I am addicted to weed
I am addicted to weed
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I am addicted to Morrissey
You're probably a very sweet person
Marijuana addiction is very real
I am addicted to speed
Yeah but you can quit it easy, it’s not super physically addictive. I smoked a lot of weed everyday for 3 years and just stopped and haven’t had the desire or craving to since. Can’t kick cigarettes though.
the trick is to smoke so much you become dangerously paranoid, then the fear of paranoia will help you quit. poison was the cure lol
No it's not, I was "addicted" until a week ago after 7 months and now I'm completely fine
I listen to too much blasphemic metal.
I can go a few days without it but I lose interest in literally everything, can't enjoy reading or music when I'm not at least a little stoned. I'm very addicted to nic, it's something I really wanna quit but I don't see myself doing it while I'm still in college.
I take like 5 dabs a day already
Just because something doesn't have brutal physical withdraws doesn't mean it's non-addictive, good for you though.
Try taking oxy for 3 years then having to quit cold turkey after your doc cuts you off. Fag.
You’ll find a reason hopefully. It’s soul killing I think. I just used it to sedate myself. I am “bipolar” so I’m diagnosed, diagnosis went from 1 to 2, and I stayed stone to chill the fuck out.
False equivocacy. Try losing 3 friends to xanax in one year.
My mom has bipolar sometimes I wonder if weed's made me ill in any way.
How the fuck do you lose friends to Xanax? Like potentiating mixtures? Xan, booze, heroin, and sleeping pills? Or they’re just fucked up from being barred out
>I take like 5 dabs a day already
try doubling that. if that doesnt work, double it again.
>False equivocacy.
OP's complaining about being "addicted" to marijuana. He doesn't understand what addiction is, you bringing up your shit friends makes no sense.
2 overdosed on fetanyl 1 had a seizure after mixing with alcohol. Xanax is crazy you'll forget you took one 10 minutes ago and reach for the booze, glad I didn't do too many.
xanax is a shit tier drug and associating with people on it is the most tiring shit. one time my friend was barred out amd refused to let anybody roll the blunt but him. it took him over an hour to complete because he setting it down to change the song like every 2 minutes
Well probably having an “ill” mother did the trick, there is underlying reason to self medicate, psychological withdrawal could be causing your apathy though. But if you’re moody and overthinking like me, it might just be a natural draw to smoke up and stop caring about shit. I’d definitely try to stop for a month and see how you feel. I mean I know how it goes. For me weed was the only thing that numbed my pain, regrets, and worries, and things aren’t much better now with how I feel, but I know I’m me, and most the time I know I’m here. You don’t realize how much even just weed takes you out of it, till you stop and take time to feel sober again. Being high is very weird and unpleasant to me now. I only took a few hits once since I quit, a week after me and my 5y GF broke up, and I was thinking the craziest shit and the craziest things were making sense, but the feeling of cloudiness and my body just was wrong after being sober. Now I’m here, my mind is consistent and I’m not running from myself. If you don’t make music you definitely should also.
Ok then that makes sense. Yeah Xanax is a potentiator for booze and opiates so that will kill you. I remember taking a bunch of klonopin, smoking some weed, and drinking after a bad night and I was at my friends crying or someshit and smoking a cig and I blacked out and fell over backwards in a chair like 10 times apparently. I broke the chair doing that. His grandpa made it by hand too.
i am addicted to sneed
i once mixed xanax with vodka at a friend's house and ended up hitting on his sister and breaking a flower vase that belonged to his great-grandfather
I've known that shit was terrible for you from the jump, no way a 5-8$ pill that makes you feel that great can be safe in any way. And yeah people become infuriatingly retarded on bars.
You sound a lot like me. I've gone like 2 weeks without it and I can handle it I just feel so unengaged and my train of though becomes painfully boring. I play guitar but I'm way too shite to unironically record or write anything.
Damn. The worst part is you're calm and giggling while you do all that reckless shit, very sad drug.
what a poetic metaphor for how faggy this entire generation is
I am addicted to mead
One time I took some Kpin with my friends, we climbed up on the elementary school roof, got drunk and stoned, then I took a shit up there. My friend threw up right away, other didn’t, but that fool was fucked up. Crazy ass night, we ended up smoking weed with tweakers and some random guy we knew. My fucked up friend ended up breaking someone’s vase when he took off and ran away for no reason
you ever suck some dick for marijuana?
Not a vase but big flowerpot outside someone’s house
Pussy is so much better.
I left out the part where I’m from California too
I wast joyous in the haze of a drunken hour
No. Most cigarette addicts never sucked dick for them but it ended a lot of their lives.
Pussy is inconsistent plus you have to be around a woman, ugh.
Jesus christ...
Maybe if you're a 15yo.
I'm 18
>Just because something doesn't have brutal physical withdraws doesn't mean it's non-addictive, good for you though.
Pretty sure that's exactly what it means. Minus 'brutal' anyway.
Well when you quit you’ll quit, and if you don’t you don’t. Some people go their whole lives using it, some make it everything about themselves. Some people don’t ever use and never have. My sister has to be high sconstantly, she vapes and smokes bowls while she’s driving anywhere, to work, from work, to the city. Same with all her friends, my ex’s BF, sisters bf. My ex when we smoked. I see how it fucks with people. There’s definitely something to be said about being cognizant and sober, you get reacclimated. Just need to find the reason and something that’ll make it worth it for you. Because if it’s not worth it now you won’t have a desire. Though I will say for weed I spent a couple thousand of hours practicing guitar while stoned.
I think about oxy every fucking day i need it fuck
Yes. I can say I have.
are you a girl (biological)?
Underrated post.
There is physical and mental addiction...
I'm sure I'll be more motivated when I'm out of college and not surrounded by other daily smokers. That's awesome I wish I was dedicated to guitar like that, what kinda music do you like?
Your average tinder thot
I was being hyperbolic but your honesty is unexpected and appreciated. I'll return it with some sincere advice:
Don't worry about it. You're still very young and cannabis is not a big deal.It's about as addictive as caffeine and not nearly as damaging as nicotine. Smoke as much as you want, you'll find yourself smoking less and less as you grow up without even consciously trying to quit.
I liked older hip hop like Wus first album (before I ever went to Yea Forums and knew it was hipster shit) various kinds Jazz (gypsy jazz, Tin Pan Alley, bebop shit, virtuosic guitar shit) folk/Americana/country, indie, some post-hardcore, some emo, some mathrock, contemporary jazz and prog, some older prog, singer songwriter stuff like jack Johnson and Norah Jones, alt rock, a lot of other shit I’m sure, I’ll listen to most anything, but hardly with the same passion as before I started making music, no it’s moreso just to have whatever on and I enjoy it all, but I’m
Not a devotee to anything. No favorite artist or album, before I made music though I used to know every song on every album I listened. Knew every lyric and listened from front to back on repeat. Now listening is just a fleeting thing. I just shuffle whatever music and listen but don’t check who’s playing or what the song is.
And def dude it helps to be away from it, I fortunately just stopped and convinced my friend to stop smoking and doing acid and shrooms. It’s definitely self medicating and it’s sad to me how everyone does it so much. I guess college is a lot of pressure and people have a lot weighing them down, but it does fuck up the psyche. Though thankfully not like harder drugs.
i've been without regular access to weed for a few months now, and i find it kinda pathetic how i have a stronger urge to move to Colorado, lock myself in a cabin in the woods and smoke my life away than i have to fornicate with a woman.
we really are a messed up generation, aren't we? is it gonna get worse? probably. or maybe not depending on how much physical interaction's actually gonna matter 50-100 years from now. maybe we're just the awkward transitional period between being regular humans and cyborgs locked in VR chairs. not that i think about that often or anything.
Everyone in this thread is getting all lame over weed and breaking flowerpots and grandpa's chair.
I've fled states in India, without a passport, after burning down a guesthouse trying to cook ketamine with an open flame coked out of my head.
Don't worry about it.
>we really are a messed up generation, aren't we? is it gonna get worse?
it's going to get worse and never better i literally don't know why i'm so scared to kill myself
But have you ever sucked dick for weed? Just the point is is it ain’t good for you.
i think i have this idealistic hope in the back of my head that there's still stuff i need to do. having the ability to see, hear and feel keep me from doing it, i think. the idea that there's still something around the corner. even if it's a lie.
Learn guitar, look good, or fuck some fat chicks
you make a good point. one thing i've noticed is that all of my fuck-ups that seemed awful in the moment eventually became funny stories.
I used to smoke every night for months( fucked with my sleep/ do not recomend) and then I decided to cut it off to apply for a new job and it’s pretty easy to not crave for it anymore. But when I was smoking every night, i didn’t want to go a night without it. So just cut it cold turkey, you’ll be fine.
Pussy has strings.
I know what you mean. I can't sleep sober and apparently I can't sleep drunk now either.
i think i'm just selfish and narcissistic more than anything. i don't look bad, i work-out, i bathe, i shave, i wear clean clothes from the thrift store, i blend in with the other hipsters when i have to go outside i talk about music and art when i'm stuck in social situations. i have a job. i keep myself busy with music, bass guitar, drawing and tapping on my drum pad. i've just spent so much time in a space where nobody can look at me that the outside world's become hostile territory. i put my own feeling-good above interacting with people. i really wonder if i'm that awful/weird or if everyone else my age-range is exactly like me. the second one scares me a bit. sometimes i feel like the only thing separating my life from becoming American Psycho is the fact that i haven't killed anybody. and you can add a fat 'yet' to the end of that last sentence if you want to.
i used to think booze helped you sleep. it actually reduces the quality of sleep. just because i can pass out in 10 seconds after getting shitfaced doesn't mean i'm getting good REM sleep. 4 hours of uneasy, sober rest make me feel better than a 12-hour hangover-crash.
Jesus. The angst. The teenage angst.
This really is a Morrissey thread.
Please leave my internet.
hey man, i never learned how to grow up. what else can i say? you're not wrong.
That makes a lot of sense and explains why I wake up drunk after 8+ hours sleep.
I feel you bro. Just trick a chick. No ones perfect specially not women. Fake it till you make it. No one loves anyone for themself. Till they get to know you at least. But in this day and age come on.
I can't get any programming done without it, but Im going on break, till my prescription is refilled
Fuck I’d be amazing at playing if I was on adderall
take the test user, I didn't know I was adhd until I was 27. and I'm still 27
best thing that ever happened. I love speed
I used to be on Ritalin when I was a kid adderall when I was 15-16 then vyvanse then adderal, they won’t prescribe me adderall cause I’m bipolar but I can’t see anything through without it. I have no motivation or drive for anything besides composing, playing, and practicing.
Kratom's nice. I really like it.
Speed prescription? In what godly valley do you reside?
You gotsta have add or adhd. Just say you can't focus or maintain thoughts.
then you're addicted to seed
what's it do? the fact that i can pick it up at the nearest smokeshop makes me skeptical.
oh shit, is that all add/adhd is? i thought i was just retarded.
I took a long test, waited a few months, watch the docs talk, then they gave ti to me
they thought I was ocd, but now Im add with anxiety disorder
KLONOPIN AND FOCALIN HELL YEAH NIIGGAAA, but Im out and have to wait for both
when we go out we tend to snort it sadly when drunk. I always regret it
Shit me. I've just educated myself. I didn't realise that Adderall and Ritalin were comprised of the same shit I get from my dealer.
Can speed you up or slow you down depending on the dosage you take. Has similar alkaloids to opiates which is why a lot of people use kratom to quit. The thing is, though, that means it's still addictive.
I'm an ex pill addict, and they do me fine. I buy mine from a nearby smokeshop, hopefully they don't outlaw it anytime soon.
Small doses make you wake up, gives you slight euphoria. Big doses gives you that opiate-like calm, but I gotta take a good amount for that.
Makes music and vidya fun. Makes ciggies taste fucking fantastic.
Yup, it's just legal amphy salts.
The fact that it's given to little kids daily makes me very uneasy.
Yeah. I mean I'm not sure to what extent I buy into all these new medical labels. Who the fuck doesn't have ADD or ADHD or Anxiety disorder or depression? I mean if the doctors could diagnose and medicate everybody they came across then everybody would be on pills, surely?
Were these 'conditions' just not around in the 60's or 70's? Did people just deal with their shit better back then?
I wouldn't go into a doctors office and explain how I'm feeling in the hopes of receiving a diagnosis and a pill. It just seems kind of weak. I'd rather just power through.
I should clarify though, that kratom is way less addictive than opiates/oids. It's not too risky health-wise either, assuming you're getting pure kratom, which is very hard to tell. So far so good, though.
People who blame weed for their problems would be unproductive without it anyway. Weed addiction is not comparable to alcoholism or other drug addictions where your body undergoes severe withdrawal symptoms. You won't get the shakes, vomiting, being on edge all the time, cold sweats, none of that shit.
Taking a break from marijuana might at worst make you bored because you're so used to the routine and doing it while watching entertainment and it might "enhance" it, and it could fuck with your sleep and appetite a bit for a few days because of the effects it has. You're not going to be fiending for it though and you can easily overcome it. If you manage to not smoke for a few days, it's very easy to forget about it for a while. For me, if I have something big going on in school where I have to study longer or I need to piss test for work I can go for long breaks without smoking, even if when I do smoke I smoke multiple bowls a day.
100%. Think about the current generation of kids who grew up exclusively tethered to smartphones and web 2.0. When I was a kid, I used the internet a lot but I had dial up until I was like 14, so I couldn't sink hours into the internet or fall into more interactive entertainment that sucks you in completely like video games and videos. Today's kids use ipads when they're toddlers and watch that mind numbing spiderman elsa 3d shit on youtube. Millennials and zoomers, while heavily connected to the internet, weren't 24/7 connected for their entire lives and that's a key distinction I think.
I thought that's what zoomers were. What are the general ages of zoomers and millennials?
I'm 22 and consider myself a millennial. I grew up with limited access to the internet.
I imagine zoomers growing up with phones and computers from an early age.
i meant like early zoomers like 1997-2000 i guess, basically anyone who can actually remember a time before youtube and iphones (2006-07), even if vaguely. those are still considered zoomers i think
1994 is the first year for "zoomers".
you smoked a hole in your brain
You waste your weed listening to The Smiths? what a fag lmao