ITT: great country albums

ITT: great country albums

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Vol 2 is far superior desu

Better than Traveller though?

just started getting into bluegrass. this album is great, though some of the studio banter gets annoying. it adds a lot to the vibe of the album, though - makes you feel like you're part of their gang. also, sturgil is INCREDIBLY based.

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Margo price duh

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this looks like quirky "country" music for reddit-browsing gamers to me and not anything appropriate

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flying burrito brothers s/t aka based country garage rock that ironic twitter cowboys can’t handle

pic related is extraordinarily based and somehow has

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aka onions genre tourist trash for people that don't know shit about actual country music

Jk they're cool just don't stop there...dig deeper

Goin to see these boys in the city on Saturday

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Let's here it for the girls

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Don't forget the King

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Those boys on bass and drums ya know they're country through and through
But they wanna wear that makeup like them rockstars do
And they smile at each other, and sometimes they hold hands
Too long on the road, I gotta get rid of this band

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Vol 2 doesn't have I Was Wrong


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The 1952 Folkways Anthology of American Folk Music put together from mad genius Harry’s Smith’s 78 collection. There’s some blues and Cajun but it’s mostly commercial hillbilly recordings from the 20s.

Fuck that I need drums and electric guitar

i'll check it out, thanks for the rec

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Meant for

Plot Twist! There is no good country songs
Now real country on the other hand is medicore at best