Top 100 Best Death Metal Albums

I feel like refining one of my death metal charts and could use some help.
As you can see, we got some of the most highly regarded albums on this chart. Being highly regarded doesn't necessarily mean it's the best.
That's why we are going to replace some the highly regarded albums with the best ones.
Hopefully that makes sense.
Anyway, post the best death metal albums you know.

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I see literally no issues with this chart

Cannibal Corpse is a perfect example of a band being highly regarded but not actually being the best.
We should replace Cannibal Corpse with something better.
I'm not saying they're bad.
There are better bands to replace them with.

Yeah. Eaten Back to Life does not need t9 be there while Revenant is missing.
Good chart otherwise

Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris

>Helped with RAW BM list
>Death Metal illiterate
I am a fuckwit with Death Metal, but Necrosanct are massively underrated.

More experienced Deathfags please correct if this is a pile of garbage and my ears are retarded.

>no Master - Master
into the trash it goes

Keep in mind that I consider bands like Massacra and Master death/thrash bands.
I avoided putting death/thrash bands on the death metal chart.
As a matter of fact, I put them on their very own thrash chart.
Honestly, the thrash metal chart needs more work than the death metal chart.
Perhaps we should work on that instead?

Attached: Thrash.jpg (3414x2800, 1.83M)

I don't think Seven Churches should be on that list. To me, it's death metal. But if that's the way you're going to go about it, then I'd add Venom to the list. It's technically considered Black Metal, but it sounds thrashy.

What about Vader?

Not sure which to put it on, but there is a lack of Sarcofago, unless that is on a Black Metal list.

One user suggested that some of the albums should be replaced with crossover and proto-black bands.
I think that's a good idea.
Here's the thing though,
It's going to be tough trying to replace the albums. Pretty much all of them are very good.
That's where you guys come in.
Which albums should be replaced in exchange for the crossover and proto-black albums?

The raw black metal chart I made is a fucking joke.
Just look at it.
Who the fuck cares about bands such as Antaeus and Black Cilice?
The chart is completely useless if it's filled with obscure bands no one gives a shit about.
For fuck's sake.

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Gorguts - Obscura
Sadistik Exekution - The Magus
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines
Portal - Seepia
Ulcerate - The Destroyers of All
Obituary - Slowly We Rot
Deceased... - Luck of the Corpse
Vibrion - Diseased
Crimson Massacre - The Luster of Pandemonium
Kataklysm - Temple of Knowledge (Kataklysm Part III)
Mortal Decay - Forensic
Withered Earth - Forgotten Sunrise
Cynic - Focus
Gigan - Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes
Cenotaph - Riding Our Black Oceans
Pyrrhon - The Mother of Virtues
Carnivore Diprosopus - Filled My Stomach With a Pregnant's Corpse

The Alex Jones Prison Planet - Crush the Parasites

Enmity - Illuminations of Vile Engorgement
Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies
Neoandertals - Ebu Gogo Gutting The Child
Amputated Genitals - Human Meat Gluttony
Krisiun - Black Force Domain
StarGazer - The Scream That Tore the Sky
Mortician - Hacked Up for Barbecue
Purulent - Garavito's Pedophilia Tales
Blaze Inside - Pure Potenciality

...For Victory
Cannibal Corpse
One of the Cianide albums
The 2nd Dead Congregation album
Silence of the Centuries
All Death albums except Leprosy and SBG
God Macabre
Malevolent Creation
Septic Flesh
The Chasm
These bands need to go if you want the very best death metal albums.



that album sucks

listening to this now

yup, this definitely deserves a spot


I don't think malevolent creation should be on there.