If he had a normal and stable family, 90% of his problems wouldn't exist

If he had a normal and stable family, 90% of his problems wouldn't exist.

Attached: kurt_cobain_640_01.jpg (640x423, 37K)

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He also wouldn't be a rockstar.

and his music wouldn't have been as good

struggle and artistic creativity go hand in hand for better or worse

this is why trannys like 100gecs and SOPHIE are pushing the boundaries for their genres


Nah, Kurt said he would’ve been drawn to music either way.

I'm glad his life was fucked because we got his music. Yeah I'm a piece of shit for saying it but I don't care.

I don't like him or his music very much.

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Eh, I never liked grunge.

Kinda sad that this was the only thing he ever wanted.

I have a normal and stable family but still do heroin and killed myself.

>better to burn out than to fade away
very immature outlook on life. life is precious, don't throw it away.


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Ah yes the unstable heroin head said so, he sure knew what he was talking about.

Easy for you to say, lil nigga. You haven't a clue what it was like to live in his head.

Must be terrible having loads of money doing what you love

>doing what you love
He hated what he was doing tho

>reddit spacing
>promoting tranny artists out of nowhere
>a fucking wikipedia link

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eat shit and die reddit fag kurt schmobain wouldn't be popular if he didn't shoot himself in head.

Then he could have just changed it. Anyways rip kurt.

a big loss for music

>struggle and artistic creativity go hand in hand for better or worse
Consider men like Mozart and Bach.

No he hated fame.

he'd still be a musician but it'd be closer to 70s cockrock boomer blues rock more like pearl jam were than the underground punk shit nirvana was influenced by.

But can any of you refute my points without ad hominems or two random exceptions?

Didn't think so.

I don't know about this hypothesis. My family life is wayyy more messed up than Kurt's was, I've been clinically diagnosed with forms of depression and anxiety, and I'm admittedly uglier than he is too, and yet cock rock and more upbeat stuff is some of my favorite music to play. I do enjoy much aggression based music too, but depression based music is something I rarely indulge in listening to or wanting to do because it's pretty much what I deal with constantly and it's not a positive thing to me but rather something I want to escape from. So, yeah I don't know, I don't think the idea that it's so black and white like "depressed people make depressing music and that's why it's good music" which seems to be a narrative a lot of people buy into.

When holier than thou fag loses his argument and spams ad hominem shit that was invented in 21st century for special snowflakes like him. HILARIOUS.

Still not made a point to refute anything I said...

Because you can't see past your nose, drop that holier than thou attitude kiddo

fuck i wish my mental illness made me creative and not a shut in neet

Me on the left

Nirvana wasn't depressing, Red House Painters were depressing. Kurt didn't brood in his struggle, he painted a picture and made it come to life.

I think if the internet took off in the 80s Kurt would never have made anything worthwhile and would have become a neet.

Nigga he was already insanely popular and was dubbed "spokesperson of a generation" way before he died. I know you're too young to remember the 90s but you need to cope with this fact.

Bitch you praise shit for being famous 20 years ago, then i hope you'll praise other shit pop artist from 2010' in future.

absolutely. Lady Gaga is more important, influential, and talented than whatever you like from the last decade.
Sorry sweetie, lol!!

That's what I thought.


The fact that you're a tripfag on an anonymous message board is the ultimate cringe, my dude.

Cringe reddit and tumblr fags gtfo

itt: hoes mad cause Kurt defined a generation

If he had a normal and stable family, 90% of his problems wouldn't exist.

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>If he had a normal and stable family
i kind of see it, him not having a good childhood really did affect his development and his life up until his death. but i think there were other factors
>had bipolar disorder
>crippling heroin addiction/ addictive personality
>media was keeping him from his kid
>marriage was falling apart
>artistically, physically and mentally drained and was desperately craving a break from the monotony he had created
>possible brain damage from an overdose in rome

>Reddit spacing
>how to detect someone never visited Yea Forums before 2014

i definitely think great artists should struggle because it gives their music more character and authenticity, not that it makes them better
>coorelation = causation
just because you're mentally ill doesn't make you any more creative than others. this needs more research
>100gecs and SOPHIE
both artists suck ass

He threw shit because his mom shit him out and threw him into the world

He made shit music though.

>had bipolar disorder
>crippling heroin addiction/ addictive personality
Hmm I wonder why he had those.

>left it by mistake saging another thread
Still haven't made an argument my dude

mozart struggled with his scat fetish

And the same for me, so what's the fucking point?

kurt cobain is beautiful, you just mean you're ugly

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I'm not the one you were arguing with, tripfag. Also Kurt's legacy speaks for itself, he doesn't need my help.

what are you implying?

i honestly don't think he even reached his peak yet when he died

I don't find him attractive. To me this is a beautiful guy, but I'm not gay I tell you.

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no taste

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he coined 'basedboy'
truly ahead of his time

Attached: kurt cobain soyboy.jpg (1080x1392, 428K)

fucking retarded filters

Damn, what was this lil nigga's problem

nothing, user

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Now that's what I call edgy.

you evidently wouldn't know edgy if it anally raped you, user

You have a 'Cold heart' like in the line from the song 'tourette's' written by Kurt Cobain of the band 'Nirvana'
