'the most famous song is the worst song' band

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weezer - beverly hills (it was a bigger hit than buddy holly)
blur - song 2

nrivana - smells like teen spirit is the obvious choice here

Talking Heads
Flaming Lips
The Beatles
Beach Boys
most fucking bands

The worst Radiohead song is Thinking About You

Are we avoiding saying Radiohead?



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chicken carbonara

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pink Floyd

second worst, you mean
Disorder sucks

>Talking Head
Dunno bout you but Psycho Killer is kino and representative of the craziness of the band

Not a high point but they have worse songs than that

Worst song by a band can still be a good song bro

dont bro me fucker
if you think that its the worst song you are a contrarian

Modest Mouse - Float On

What even is the most popular Beatles song? If you mean Let it be I can agree. But I think some others are bigger and better than Let it be.

Tool - Sober
God that song fucking sucks. Everything else from them is decent.

Steely Dan
Moody Blues

ITT: contrarian fags

Yeah, i mean there are some bands, but whats Talking Heads most famous song? Psycho killers? That song is actually better than a lot of their songs. Contrarian fags here
wrong that band has plenty more filler songs
wrong, flaming lips have plenty of ass songs, i dont know what their most popular is, but im sure its not some of their wanky filler bullshit
Wouldnt it be nice is prob most popular beach boys song, and they have plenty worse songs,
Ocean man is a good song, ">most fucking bands" you really have to be retarded to believe this.
maaayybbbe, but most of theirr material is ass anyways

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Sonic Youth.
Animal Collective.
The Velvet Underground.
Xiu Xiu? Though i'm pretty sure Clowne Towne isn't actually popular and it was just that one P4K review.
No, Yes, Yes, No, No, Fuck no.
Road to Nowhere and Burning Down the House are probably more popular and they're decent songs. Their cover of Take Me to the River is more popular that Psycho Killer even i'd say.
You haven't heard We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank have ya?

Not their absolute worst, but it's up there

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the smiths


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What's VU most famous song?
rock n roll? sunday morning? do they come even close to lonesome cowboy bill?

>Psycho killers? That song is actually better than a lot of their songs
This Must be the Place is the only Talking Heads song I ever had any sort of connection with. The rest of their stuff seems fine from what I've heard but I don't know, just not my thing.

The Cult- She Sells Sanctuary

pale blue eyes for sure is most famous

not even close. almost every song off of gp is worse

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honestly they have worse songs than kids
most of their new album sucked

Nigga u gay

first half was good the second half blows
their best is their third LP
fucking fight me cunt

miles davis

Sober is a good song, but Tool's most popular is Schism

I think Life During Wartime is their most popular song, and also their worst so they belong on this list

>Talking Heads
>Flaming Lips
>The Beatles
>Beach Boys
>most fucking bands
>Steely Dan
>Moody Blues

wowwwww anons. that is just awful

>no one has mentioned Devo yet
Fucking faggots.

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Based for saying s/t is their best but the second half has some of their best songs. One thing is a jam and hand it over is so beautiful

their best song is undeniably ceremony or something must break

they didnt cause its wrong
>no body mentioned some band i like on a board where only 20% of people actually consume a decent amount of music myself disincluded

>something must break

I like Whip It. not their worst song by a longshot.

>I think Life During Wartime is their most popular song

huey lewis and the news

Dead Souls

Twenty One Pilots (Stressed Out)

>Life During Wartime
>their worst
your opinion doesn't mean anything if you didn't listen to their bad albums

They're all bad though

is the smiths most popular song there is a light that never goes out or this charming man?

Babybird - You're Gorgeous

their new album was sick. i didn't like their self titled (or Stylz Unlimited) very much

How soon is now

probably how soon is now

afi- miss murder

for previous generation How Soon Is Now for this This Charming Man

Collective Soul

That's their only good song

did you take your meds this morning?

If he meant This Charming Man, There is a Light or Heaven Knows I'm Miserable then he's wrong but if he meant How Soon is Now, then in a sense he's correct in that its a lackluster song that doesn't represent the band quite well

Peter Bjorn And John with Young Folks
maybe not their worst song but way overrated for being le hipster whistling song compared to the rest of their discography



Once in a lifetime is

Led Zep and Stairway

They have so much awful music past like their fourth album

Ur fucked

>people still responding to this bait thread
hating popular things doesn't make you cool

>What even is the most popular Beatles song?

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Rolling Stones