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Other urls found in this thread:

>2 threads

Attached: DwgTw6eXQAEeb_F.jpg (1024x576, 44K)

kpop has been ass this year so far

dalla dalla was good

Attached: 1552455936957.webm (1440x1080, 2.86M)

if wanting to fuck underage girls are immoral god wouldn't have made them so cummable

wujuroastie btfo

Attached: 1546153824821.webm (574x876, 2.76M)

looks like this is the thread
Hyungdon looked very different before the sympathetic pregnancy and antidepressants.

Attached: Dks81DJXcAIRUpb.jpg (1500x1000, 157K)

can just imagine...

Attached: 9.jpg (3024x1841, 3.35M)

Attached: 1544166388858.jpg (404x805, 49K)

Imagining Kairone cucking you by fucking your gf and then he fucks you..

why is his arm 3 ways long

get her out of kpop until 2022

>every single thread when wony gets posted

Attached: 1561061637958.webm (306x236, 1.12M)

jesus fuck


Attached: D8kbtGSXYAEXyuB.jpg (1024x808, 65K)

kpop is shit

wony is the only thing keeping kpop afloat

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Attached: yujin👀.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)

you guys are eyelets


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reserving now before 2022 bandwagoners

literally asking for it

Attached: 10.jpg (2412x1478, 3.19M)

asking for what

kpop is good you just have to escape the girl group circlejerk

these are too dark to fap to

wujuroastie in tears

Attached: Wony10.jpg (1579x1000, 149K)

Do we like Zimzalabim?

Attached: D7KJzgFU0AEzcru.jpg (800x1200, 149K)

im not gonna say

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damn why couldn't x***** do this too

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Attached: 1176260_n.jpg (1440x1440, 136K)

i still don't understand where jurina gets all these votes from. Who sees jurina and goes "wow I really like her."

to get painted like a french girl

i miss yuna so much bros...

Attached: 1529682957932.jpg (425x597, 39K)

Fuck that other thread only dumb fucks post there. Blackpink is the revolution.

Attached: file.png (736x1105, 1.64M)

It's ok, but not great

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Guess whats on that spoon

Attached: c42ab0b.jpg (1898x2048, 1.08M)

so are kai and sehun escorts now

lol shut the fuck up, cocksucker

says the retard that can't read timestamps

just sehun


grandpa wotas, basically baby's first idol/oshi/bias

Attached: jurinaimpression.jpg (2766x2048, 1.44M)

fagpop is shit too don't @ me kid

ok buenos aires is better than fancy

Attached: yurióculos.jpg (768x1024, 88K)



stop samefagging already

looks like all the avatarfags are here

yes and both are 8+ inches omo


Attached: D4gdvaqU8AACLm4.jpg (2048x1573, 434K)


Attached: D3hWkziUUAAUEpp.jpg (1000x1500, 264K)


fat piece of shit

0 7 9 10 6 6 9

jannies, your verdict?

7 korean heterosexuals

we only listen to xenharmonic jazz here

2 8 6 9 8 5 7

sorry it's still bad
maybe worse than fun/zimbamblipblank

Attached: 1557550260341.jpg (1000x1500, 166K)

Attached: D1s0zsiU8AE3Puu.jpg (1000x1500, 137K)

stop being an obese bts roastie, you worthless fat hog
dont @ me ever again

Attached: 61999729_405908210005025_3511797533040967680_o.jpg (1333x2000, 577K)

Bros i just wanna smelm them
Imagine the smell!!
I bet you won't last much after smelling that

Attached: 1560936248403.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

or what, pussy

it was on par with wendy's outfit

Worst Twice jp release>>>>Buenos Aires

i was one of the anons who replied to the kai posts and i like bts lol

Attached: 0000056298_001_20190314131815735.jpg (2000x1333, 397K)

Attached: .jpg (342x404, 16K)

just listened to it. i don't like it. it's even worse than zimzalabim.
i liked violeta

Attached: D9Vnxt6U0AAFfYN.jpg (2048x1365, 411K)

Attached: D4SEDlsWkAEi6_D.jpg (1080x1080, 114K)


listening to exos best bside (one and only)

Attached: 6.jpg (1300x941, 567K)

i swear there can't be more than 5 heterosexuals left here

Attached: 1537481643094.webm (816x720, 2.9M)

yujin and wonyoung are assholes, but all children are so I don't blame them.

>exos best bside
based ooh la la la

it just seems like that sometimes because the gayshitters samefag so much and everyone takes a break until they leave

watching the latest momo vlive with the laptop screen right up against my face

Fagpop thread, I am out.

Attached: file.png (864x1200, 1.95M)

how do so many gaypoppers show up at once

That's good because it was one of the songs Yixing was in

Attached: Ctce-buUIAA_FD1-orig.jpg (1000x1500, 83K)

Attached: 9579478405120.webm (800x800, 700K)

Why is izone incapable to do an iconic track like ioi ??
Do they need daddy jyp to save the day??

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at least i'm one of them

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>trannylover complaining about fagpop

we wanted a yeji thread

they come here when OH goes down

Post gaypop and people might reply or start discussion, it’s not that hard to understand

glad to hear it m8

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they samefag a lot

funny ioi's only good track is by jyp
rip reunion

what do any of these pics have to do with the content of these posts?

Attached: D7a9VwiVUAAnt55.jpg (576x1024, 53K)

there's way too many good b-sides from exo, i don't know how you could choose

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my vietnamese bride

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so they just post girlpop in the mean time?

i like posting pictures

Attached: D8Hy5_vU0AA-9UP.jpg (4000x2667, 2.34M)

the yeti is a myth and the pictures faked. no creature has feet that disgusting.

Reminder that flippy is autistic

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The last OST for BTS World is out tomorrow and it's Suga x RapMan track... Hm...

Attached: D8EUAw9VsAAFAOA.jpg (912x1200, 250K)

i post a lot of groups

Attached: DhB0-eWV4AAItkw.jpg:orig.jpg (1364x2048, 279K)

post yuna's ass you cowards

is irene the oldest in any of the active girl groups?
anyone close to her age?

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Attached: 1544310411653.webm (996x1080, 1.74M)

anyone picking up korean from watching/listening to this stuff?

imagine if they sang instead of rapped

yeah, I post Twice sometimes but I'm mainly a fan of a certain gaypop group

Ugh leafgaymanlet and exotranny fucking up the thread again posting gay shit.

Disgusting f@gs

it's gonna be a banger

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who’s your favorite group?

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pretty boy

Attached: 1068.jpg (452x1000, 78K)

a few words and i can read hangul now.

Attached: sua.png (751x1227, 580K)

is this the newest meme

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Attached: 1541737525019.jpg (1500x1000, 145K)

I can't imagine a bigger waste of time other than posting on kpg for 16 hours a day

Attached: D8dFosYV4AE5XD2.jpg (1279x678, 95K)

whoa look at that button

who the fuck is leafgay? anyway leave exobros alone

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based yunachad saving the thread

Attached: D7QlOitVsAAlgnT.jpg (2048x1536, 273K)

yikes that tom brady chin

Yeah hangul was surprisingly easy and I’m learning new words and phrases

sua looks like a very nice and innocent young woman

i just scroll past it. i don't even read posts with gaypop pictures.

Attached: 1560372472962.jpg (1500x1383, 185K)

Attached: D5My81DUYAASwZF-orig.jpg (2048x1366, 264K)

yeah but the sentence structure and the particles stuff are very hard

Attached: 1545177464828.webm (516x830, 2.56M)

was this when he glared at people

Attached: D084ByHX4AAN3Qi.jpg (828x1035, 138K)

does itzy have schedules?
never seen them on variety

Attached: p5.jpg (773x1160, 135K)

The crazy izone vlive was subbed btw.

Attached: 1545617694382.webm (510x720, 2.84M)

That would make sense except I'm a grandpa wota (relatively). There are threads and threads about people who hate jurina. It just makes no sense to me.

literal succubus

>good luck oppa

that's our yuna

Attached: 1529910834227.webm (600x960, 2.69M)

irene is approaching boomer age

it’s going to be the n-word

Attached: Apink_Chorong_Percent_promotional_photo_2[1].png (857x1200, 1.96M)

Attached: D62upehXoAE_krL.jpg (1365x2048, 368K)

If you never did it to yuna and ahn yujin you're not a chad poster

Yeah, i mean it sucks that promotion had it all. A blastable mv with amazing visuals and colors, great catchy track and all of them were gorgeous. It literally was the only reason i got excited about produce 48 and ended up swallowing the whole season just to get the shit that it's iz*one so far

Attached: 1549037852568.jpg (1914x2880, 1.32M)

stop talking about irenes age

It's funny because when I.O.I released VVV kpg said that Twice would flop with TT and I.O.I would be the next nation's gg.

any loona stans here?

Attached: s.png (946x1409, 1.37M)

based and redpilled

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does txt have male roty in the bag? no one seems to stand a chance
ateez are still too nugu

Attached: D1SrN0CU4AEMxPE.jpg (2048x1536, 354K)

Attached: D5X4D9_UYAAISDE.jpg (1152x2048, 180K)

if you're not mentally ill like me then you're not a chad

where's the busters jisoo chads

based chad


Attached: 1548387894421.jpg (1919x1440, 413K)

if they win roty it’s proof that they’re riding bts success and big hit is part of the big three now

Attached: 1534005866771.jpg (1200x1920, 381K)

awards are meaningless

PDX group

race slut erii

reporting for duty. rosy is my favourite b side

Attached: oliviahye4.jpg (800x1200, 82K)

doing it to yuna right now

Kek, i remember that. I'm just glad that chungha got something out of it.

yes im starting my hrt tomorrow wish me luck

thought orbits do amphetamines, since they're of the homo sex

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Attached: 1555448042174.webm (360x640, 2.49M)

she's pretty uggo (think she's the same age as sakura?) also however the scheme is setup she's shown to be a snake to win game

fuck i forgot about them, when are they debuting anyway?

depends on the competition and winning criteria

slugroastie btfo

she's still underage. i don't even save pictures of underage kpop girls.

Attached: 1560370767934.jpg (2048x1366, 383K)

worst part of zimzalabim is the white girl voice wendy uses in the beginning

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i miss them bros

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Attached: here.png (444x714, 627K)

said an user watching his tears pouring on his keyboard after watching his favorite group flopping again...

let me guess you still don't like itzy

Attached: 8c134fc1.jpg (800x800, 88K)

Attached: 1542450246882.gif (524x500, 3.93M)

well pristin won roty then disbanded so

leave fromisbro alone

who gave egg an ny cap

Attached: 0313_releasing_blog.jpg (2000x2832, 497K)

mfw i love loona but hate the loonatranny stans

At least Kai has been getting a lot of schedules lately

and that's a great part, so for it to be the worst really proves how wonderful zimzalabim really is

Packin' hundreds in my drawers, fuck the law

Attached: 1477945960531.jpg (1920x1281, 387K)

depends if we get energetic 2 to cockblock

>trusting kpg's opinion

Attached: sana05.jpg (222x308, 30K)

yeah the whole lgbt thing is overplayed and annoying as fuck. homosexual agendas should be kept away from my girl group

tfw i love trannys

Just don’t go on Twitter


i fell in love with bts' music but was really ashamed for the first 6 months or so. when watching their mvs i pretended that it was twice doing hardcore girlcrush

based lisabro

Attached: 1d083d44.jpg (947x1280, 140K)


i insist that TT is still a shit song

even if wanna one didn't release a song as good as energetic they would still do well because of their huge fanbase
i'm not sure how big this new season's fanbase is so far compared to wanna one

yes we stan gowon here

Attached: 1538073756348.jpg (1999x3000, 1.8M)

you're no different than them

it’s never that deep, their bsides are usually better anyway

Attached: zimzalabim.png (626x866, 787K)


Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

Wrong, itzy it's a patrician version of bp and they had a great track to star with, can't wair for the next.
Also yeji a goddess and best feet

Attached: jamal and kairone.jpg (1000x1165, 310K)

she grew up in the usa and canada and she speaks perfect english.
that's her normal voice

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exobros ww@

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kai looking white for the first time in his life

making me think....

Attached: DxCalUUWsAAmBTk.jpg (934x735, 69K)

waiting for chanhun teasers

Attached: DuY5jJfUYAAvg_R.jpg (1384x2048, 515K)

>final group will be mostly nugu idols
it's looking more like that one show where they did the same concept, also since the 5 year deal lots of young and inexperienced trainees.

could flop the first 1-2 years then get big also

did they?

kai is literally a lightskin

all hot 2bh

Thinking about how it is BTS best song but Armpits can't appreciate their genuine good tracks

Attached: D9G0IGWVUAAM9p5.jpg (799x1200, 144K)

is that black kid even a “kid”? i thought he was younger but that beard/stance says otherwise

that's caleb mclaughlin, he's only 17 years old

not with that mixing

Attached: 1558040783662.webm (722x1080, 2.71M)

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>Energetic made by Pentagon dude
So where's more songs like Shine?

he’s a minor


I'm an Armyonce too

Attached: 1555451540468.webm (1280x720, 1.14M)

fucking based taste, i love this song too and it gets me emo

Attached: 570c39d4e1d609ba71050bc1331b9d24999b6850_hq.jpg (540x790, 58K)

remember snsd

Attached: 1546997430598.webm (1300x1080, 2.86M)


stranger things x exo has got to be the weirdest collab in kpop this year

Attached: D9gICY0U0AEpoeu.jpg orig.jpg (1125x1125, 237K)

*kisses monitor*

Attached: 1557121691914.webm (1172x1080, 2.01M)

BTS looking like they just robbed someone

Attached: D9ewU4MVAAAejW-.jpg (900x1200, 183K)

i hope exo actually watched the show

what r dose

why is suga so afraid of the sun lmao

robbed EXO of their souls

what's with that gremlin looking kid
is he one of the stranger things?

jin ??? j-hope

>when you can't be exposed to sun because you'll have to add another 10 layers of bb cream

Attached: SUZY.webm (684x938, 1.11M)

lmao, no it's Jin, Suga and Lee Hyun

Attached: D2jTOG-U0AA0ehs.jpg (682x1024, 84K)

yeah they're part of the cast and had a red carpet event in korea

Attached: D9gICY2UEAMGnKO.jpg orig.jpg (1125x1125, 186K)

>not one but two (2) thigh belts
yuna knows

their bsides are always boring crap

mask is for air pollution

Not one good ass in this thread. And a lot of very very sad asses like

Do you ever think about the fact that we could have got Lie with trumpets in the background but those roaches from BigHit can't give us nice things?

Attached: D9L_CoCVAAAflmI (1).jpg (900x1200, 205K)

i still like their recent b-sides desu


Attached: 113.jpg (750x942, 102K)

what the fuck is all this gaypop

no its what fishermen wear to protect from the sun, they are very breathable

wony's wony is the very very best

Attached: 1546159357312.jpg (1435x1804, 263K)

i don’t think about wings at all

dont look
also fruit isn't ripe yet

wow, i'm bald now

Attached: C80SFXfVoAAXhqC.jpg (2048x1124, 345K)

this is old
cbx are the safety ambassadors now

>implying he did shit

Attached: the real songwriters.png (1062x195, 14K)

>SM pimping out their twinks to the government yet again

Have you listened to their older albums?

I really like their old tracks

Attached: Dvg3PKFXQAAhrv7.jpg (1200x675, 97K)

word except the boy group circle jerk

Attached: 585062_262575_3256_org.jpg (1200x1920, 876K)

good finisher...

gaypoop is wholly irrelevant

of course, i've listened to their entire korean discography and the hyyh series are still my favorite (not to sound like a pleb)
i haven't listened to their other stuff like soundcloud, recent jp singles, collabs etc though

love being a white chad

Attached: 1531090838493.jpg (2000x3005, 735K)

you’re an obese roastie

based slugbro

I hope you listened to Hope World as well my dear friendo because Hope World is one of the best kpop releases last year

Attached: ap,550x550,12x12,1,transparent,t.u2.png (550x550, 258K)

don't samefag roastie

That's because you're still a low IQ monkey

Attached: 1534390145186.webm (690x540, 2.91M)

i kissed a wony and i liked it

i would but i can’t stand jhope’s voice

Attached: 1531634537946.webm (518x450, 1.57M)

based and hopepilled

Attached: 40279117_331294784291439_3493809026280036547_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.27M)

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Ah I understand. Good to know that good taste bros are still with us though

Attached: 1554838945672.jpg (1367x2048, 191K)

If you give gaypop a finger they take the whole arm, that's why as soon as you see someone posting gayshit you have to tell them to go back to to other site asap

Attached: 1534822432231.webm (518x500, 582K)

not everyone wants to post in a general where people do nothing but personalityshit and erp

Is the other site down?

chad mentioned

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gib wonho tiddie


Attached: bang.jpg (935x775, 197K)

he's ugly

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I spend my day posting gifs of a prepubescent girl making kissy faces on a malaysian penis measuring board.
