Don't call me white is about Fat Mike being Jewish...

don't call me white is about Fat Mike being Jewish, who tend to have the most amount of hate crimes against them than any other ethnicity/race.

So it can be a real annoyance to Jewish people to be considered white, especially since, as Fat Mike sings, white people have done so much awful shit that he doesn't prefer to be associated with it.

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jews are cunts

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Based album

is "based" liberal or conservative? More lib fags are using it all the sudden

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No idea. Just a way of saying I like the album.

Total utter sellout crap! And a racist album title that was changed (to sell more records), but the intent to spread hate was there!
The first of many horrible NOFX records that are only fit for mall poser hot topic wanna be punkds. This is overproduced mainstream radio friendly poppppp crap. Do Not buy this or anything after this! Any questions?

remember all the nofx posters in one tree hill?
remember when they talked about nofx multiple times on the show? based fat kike living up to his name.

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So what about Jews like this that identify with being white

maybe this song is incredibly dated now

Don't call me white, don't call me white
Don't call me white, don't call me white
The connotations wearing my nerves thin
Could it be semantics generating the mess we're in?
I understand that language breeds stereotype
But what's the explanation for the malice, for the spite?
Don't call me white, don't call me white
Don't call me white, don't call me white
I wasn't brought here, I was born
Circumcised, categorized, allegiance sworn
Does this mean I have to take such shit
For being fair skinned? No!
I ain't a part of no conspiracy, I'm just you're average joe
Don't call me white, don't call me white
Don't call me white, don't call me white
Represents everything I hate
The soap shoved in the mouth to cleanse the mind
The vast majority of sheep
A buttoned collar, starched and bleached
Constricting veins, the blood flow to the brain slows
They're so fuckin ordinary white
Don't call me white, don't call me white
Don't call me white, don't call me white
Oh, we're better off this way?
Oh, say what you're gonna say
So go ahead and label me an asshole
'cause I can
Accept responsibility for what I've done
But not for who I am
Don't call me white, don't call me white
Don't call me white, don't call me white

Sam Hyde voice: You're white

Literally any Jewish person who says they aren't white are fucking retarded. Even my Jewish friends agree with this sentiment.

Depends really. There are ethnic Jews and religious Jews. Many Jews are of European decent but became Jews religiously through history. Real Jews are Middle Eastern, who are Caucasian, but not "white" which refers in pretty much every regard to people from Europe and Scandinavia, regardless of skin tone.


LOL that's not what its about. The song is against PC and how PC in the name of anti-racism usually is a way just to be malicious. He said "I understand that language breeds stereotypes but whats the explanation for the malice or the spite". Lol if you think hes agreeing that white people are evil and doesn't want to be in the box. Hes talking against the racism towards white.

who gives a shit NOFX fucking suck

More like you've started coming here all of a sudden

Pre-2000 NOFX were based as fuck.

im not a mentally deranged tranny i swear!!!

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>Unironically, unequivocally btfos Fat Mike forever

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so you're a lib fag?


Verse 3

I know it's fucking reddit, but the comment recaps it:

Attached: quote-i-would-much-rather-be-the-obnoxious-feminist-girl-than-be-complicit-in-my-own-dehumanization- (850x400, 54K)

>some literal nobody references a nofx song

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>kathleen hanna

shows what you know little kid

Every punk musician is totally full of shit in one way or another.

all i know is her singing is obnoxious and her lyrics suck


nice counterpoint, faggot

is punk dated? I mean it has been for decades, but now its REALLY dated. Its just commie scumbag music by a bunch of trashy idiots with low IQs

Punk was just a product that used imagery of extremely tepid rebellion to appeal to bored suburban teenagers. There’s not much else to it.

why do people feel so strongly about it? Past and present - alive or dead? Some greats really felt strongly about it instead of just doing their own thing and saying fuck off to labels

I can’t blame people for being passionate about their creative works, especially when they come from an environment as sterile as the American suburbs. But it strikes me as odd that they can see their work as important when it produced no meaningful social change. All it did was sell products.

They are pretty delusional thinking it'd change anything.. or thinking their lyrical material is intelligent at all. It's the same bullshit PC platitudes everyone spouts. Everyone is afraid of the contrary, so it is really pussy shit if you think about it. Minor Threat did have some challenging things at least like "Guilty Of Being White"

the DIY aesthetic was cool, and the lack of care about polishing up the music, but that was mostly certain artists or the beginning. I don't know how so many shitty punk bands are still celebrated like NOFX or Bad Religion which is just slick imitation nonsense. Never understood it