Musicians who have talents outside their music.
Musicians who have talents outside their music
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Rob Zombie making funny films
What talents does she have?
Nick Cave
Pusha T
She can telekinetically arouse responses in male bodies.
Russian composer Alexander Borodin was a skilled organic chemist and doctor.
I miss unpasteurised Marina lads
Looks like trent reznor
marina and the bigtits
mc ride is a painter
Damn I was expecting a bunch of messy blobs of paint with confusing shit all over it but these are actually really well done
MC Ride and a sensitive side.
Fairplay to that nigger, he's incredibly talented.
Épater la bourgeoisie
this dude looks like every annoying person i've ever met rolled into one.
def looks like more than one person
Damn these are actually nice. I might actually buy one.
maggin muh fuggin dig hard :DD
his sculptures are incredible
if the most annoying people in your life are all chill stoners who love to cook and eat delicious food i frankly envy your life
Thom Yorke's digital art is pretty cool
Daily reminder that Marina is a disgusting old hag who cut off her tits and aged like shit. Her recent album was fucking trash and yet another failed attempt at selling out.
i dont get it. she didn't age that bad. she looks pretty good imo.
yeah right. Keep telling that to yourself. She is the prime example of shit aging.
This reminded me that incels don't know how bras work.
fuck sorry