of what music my girlfriend will like

lmao ive never had a girlfriend and id be lucky struck gold if i got one

never date a girl who is into anything other than you
woman's only duty is to serve the man

thanks for the advice Matthew

>buenos aries hardest choreo
more like poorly planned?

Attached: what.webm (318x480, 875K)

you have a choice. if you dont like her you dont date her?




it's actually not that difficult if you lower your standard enough. even obese bastards who end up on my 600 lb life have had gfs or wives


you'll never get one with that attitude nigga. you better start believing she'd be lucky one

i dont have the option to turn down a girlfriend if i was offered one

you might be waiting another 25 years

>as a male
Not anymore

I dated a girl who liked kpop and she was very nice and cute but her favorite group was blackpink so I broke up with her.

why is that busan girl always running around

>99 ONF
Hey, what? I thought they got off to a pretty good start

>68 TREI
They had a based song and performance, and they got a bit of a boost from Mixnine I guess, but being that high is surprising

>64 Berry Good
Very surprising to be that high, though their most recent song was probably their best ever

Her mouth seems to be rather big

good move


Watch the episode, they're not laughing at him at all

shut up gay

at least she wasn't an ARMY (never date an ARMY)

Every day every night zimzalabim zim zim

I had couple of dates with a thai kpop idol but it ended when she actually didn't have a penis and said I misunderstood

>oil cleanser
should i use it if i have oily skin on my t-area or i should stick to regular face gel? I always have some white pimples on my chin area and above my upper lip. but rest of my face is clean. wtf it can be?

theres some really annoying bitch in kara and i hate when she comes on

Why do you come to anonymous message boards to tell lies?

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have sex

i thought the whole point of having three girls who looked similar was so one wouldn't have to try to be in two places at once.

blinks are the best looking fandom honestly

Yena and Yuri and who? Chaewon?

i dated a girl who didnt like kpop and it was terrible in the end. ymmv

you mean sally MAKES you happy

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Yuri and Chaewon are the clones, Yena is the most distant resemblance to the other two

in fact dont date a girl whos into a boy group cause she rather fuck her bias than you

Vant believes zimzalabim cane out two days ago and nobody cares anymoré


cleansers shouldn't really affect your skin much because it's all washed off anyway. oil cleansers are mostly just to break up whatever's on your face like waterproof sunscreen (which obviously needs more than water to wash off), and after rinsing it off you follow up with a regular foaming cleanser to make sure your skin is clean from all residue. there's a brand called kose that has a cheap but effective oil cleanser that rinses off clean when it comes in contact with water.

also make sure you're moisturizing morning and night because anything that irritates (like dryness) can exacerbate both oil production on your skin and acne. unironically, reddit is useful for skin care info like this

i would rather not honestly

yeonwoo on my mind

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GSL Grand Finals are on bros

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Will gidle's comeback next week be good or will it be zimzalabim

Yuri and Chaewon don't look anything alike. Yuri looks like a gnome and Chaewon looks like a light-skinned SEA.

based roastie with the makeup advice

zimbalazim sucks

eydi and loona own

major slapp here

[citation needed]

Will gidle's comeback next week be good or will it be good

>yeonwoo on my...

Is this Kpop?

either way, i'm looking at some shuhua cams.

i just took a shower after i put the bbcream on
it burned my eyes a little bit coming off

but were fine

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thank you bro

One of them even confused the other for herself when watching their own videos.


gonna be bad like seniority


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im not a roastie, but i studied this stuff years ago because i thought i wanted to be a dermatologist


Attached: 190622 우주소녀 WJSN ( Boogie up 부기업 파트바꾸기 ) 음악중심 미니팬미팅 4K 직 (762x1254, 2.94M)

well, made me happy at that particular moment, but yes.

It's boring


Attached: 구구단(GUGUDAN)_rainbow_세정 직캠(Sejeong Focus).webm (900x1074, 2.83M)


did tasteless quit smoking? his voice sounds way different

> Chaewon looks like a light-skinned SEA
You ruined her for me

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Sometimes when I'm watching the Korean girls my pee pee gets hard

what are you watching? because of

i want 8 girls to all put their asses on me at the same time


n o thank you. i like the smell of butts but not farts

i used to watch this shit back in like 2012 at 4 am with the boys on sc2 general

i dont.

i saw this app for "threesome" hookups i just instantly got mad and fucking pissed at the degeneracy

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except she's literally not for that

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If it looks like a ladyboy and it talks like a ladyboy...

sally is trying her best

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a woman

Attached: sally fighting.webm (1066x720, 947K)

anything that washes off shouldn't have much effect on skin, including shampoos. ive never really heard of acne coming from something like that unless it's conditioners with ingredients like coconut oil.

my theory is that people are just eating really shitty these days since it's now normal in western culture. inflammation from sugar, cheap grains, and easily oxidized vegetable/seed oils resulting in acne as one of the external symptoms.

my ex broke up with me because all i tweeted about was ATEEZ

Sally's best has never been good enough at anything other than sitting there and looking pretty

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>finals held in the studio

poor sc2
dmx is my favorite kpop gril

trust me dude its the chemical shampoo the residue does wash onto your face and stays there and irritates it

ive gotten acne immediately after using those shitty shampoos like within the hour

ive seen it directly happen and other people ive seen post on reddit and stuff it happened to them

i know from experience that this causes a lot of acne problems.

its like no fap. some things you just learn through wisdom.

and a lot of naysayers will always exist

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my penis is large

she just has problems making hearts, she's almost there
did you find alot more sally material?

Attached: DZsM4LYUMAADAsG.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1365, 384K)

large my penis is


shut up, sally can dance

Attached: hostile Sally.webm (600x720, 1.38M)

schizophrenia bro...

nice curve on notes titty

and of course not taking showers causes it too

i used to get acne when i was a teen and if you just use a wash cloth in the shower on your face it clears up immediately

people be not showering

i can get a little acne still if i go long enough without showers

granted you cant use any other chemical things which will irritate it more

coconut oil is actually very good to use

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>I dated a girl
nice try, spiccy
the only thing you dated is shit keeeeeeeeeeek

one of those was for no bully

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sleepy time

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all of our girls are in hawaii now. I hope they get nice and brown and all get tanlines

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I miss blonde sally..

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granted i dont want to watch a dead game i closed the gsl games

im sorry

i play and watch fortnite

IRL streams is my number one but its kinda a slow genre right now in this period of time

hachubby is the gook irler reddiit really likes her so idk ive started to back off a little

Attached: D6zcA8FUIAAE5SO (1).jpg (1024x682, 69K)

>they are alive

fap can lead to a acne?

Cub taking it in the ass...

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Not invited

lovelyz is still the best group. never forget

hand you seen this one

Attached: Swaglly.webm (1280x720, 994K)

what do you do when you get a girlfriend but all you do is sit in your room and play fortnite and have no friends

seems like she would just leave cuz shes bored

fap lead to depression.

i had a miserable day the other day because i fapped back to back days

it was a dreadful miserable day and i need to SERIOUSLY think before i fap if it hasnt been like 3-4 days between my last fap im not doing it for my own mental health

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>not appreciating her body without sexualizing her


is code S still a thing?

sleep is for the weak

how exactly do you do that?

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back to back fap days = low dopamine, low serotonin

youll feel like "Whats the point of anything?"

its a rough rough experience

because you dont have any dopamine flow

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apparently so

you say "I respect you" before fapping

i also heard that fap can fuck up your sleep. so fap lead to depression but sex is not. how my brains know when i fap and when i have sex.

Attached: [Inkigayo] Ep 935 Chococo Sally.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

getting shitfaced on cognac and posting about starshit. this is literally heaven

i will katchup with you

that doesn't sound right

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Based, love them both
Eyedi got quite an extensive discography without a single bad song
I hope Yukika will keep going with retro stuff

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thats why i fap like only once in a week.


Nobody will ever be able to remember such a thing

nah dude sex addiction will fuck you up too

theres no difference

the main thing with fapping in terms of sleeping is it will make you have no dreams. you wont have as vivid of dreams IF ANY dreams at all when youre on fap.

you can just go years without remembering the last dream you had

if you go on no fap u get that back.

thats the only thing ive noticed in terms of sleep and you wont sleep as good just because you are low dopamine . most people actually use fap as a way to get to sleep tho t.b.h

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because you're doing it to yourself, you know it's fake so it's a hollow feeling, and your body is designed to make you bond with your mate by reducing sex drive but there isn't really a mate except your hand

ah the virgin autist is back


yeah, I love it!
this was the start of sally getting lines..

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what the fuck is wrong with this thread, fucking kys incel fucks

the ones that remember will remember because we remember things

hello friends

Looks like we're posting here again.

oh well

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who won the show

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Attached: 181117 Miyawaki Sakura - 'O' My!(어머!)' (IZ_ONE Fansign Fancam)-Q7tchRjMqys-[00.00 (1280x720, 2.84M)

who cares



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holy shit zoomer mods are trigger happy. sorry I shitposted about SC2 and not fortnite lol

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i bet dubus skin tastes really good


yiren wont betray us

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I need my daily dose of Dubu

twiceshitters btfo again

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freakin cute

i got banned for asking if playing minecraft in korean is good way to learn the language lol

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remember that lonely island song about jizzing in your pants. lmao

Based janny BVLL destroying avatarfags and personalityfags

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Great group

we love our loona here

w-what? posting about sc2 is avatarfagging now? you know gfriend were performing at sc2 event right?

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so pure

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blackpink thread next

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i'm making me some sausage biscuits

right now?

Post you cowards


