Yea Forums comin through with another goddamn masterpiece
Boy Band - Music 2.0
My past albums:
Yea Forums comin through with another goddamn masterpiece
Boy Band - Music 2.0
My past albums:
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Why does this look like a total shitpost with no context
(it sounds better than it looks)
That's Yea Forums albums for you
Yes, the production on the Yea Forums album slaps, but don't forget the tunes are catchy af and the vocals, while very hushed throughout the album, are pretty dope. Don't just sell the album merely as a record with good beats on it. There's more to it than that.
Haven't listened to it yet but i really liked the first three we made a couple months ago
I can't believe my shitpost of an album cover actually made it. It seems kinda surreal honestly lmao.
You're part of Yea Forums history now buddy
Oh boy! Another feat to add to my obituary.
why are you charging 7 dollars for a download
“Hey mama” is my fave
All around alotta bangers
**sorry mama
highlight tracks: 1 5 7 9 10
I'm all out of free downloads for the rest of this month but I put it on mediafire:
1: One of my favorites on this thing. Memey and shit but it actually comes together pretty nicely, especially as an opener.
2: Cool beat, but it never develops and goes on for too long.
3: Garbage for the sake of being garbage = Garbage.
4: Kinda funny. That's it.
5: Another one that works pretty damn well, even better than track one.
6: Shitposty and a bit too long, but it made me laugh so what the hell. 10/10, best of the jokey tracks.
7: Very pretty, and easily my favorite on the album. The "choir" vocals are a bit dissonant, but overall this sounds the most complete.
8: OK Interlude.
9: Better interlude.
10: Cool but doesn't fit well with the rest of the songs (to be expected), and kinda messy musically. Lyrics are dope though.
I give a strong 6 to light 7. Tran-sition.
>6: Shitposty and a bit too long, but it made me laugh so what the hell. 10/10, best of the jokey tracks.
genuinely made my day user
Honestly despite the memey cover art, this is my favorite bandcamp Yea Forums albums yet
that first song damn
my apologies, OhPee
I remember the music 2.0 concept already used in another Yea Forums album(or track). Anons!
1. Cool track. I really like how at one point the "Damn son" becomes like a hi hat. The song and it's name kinda fits with the "music 2.0" album title too
2. Yeah. This is indeed music 2.0. But it's too repetitive, gets boring imho
3. This is good.
4. Shitpost, but I guess that fits the theme?
5. I wanted a "grab her by the pussy"! But it's ok. The track is nice
6. Shitty beat but the vocals are great
7. I like this. It's pretty. As another user said, best track, but maybe a bit boring. Still amazing
8. What a brainlet song. Jk it's weird, but it's not terrible, also being short it doesn't get boring. The ending is cool
9. DEEEP DOWN IN MY HEART... Also nice track
10. Good. I kinda get muse vibes from this
Well this was quite good. We are getting some impressive tracks lately in these albums.
As usual the result isn't coherent, I mean the styles vary much from track to track, but hey maybe that's ok. Would I listen to it again? Nah. But was it fun to listen to? Definitively.
Thanks, that was actually my first try at making a finished track :)
Thx man I made it when I was completely wasted so I'm glad it turned out ok
sharing this with my friends
thank you
this is pretty dope, im glad i could contribute the song titles for 5 and 10. 10 is a rly good way to end the album too