uhh guys?

Attached: you just know.jpg (970x867, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

crying sana

Attached: 1547473670995.webm (640x1138, 1.39M)

any slugman in

our girls blackpink!

Attached: 1530729258379.jpg (1200x800, 162K)


blackpink is the prostitution

blackpink is the revolution

Attached: i_am_very_excited.jpg (518x835, 73K)


Attached: Jisunnnnn.webm (608x1080, 2.93M)

Attached: D9C3g8zWkAATAxZ.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

yes, lots of us are here

would girls prefer hyunmin or rui hachimura



did he get minatozaki'd

blackstink is the pollution


Attached: 1546765144047.webm (720x1280, 1.48M)

poor shiba inu pussy getting rekt by a black labrador

Attached: 5851.jpg (345x564, 35K)



>pristin girls still at pledis eventually redebut in new pledis girl group
>they win ROTY for the third time
>forgotten again after debut and 1 comeback

this is cringe stop doing it

Attached: 1557759954289.jpg (720x720, 58K)

Attached: 1543583056441.png (1275x1650, 2.21M)

zimzalabim slugbro

Attached: D8D585cUYAEt2kg[1].jpg (1824x2736, 949K)

any sharkman in

Attached: 1560742869104.jpg (1080x1920, 958K)

imagine caring about awards at all, especially roty

go play fartnite

she looks like a kicked puppy :(

Too bad he's a beta pussy

Attached: HANDONGFireBird-1141003864788758528-20190618_112454-img2.jpg (2731x4096, 1.96M)

Dreamnote Eunjo + Soomin >>>>>>>>> anyone from GWSN or Nature or Favorite

Sorry, just a fact

don't tell us what to do

Attached: 1529975194262.jpg (1500x2250, 315K)


Attached: kyungri-shake.webm (1024x576, 178K)

>blackpink is the prostitution
actually pretty funny

Attached: 1548982236060.webm (640x892, 889K)

Attached: Heejin.webm (1920x1080, 525K)

>3rd time
Isn't only Pinky still there from IOI? She's the only one who could win a third rather than a second, no?

and true

mostly wrong D- rework it and submit

Any Dong f**t?

Attached: 1541621416158.webm (640x980, 1.68M)

>being the meat in the middle of an arin and seulgi sweat sandwich

cringe and stupid

it isn't

if eung eung was sang by twice or rv. it would be the SOTY

Attached: 53226264_404316810113929_6075545305380552704_n.jpg (584x960, 44K)

post that pic of jizzoo next to the black guy right before she filmed her blacked episode

that's chewy, faggots

sorry, meant to say Sumin + Hanbyul

Attached: 1550858732175.jpg (540x300, 40K)


Attached: D5VPbUaUcAA-D_3-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 374K)

Attached: 1555526020731.webm (700x738, 1.31M)


Attached: fansign.webm (640x640, 2.89M)

Hrmm not sure I have much if any Creamcatcher feet

Attached: jiu-dong.webm (1920x1080, 1.12M)

doesn't exist actually so shut the hell up idiot and stop calling her that

Attached: 1542665395377.jpg (1500x1000, 127K)

peas and carrots
peas and carrots
peas and carrots

I'm uploading it right now


Attached: 1559590847398.webm (779x950, 2.92M)

pretty damn autistic

Is sakura natty?

Her fault for putting the filter up to whiter than Dubu territory

that webm tho

Fucking banger.
If it was a RV song they'd chart high af and get a lot of awards

Attached: 524990_190675_3615_org.jpg (1800x1200, 684K)


Attached: DlGX13JU8AAL6k0.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

Attached: 1554059536378.jpg (540x720, 47K)

Attached: 1537550358378.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

Jennie's feet in my mouth


Reminder Dreamcatcher are based and give us what we want

Attached: D9WNttnU8AA-6pq[1].jpg (2732x4096, 1.8M)

post any dc f**t

Sana is a literal angel


Attached: 1542210997276.webm (1920x1080, 2.32M)

a natural bitch yes

Attached: DlqWtRvUUAAhpyT.jpg orig.jpg (2000x1333, 414K)

That tape is for Coachella executives only

>open webm
>see jennie
>"wow great webm"
>jisoo and the others appear
>*closes webm*

did you know she's a baby?

Attached: 1533034718841.jpg (1080x1350, 187K)

Attached: 53375568_404316846780592_2229513228386304_n.jpg (459x960, 50K)

any more IG thots? thanks for the first few. the second one literally looks like Momo lmao


Attached: 20190219190855297tqlv.jpg (784x1000, 795K)

based jenniebro

Attached: 1560539609195.jpg (1080x1350, 261K)

you mean she's had a baby

Attached: gkya4og98vp21.jpg (1125x1117, 104K)


Must have had amazing growth because she doesn't look quite the same on her early hkt pictures

you can be sued for saying this crap so stop

blind idiot you aren't allowed to watch anyway

Attached: 1530368348958.jpg (800x1200, 164K)

the funny thing is, they all knew and looked right at her and then kept on walking

Attached: 1557420066224.webm (846x1080, 2.82M)

based me

Attached: 1556721281934.jpg (1000x1500, 114K)

Attached: 1554839675123.jpg (1920x1080, 272K)

don't do that

prove it

Attached: 1542963519873.jpg (1000x1500, 166K)

stop being weird

Crapstink is the poovolution

Attached: 7WogdCQ.jpg (1200x800, 81K)

yeah I'm sure they all signed a nondisclosure agreement, really shouldn't be posting about it on the internet

careful bro

The funny part is that she's not officially a visual on twice, but mina is. I'm not saying that mina isn't pretty but c'mon.

Attached: 1556726326690.jpg (665x1280, 133K)

jennie's 7th abortion

the sluttiest digimon....

cutest girl in kpop

Attached: cutest.jpg (1280x1920, 803K)

how is that weird you idiot

cringe again

because it didn't happen you idiot fuck you

she's never even had s

Attached: 1534457762186.jpg (1080x1350, 116K)


Attached: D9WXAjiU8AECbiU[1].jpg (2048x1366, 301K)

a good kfitness thot is imyour.wannabe if you like ass

ssunbiki is literally a sexdoll, and I think probably has as many braincells as one.

otherwise... not much I'd recommend since they're so hit or miss. Sometimes you get a good month or so then for the next month they're shilling stuff every post and you have to move on to the next.

As far as I'm aware it's just a couple Anneposters, that user that avatars with Miya and then me

Attached: D8iflNNUcAEkm-h.jpg (840x1119, 93K)

cute but what the fuck is that between her shoulder

you sound like a pedo

cute half of jisoo's face too

Attached: 1552308043366.jpg (1500x2250, 408K)

>because it didn't happen

Attached: download.jpg (178x250, 6K)

Attached: 1554059838962.jpg (569x616, 29K)

jisoo looks like my 43 year old aunt

Post more slutty Apink

Attached: D9ad16iUYAAq94l-orig.jpg (1818x2048, 255K)

>between her shoulders
that's her face, she can't help it

imagine being her thumb there....

is that boobmi?

it makes sense, generally people find Mina to be more attractive. Of course everyone has their own preferences.

Attached: 1560733814414.jpg (1200x1800, 213K)

how is that being a pedo

that's exactly what we said and don't do that you idiot stop being sarcastic

your aunt must be beautiful then

Attached: 1535033490612.jpg (1365x2048, 462K)

jennie mogging jihyo

that's naeun...

jesus theyre literally built for sex

they have another comeback planned for surprisingly soon hopefully we pick up a few more posters

Attached: KTNG7596S.jpg (2700x3959, 1.89M)

Attached: 1555575905894.jpg (2000x1333, 506K)

She goes into Planned Parenthood and everyone knows her name and the Cheers theme song plays while the negro security checks out her ass

Attached: 1536604227800.jpg (1080x1349, 332K)

post irene

Attached: D9dlhUHU4AAQLOT[1].jpg (2728x4096, 1.82M)

Attached: yeri.jpg (544x602, 50K)

why is no one posts k-legs?

Attached: 1532644391301.jpg (1080x1080, 141K)

cutest girl in kpop mentioned

Attached: [OH MY GIRL - Shower] Comeback Stage M COUNTDOWN 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

Attached: tenor.gif (178x250, 2.13M)

> generally people find Mina to be more attractive
At least not on kpg or kpop forums

Attached: scent_sana-1067006956181700608-20181126_184737-img1.jpg (1332x2000, 440K)

Attached: reeny handy.webm (1080x1080, 2.94M)

Attached: _MG_38412.jpg (976x1181, 319K)

your bias could be in this thread RIGHT NOW

i'm looking there

then Luna eggs her on the way out

Who looks like momo?

jennie openly dated she's a heaux

Attached: 1554061225515.jpg (400x400, 23K)

big comfy shirt

k-legs died with Baasedoung, Seolhyun, and Yoona

singing and dancing and being cute?

freakin CUTE thanks friend

Attached: 1538274804364.jpg (1500x2250, 173K)

gooooooooood god

my sides

Attached: 1540079593896.jpg (1015x1280, 173K)

>why is no one being posting of Korean women leg pictures?


I know for a FACT that my waifu's out day drinking right now

apink know what their fans want. they still pure though. they just giving us what we deserve.

Attached: 57183847_421195428426067_2051715979062280192_n.jpg (480x695, 31K)

Nah but this is

Attached: D6r9KYrW4AA601Q-orig.jpg (1366x2048, 218K)

cute yeri meme face

nice post more

she doesn't even know what any of that is

fraught with broad outdated generalizations and a perfect example of left-wing xenophobia and prejudice masquerading as woke truth

Online opinion doesn't matter so much as the fairly strict Korean beauty standards. I know personally I'm more attracted to Mina, though Sana is definitely a cutie.

Attached: 1560563291487.jpg (1097x1920, 269K)

some IG thot

post nunbit

you're welcome, glad our girls know how to keep their dirty secrets safe

nah they're definitely a reddit kind of person


literally the sluttiest shit


Attached: D70rK_WVsAE8bW2[1].jpg (3076x3844, 1.8M)

shut the hell up already they are pure

Attached: 1541019135934.jpg (1365x2048, 486K)

Attached: 1555379763341.jpg (683x1024, 104K)

Any female who claims to have received death threats online is lying.

I fapped to that Bomi YT video, you know the one..on her channel....

imagine jisoo dating a video game ceo and then taking off for 2 years because she’s resting

Attached: 1554667624420.jpg (2048x1366, 385K)

nah my bias hangs out on kakaotalk and posts selfies to group chats

Attached: 1532814790081.jpg (800x1200, 154K)

die already idiot

Attached: 1543166593308.jpg (1080x1080, 188K)

To the ppl saying stray kids’ music is all random noises. Their random sounds and screams are a way to show their pain and dark emotion, words are not always important. If a group is able to communicate in so much more then just words and acc make it work, that’s called talent...

very easy to imagine actually

Attached: D7_C9QsUYAAY2lG[1].jpg (1365x2048, 449K)

if we're being honest with ourselves GAH could afford to shred a few lbs.....

Attached: 1560362348383.jpg (3000x2318, 2.51M)

>I'm more attracted to Mina
Okay, now you stated it right.

Attached: BDS_MyoiMina324-1078695259658379264-20181229_005245-img2.jpg (4096x2730, 1.36M)

We're not talking about buster's Jisoo right?

>mfw Pisstin won ROTY and disbanded the following year

Attached: F7995679-4A9C-45C2-9442-E8B899D73304.png (550x550, 380K)

Attached: 1546410393969.jpg (1200x1800, 419K)

now what

Attached: DpteoHlW0AATj5k-orig.jpg (1366x2048, 312K)

nah kpg only ever talks about the two ugly ones

post more jisoo with bangs

Go on and on!
Meow, meow

I hear the real reason behind BP us tour was to score cheap drugs for the YG crew back home. I hear a certain member swallowed 20 condoms of drugs

Did you do this and the other reeny webms I see floating around here, friend?

yeah, 90% of the time it's a guy saying to her "kill yourself" which isn't a threat

what would you do

nice smile

Attached: 170704_횡성위문열차_가현2.jpg (1280x1920, 1.45M)

reminder that your 'waifus' really look like this

Attached: korean plastic surgery.png (720x382, 233K)

To be honest, I want GAH to gain more weight

I just hope we don't have to wait until the end of next month for it to drop

Attached: D82pdWxUwAEp0B8.jpg (800x1200, 80K)

You misspelled gain



jisoo is a whore
now my (You) please

laugh at keklo

no user i just gave it a more enticing filename

she is cute with all hairs

Attached: 1542987024091.jpg (1500x1000, 128K)

I got that, but got a name?

Attached: 1552738082910.webm (640x1334, 1.57M)

You must be this big to ride jiu

how much is more

Attached: 1557562305799.jpg (4096x2730, 1.23M)

Attached: 1554673513823.png (950x750, 207K)

This one?

absolutely zimzalabased

Like another 10lbs

i am diamonds

Attached: D9dDr-kW4AA1B7s-orig.jpg (2048x1829, 894K)


Attached: 1537266614262.webm (1280x720, 2.09M)

>that left pic
kim jisoo from blackpink....

there's a really good deepfake of irene jerking a guy off

word but even that would be pretty quick so i'm down

Attached: KTNG5568S.jpg (3360x2240, 952K)

look at this gloryhole slut!!!


Boogie Up

Attached: KHC_8967.jpg (4176x2784, 953K)

cringe friend

Attached: 1546459344130.jpg (1500x2250, 418K)

zimzalabim is shit but at least the name is a good meme word

what is he reading?

i mean they all do this. kkt is standard communication in sk

Attached: 1559694107280.webm (640x798, 1.5M)

If you have more reeny stuff keep posting user, my collection is small

Mina is a more traditional visual. Sana has visual quirks that aren't associated with a visual, but it's what makes her as beautiful as she is. Her overbite is friggin' cute for example.


Vaginal anal?

Attached: GAHYEONAcom8-1064877783367602177-20181120_084702-img3.jpg (1366x2048, 269K)

stop spreading fake news and go back 2 worshiping your haley or marina.

Attached: irene (1).jpg (610x415, 48K)

Attached: cubthigh.webm (960x540, 2.38M)

song of the summer

Eunseo's milky white thighs in my mouth please

no it's a manmade fiber you idiot look it up

Attached: 1530455651360.jpg (1365x2048, 305K)


dont call her that.

Attached: 1558141851362.webm (640x1080, 826K)


Attached: 1554837461329.jpg (6000x4000, 881K)


Attached: 42002915_322823481826912_8971208472717689438_n.jpg (726x720, 58K)

why is hayoung so hot

Attached: ouj3zKn.png (876x939, 375K)

>lost a little weight
>different makeup
>shadows actually show nose bridge in second

she's not showing teeth, though. Did she get veneers like Taeyeon?

I wonder if SEAmonkeys secretly wish they were gooks instead.

they are called twice because you have to use double paper bag to cover up their ugly face

i find it cringe when 4 prostitutes try to act cute

Attached: 1550796085540.jpg (800x1200, 123K)

it's over jisoobros
they fugged so much they fused

any fellow whitechads here?

that is fake stop doing this you cringe idiot

Attached: 1540606864913.jpg (1500x2250, 438K)

bp of 181/91

kpop for this?

Dropping loads of money on RVs comeback

Petition to not post SM, JYP or YG ggs. Except Itzy ofc.

No thanks, not for all the gook poon in Gangnam

>when managernim tells me to lose weight

Attached: 1532816944511.jpg (1067x1000, 117K)

this is real?

Attached: C9HlZKOUwAA5X-a.jpg (1000x1500, 176K)

only applies to niggerstink

Attached: blackpink-plastic-surgery-rumors-are-rife-as-childhood-photos-emerged.png (685x301, 343K)

they really are that beautiful

Attached: 1532499069608.jpg (2048x1364, 319K)

this but also red velvet


you're making it worse

Attached: 1551484569109.jpg (500x750, 281K)

she probably had some plastic surgery done though. Anyway Irene is still beautiful regardless of what grannyshitters say.

Attached: qtaHozi_q8yMnEBDM9-GXITSbg_KYaXPKDIhKjRmJNk.jpg (1080x1350, 94K)

Attached: 1554837835973.jpg (1102x673, 173K)

lisa is a drag queen

Attached: Cool Cool Cool.webm (1920x1080, 2.57M)

you can tell these girls will grow up to be beautiful

Jisoo's thighs.. brb

AOA- Heart Attack

Attached: stilllife.jpg (633x1265, 234K)

That was Bomi but Hayoung is great too

Attached: hayoung1.webm (640x1144, 663K)

Attached: 1539843105728.jpg (1333x2000, 341K)

they make us nervous too with their beauty


Attached: 1539720909774.jpg (734x1024, 164K)

kpeg told me apink were purepop so i just avoided them
fucking assclowns

remember that one time when Gahyeon was skinny? Right at the start of You & I promotions

It's just one of those days where you miss Haseul

Attached: DzrunjhUcAA_WfC.jpg (1000x1500, 87K)

hmm.. keep posting jisoo friend..

You guys are blind. Lisa is obviously natty. There's no way she did plastic surgery and still looks like that.

Attached: lisa.jpg (653x726, 84K)

they were
for like 6 years

Attached: 7776476556.jpg (1080x1920, 212K)

Attached: 1550549140065.jpg (1066x1600, 414K)

holy jesus

no sexual you idiot

freakin CUTE

Attached: 1551022011872.jpg (2048x1365, 359K)

we love lisa

It was great

Attached: 1554100467997.jpg (1364x2048, 310K)

yup. she looks SO good thin. i don't mind chubby gahyeon but she's so fuckin cute thin

Attached: gahybooty.webm (480x720, 2.99M)

that Lisa pic fucking kills me


Attached: yyxybuttonbird.webm (362x910, 1.08M)

Purepop is just stealth slutpop

mommy come home

Attached: 1554941091938.png (900x900, 1.07M)

every lesbians dream

Attached: 45644373564.jpg (750x750, 88K)

people were calling haseul a fridge last year

gahyeon can't be stopped even by her company from eating that extra ramen or bagel. she probably only gets away with it because she's the cute maknae

Attached: DCDD__0113-1041737045352230913-20180917_131400-img2.jpg (1333x2000, 266K)

Attached: Aahhhhh holy shit.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

This is a slutpop move. Is cosmic girls a slutpop group now?


too late friend..

Attached: 1530577496427.jpg (1366x2048, 324K)

honestly looking at JiU

Attached: 1560145819095.webm (1600x900, 2.6M)

why would anyone pay top dollar to see it perform?


we said don't like 10 times you freakin idiot

Attached: 1542570907791.jpg (500x578, 55K)

Attached: Cool Cool Cool 2.webm (1080x1920, 2.81M)

that's fair

Attached: jiu minx 2.webm (404x720, 2.87M)

why are there so many trannies in thailand?

yep. watch the new mv

Attached: 1550548906991.jpg (1500x1888, 465K)

Lisa is cute honestly

It's a cultural thing

seamonkeys are mentally ill by default

Absolutely not.


Attached: gah17.jpg (902x1200, 213K)



is APINK a group for chads?

Attached: 1554956337071.jpg (500x625, 57K)



Their first song was all about coming

Attached: 1530386965013.jpg (1000x1500, 177K)

i hate k-pop music (and western pop music) and i'm not sure i understand the appeal
is it literally just because you guys want to fuck the girls and that's it
or is there more to it i'm not seeing






uh oh

please don't tell me he posts hayoung too

And we're back

Attached: D8_GjAWU0AMfqn7-orig.jpg (2160x3840, 1.11M)

not understanding other's viewpoints and preferences is literally a sign of autism btw

the fuck happened


explain yourselves

It keeps going down...



Attached: 1556837501655.png (540x960, 591K)

it goes down down baby

k-pop is just easy to listen too. nothing too tense or heavy like hip hop or rock. I can't relate with j. cole or other rappers anymore since my life is got better now. the girls are just a plus.

Attached: 538389424-1024x1024.jpg (683x1024, 387K)

kpop for this feel

>ripped shorts gahyeon
omo !

a cute

Attached: D9WgDdvVAAE3I7h-orig.jpg (2730x4096, 1.81M)

nice button ma'am



Attached: 7b4c7732eed561f9d1cb4526ad4495a8.jpg (1463x2048, 340K)


who is this guy and why does he looks half korean?

Did his mom get blacked?

Attached: 34556667667.jpg (1364x2048, 329K)

Attached: D9WgEAzVUAc_7fR-orig.jpg (2730x4096, 1.6M)

I actually like both hip hop and rock a lot but kpop is nice to add some variety so I can flip back and forth

He is half-korean.

is momoposting back?

Attached: 1548847628886.jpg (641x1435, 127K)

what's his name and why he always on awards?

Wow slow thread now that people got nuked from orbit

Attached: D9WgEg_UIAAXbum-orig.jpg (2730x4096, 1.46M)

Han Hyunmin, he's a half-korean half-nigerian model who is MCing Mcountdown

they're just returning to their slutpop roots

I see, thanks.

Attached: 8HJu0ig.jpg (1000x1500, 191K)

Attached: 1559332443472.jpg (1400x2100, 368K)


the bp samefagger got exposed as usual

Attached: 1559738550718.jpg (1280x1440, 714K)

Can we make another thread or what?

Attached: 1554622989942.jpg (1920x1080, 132K)


Attached: D8yPfOcW4AA5-RL-orig.jpg (2000x1601, 373K)

Now you can.


Attached: IMG_20190604_173059.jpg (1792x1845, 470K)

Who is the girl?

Attached: ourgirlyoohyeon.png (898x878, 949K)
