Musicians who have talents outside their music

Musicians who have talents outside their music.

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Rob Zombie making funny films

What talents does she have?

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Nick Cave


Pusha T

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She can telekinetically arouse responses in male bodies.

Russian composer Alexander Borodin was a skilled organic chemist and doctor.

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I miss unpasteurised Marina lads

Looks like trent reznor

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marina and the bigtits

mc ride is a painter

Damn I was expecting a bunch of messy blobs of paint with confusing shit all over it but these are actually really well done

MC Ride and a sensitive side.

Fairplay to that nigger, he's incredibly talented.


Épater la bourgeoisie

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this dude looks like every annoying person i've ever met rolled into one.

def looks like more than one person


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Damn these are actually nice. I might actually buy one.

maggin muh fuggin dig hard :DD

his sculptures are incredible

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if the most annoying people in your life are all chill stoners who love to cook and eat delicious food i frankly envy your life

Thom Yorke's digital art is pretty cool

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Daily reminder that Marina is a disgusting old hag who cut off her tits and aged like shit. Her recent album was fucking trash and yet another failed attempt at selling out.

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i dont get it. she didn't age that bad. she looks pretty good imo.

yeah right. Keep telling that to yourself. She is the prime example of shit aging.

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This reminded me that incels don't know how bras work.

fuck sorry