Can we focus on the fact that it's 2020 minus 5 months and f*cking Bruce Springsteen and Madonna are competing for the top of the carts?
Kek I was thinking that too. Boomers must buy a lot of music.
fuck any music where anyone but the artist has their name on the rights to it
Zoomer music is trash
not this shit again
and the rolling stones tour will be one of the top grossing tours of the year lmao
no shut
They didn't say anything
Daily reminder that Thunder Road is the greatest intro of all time
>t. zoomer
Springsteen has always sucked lmao
Name a more unattractive accessoire than the eye patch
>profesional advice: This is impossible
unquestionably one of the best
Men make better music than women the vast majority of the time. That being said, neither of these artists were ever good by any means.
Eye patches are sexy imo
based boss
Both of them blow
Because his album was generic Foo Fighters tier fist pumping power chord sax solo stadium rock
boomer catnip
Why is that so hard to believe?
Welcome to the real world
suspect something fishy with Bruce Springsteen sales, no promotion, I don't know anyone who has bought it, no nothing yet it's figures are higher than Madonna's
Who are these people buying Bruce Springsteen?! Totally unfair.
Madonna worked so hard for this and he stole it from her!
As a fag, for me Bruce Springsteen, Dire Straits and Eric Clapton are the holy trinity of heterosexuality, much more than any metal band. You will never see a faggot liking them because it has nothing that appeals to them.
I don't say it as a criticism, just a description.
wear the eyepatch, man.
It's not hard to believe at all. It's happened. Two grandparents on top of the pop charts.
It was only because of father's day. Madge deserved it
I didn't even know Bruce Springsteen released a new album lmao
except for the fact that he was continuing to outsell her even in midweek. 10,000+ copies a day as opposed to her 800 a day.
gay men despise Springsteen
i can't wait for boomers (actual boomers, not 4channers in their late 20's) to die
What the hell? Who even heard of this Springsteen album? At least there was plenty of promo for Madonna with her being on Graham Norton and Eurovision and US talk shows, etc. Plus Migos being on a song.
spingsteen album was getting a shitload of adtime on satellite radio this last month and there are plenty of the target audience on that platform.
checked but millions disagree
who the fuck listen to satellite radio
I just told you
Well if it's any consolation, Bruce Springsteen's newest album score is dropping precipitously on RYM. Down .08 in the past 24 hours. It's now his worst rated album since 1992.
i. know but really??? all those people are influencing the charts
Bullshit. When was Bruce's last hit? 1984??? Madonna had a Top 10 single a few years ago
yeah. Lots of overlap between the howard stern/deep tracks/classic rewind crowd and there's a lot of them driving around doing whatever boomer shit they do
nobody besides 65 years old from new jersey and rolling stone likes springsteen
Bruce Springsteen is a draft dodging CIA-backed libshit Trump hater who pretends to be a working class hero despite being born into the Rothschild family
Fuck him and every one of his shithead fans
you seem triggered, maybe go find a safe space
Bruce Springsteen?
Real fans call him "Bruce".
Hey buddy. That was a trick. REAL fans call him "The Boss".
You're not a real fan! I have 563 CD and 463 cassette concert bootlegs in my house! I own copies of his studio albums on all formats: cassette, vinyl, 8 track, reel to reel, CD, remastered CD, MP3 for my phone, FLAC for my external "Boss" drive. Fucking poser. I'VE SEEN HIM AT THE MEADOWLANDS 27 TIMES! IF YOU DON'T THINK HE'S THE GREATEST LEGEND OF ALL TIME, YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON! BRUCE HAVE MY BABIES!!!!
Now, out of my way, buddy, I have a sporting event to attend.
this dude had like 3 hits in the 80s and who gives a fuck
and madonna is an old hag too that somehow stuck around
This is a retarded thing to get angry about.
And yet no real critic or music fan thinks his album is good
go back to /lgbt/ or whatever madonna fan forum you crawled out of
springsteen blows chunks and always has but she's washed up too
The only Springsteen album that isn't terrible is Nebraska and that's a generous 7/10 at best
(((Bruce Springsteen)))
Globalists run the charts
Springsteen is one of their shills
Nothing new under the sun
>muh fired from the factory
>muh drive my car
>muh vietnam vet
fuck this hack
>this dude had like 3 hits in the 80s and who gives a fuck
He was never a singles/hits artists except on BITUSA and TOL.