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I used to make ambient recordings of vacuum cleaners.

anal cunt is unironically good

I don't think rap has any artistic merit.

I was a metalhead that enjoyed Björk

I'm chinese and I occasionally listen to kendrick lamar to feel black and sympathise with
>muh hood gangsta nigga shieeeet

I no longer enjoy heavy music / hard rock. I'm thinking of selling most of my guitars and focusing on my piano. Jazz interests me more these days.

I don't care for Earth 2 but I love every other Earth album, which is weird since 2 is their most well known album.
I fucking hate Pavement.
I can't get into Death Grips because it's one giant meme. I miss back when it was just Exmil and TMS.
I fucking hate Kanye.
Milvins would be fantastic without Buzzo singing, his voice just brings it down.

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Think about that being said about any genre you enjoy and think about how retard that sounds

That's how retarded you sound


Yea Forums has made more for a few artists than the distributors in the internet age because of the memes and constant shitposting around the board.

I mean, ITAOTS has sold over 500k copies, American Football, The Avalanches and shoegaze´s holy trinity have reunited in this decade and no one has escaped of hearing Animal Collective or Death Grips at some point. I wonder where one should draw the line between the jokes and the serious business influencing the music scenes sometimes.

If only Sweet Trip or Unwound reunited....

you dont need to confess for that

Fuck you boring Yea Forums crossposter

We know Kevin.

I buy music equipment but never make music

I used to jerk off while listening to the Front Bottoms.

I also fucked a girl while we sang "Twin Size Mattress" together.

That hurt to type desu.

How is he?

Based. AxCx were incredible and Seth was a fantastic singer.



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if you were a rap fan who doesn't have just the top 40s knocking around in his head you wouldn't be saying this

0 Hail Marys, this is a correct opinion

I like Damn better than TPAB

The Pirate Auction Bay > *

I'm incredibly bored by like half of the Beatles output because when they already became the biggest band in the world in a way they no longer felt the need to prove themselves so the result was half of their albums being comprised of filler and throwaway tunes

(Not him)
I really don't like early Beatles albums. They didn't reach their stride until Rubber Soul.

i haven't paid actual money for a single part of my 200+ GB personal collection of digital music
i've paid thousands of dollars to collect records/CDs since 2014ish, and i tell myself that's how i support musicians, but it's actually just supporting record stores. rarely have i ever actually monetarily supported musicians outside of if plays are ever counted towards revenue

>and shoegaze´s holy trinity have reunited
MBV, SD, and... Cocteau Twins?

Maybe he means Ride

Oh duh that makes sense

I fantasize about what it would be like to take heroin on a regular basis.
The only opioid I've done is kratom

Go to their shows you dimwit

i unironically enjoy listening to vocaloid music, and i want to make music with vocaloid.

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Nick Cave is brilliant but I laugh every time I see his face because he looks like a B-movie villain

Kratom's fun as hell. I like how it can be an upper or downer depending on how much you take. Makes music and vidya a blast.

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I listen to Greatest Hits albums

I wish I was dead

I had sex with your mother.

Piper at the Gates of dawn is only considered as much of a masterpiece by many because they want to be different from people enjoying their actual perfect albums.

i can't appreciate to the fullest this form of art, i think i'm retarded for just liking the melodies and can't be able to comprehend the subtext that every author want to show

I only find it good ironically (unironically)

that's the common consensus user

Um no I just think Syd is a hilarious fucking kook and I get a kick out of listening to the album every time I play it.

most of the time i just project my insecurities onto people, speaking my opinions in an overly frank and objective manner, and refuse to budge even when i know i'm wrong because making others look wrong is a higher priority to me than actually being right.



I do kind of wonder about how blackgaze got such a bad rep.
Like it's just black metal with a bit more effect pedals, post-rock influenced crescendos, and softer melodies interlaced. It's not as if Metallica didn't have songs that were halfway acoustic ballads on their three most acclaimed records, or that Ulver didn't fuck around with acoustic melodies, or Burzum had no ambient songs. No, Alcest and Deafheaven got popular purely because they embraced the more dynamic elements of what metal used to be rather than all this forced emotionless "kvlt" shit that's dominated the scene for the past two decades at this point.

it's just gatekeeping bruh, don't waste the brain cells on pondering the logic of it.

only bad thing i can say about blackgaze is that it's definitely getting over-saturated. i love washy-guitars and blast beats as much as the next guy, but we're gonna start reaching djent levels of over-saturation eventually. we probably already have.

>I fucking hate Pavement.
Why user? Is it because Malkmus voice?

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Yeah, just browsing spotify recommended artists already has a massive repertoire of very formulaic bands that have essentially made Deafheaven the EITS for this decade's post-rock. A few of those acts, namely Saor and An Autumn for Crippled Children, have a actually been quite consistent and great, but many others simply clocked one good release following the SB hype train and are now falling off quite horribly.

Honestly, that works best with some singles-oriented bands. New Order, Queen, shit like that.

I fucking adore Sunbather. Such a fantastic album.

Yeah, that and a lot of the lyrics just hit me wrong. It just isn't my thing.

First, a background on my pedestrian taste. 90’s-early 00’s Metal like Deftones, Tool, Soad, Faith No More, Type O Negative, Tiamat, and shit like that is my favorite type of music basically.
>ew pedestrian
Limp Bizkit is enjoyable.
>ew no
Not Durst on those awful slower songs but on the Nu Metal bangers. I mostly mean on Significant Other and Three Dollar Bill. Hot Dog isn’t that good and same for Results. Production is shit and Durst can’t really sing but it’s just fun. It’s not like unironically liking Creed.
>a-actually creed is based...
But they’re not
Also if the lead singer was Jamal Durst, Limp Bizkit would be a “revolutionary, groundbreaking, and culturally enriching band”.
>lol justification, faggot
Just saying, put the Limp Bizkit in your mouth, results may vary.

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Oasis-Wonderwall is unironically a good and meaningful song.

i don’t know why this made me laugh so hard but it did

Based esteban poster

gloss drop is album of the decade and you cannot change my mind

One day I will own this board.

too bad Battles are never gonna make anything again because La Di Da Di flopped.

i liked la di da di. wasn’t as good as mirrored or gloss drop obviously but i give it a 7/10.

anytime I listen to a song I imagine it in guitar hero chart form.

it was 100% fine, it just didn't continue down the route Gloss Drop projected. less Ice Cream, more Futura. i guess people didn't want that.

blackgaze is more than good.

Sgt. Pepper really is the best Beatles album. I know this is akin to saying Dark Side is the best Pink Floyd album, so I'll see myself out.

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no, saying abbey road is the best beatles album is akin to saying dark side is pink floyd's best
how could you be so fucking blind

I love Ob La Di Ob La Da

I'm a Pitchfork loving hipster faggot that worships Radiohead and masturbates to Death Grips, but I also listen to shit like Bille Ellish unironically

I really like Paul McCartney and Wings' Wild Life. I think the title track, Tomorrow, and Dear Friend are underrated songs.

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I'm planning on going on a date with a girl who has feelings for me just to fuck her. It's gonna be awkward as hell cause we see each other every day, though

My absolute favorite song of all time is All the Things She Said by t.A.t.U. Nothing compares to that track

Merriweather Post Pavillion is unironically the best leap forward in music since sgt pepper and pet sounds

Almost all of my musical taste is copied from a guy who was probably a Yea Forumstant that posted on a Runescape forum I used to frequent.

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itaots is genuinely one of the greatest albums of all time.

I've tried my absolute hardest to enjoy music with female vocals but I just cant do it. It just dosnt sound right

I call other people racist on the internet despite being myself a racist
wow this one’s fucking weird