You faggots probably don't even drink booze

You faggots probably don't even drink booze

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youre a cowards who probably dont even smoke crack

If the president doesn't drink, then I don't drink.

where did the iowa-poster go?

Probably tastes like water, fuck metal

My piss tastes like water to you, it's needed for your life, you drink my piss all day you sick little faggot, disgusting, kill yourself.

Nice edge high schooler

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I drink booze but you wouldn't catch me dead drinking this gimmick nonsense.

I wish 1349 still had their black ale and pale ale

>f.r.i.e.n.d.s memes

Cringe normalfag, holy shit. Reddit personified right here.

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Says the disgusting metalhead, go take a shower and read a bible you insufferable edgy prick

i will buy and review later

go study for your SAT's

Nigga I'm drunk and I missed an alchohol evaluation appointment. Slipknot is the Tabasco of metals

I get this reference

I'm too clean to take showers. Why don't you blow your head off though, since you're a waste of a human being who listens to garbage music and fucks the same sex?

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You metalfags are all the same, go listen to something more socially palpable and get your life together, Jesus..

>implying anyone on this board is older than 18

Nah, but keep trying to look like us with the piercings, dyed hair, black shirts, ripped jeans, studded apparel, etc etc

Normalfags will always be jealous of us who go against the grain, grass is always greener ain't it faggot?

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Alcohol being "manly" is literally the biggest Jewish trick ever

Literally lowers test, gives bitch tits and is for betas who can't socialize without literally needing to poison themselves so they can artificially feel alpha for a second

Trump doesn't drink and neither should any other alpha dog

Trump prefers slurping Jewish semen.

Mentally handicapped people don't know they're mentally handicapped, I'm just here to let you know pal

Alcohol isn't "manly" inherently, queers and girls love to get drunk, are you stupid? It's more about the act of celebration, not that you'd have anything to celebrate.

you fucking anti-semite

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make sure to repeatedly knead your testicles and whip yourself and self-snitch on /pol/ every day it releases bonus testosterone

What a cringey post. Are you a black guy who watches anime or just a white guy pretending to be one?

Is that slowbeef?

For me, it's A Tout Le Monde

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>lmao you don't cope by ingesting neurotoxin
Yikes you got me

This. No booze. No drugs. Just footpusy. Like my based President.

What a gay song though

Alcohol is high in calories and makes you fat. I only drink once in a blue moon if I go out with friends, and on those occasions I get absolutely fucked. I do not drink at home, other than (rarely) ONE beer on a hot day. I've gone through the drinking half a bottle of hard liquor every night home alone while listening to music phase, it's honestly hellish in hindsight and I have no desire to return there.