Is East Coast or West Coat thrash better

Is East Coast or West Coat thrash better

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obviously west coast

Thrash fucking sucks. You may as well be asking which one sucks shit less.


Based on that image, East.

What a dumb thing to say. Surely, you must be gay.

Testament>any East coast band

How are Slayer, Megadeth, and Exodus not included here?
Anyway, Danish thrash is the best.

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Exodus, huh, not a huge fan

neither, german thrash is where is at
t. not German

Thrash? More like Trash!

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Trash is how you spell it in South America, jajajaja trash metal best!

Ya don't say?

Fuck you

Show me how they thrash in the East coast homie.

>from ape to living vape

Doesn't sound like you get to suck as much shit as you'd like

Holy this is based

have sex

Have Gex

Terminal what disease!

t. black(ed) metal tourist

Awful post