are they the only legit cyberpunk music of today?
Are they the only legit cyberpunk music of today?
Cyberpunk beats that are ready to turn the dancefloor into a FUCKING battleground
Help me understand them.
Dark synth perturbator gosT carpenter brut
VR SEX is a great band, just released a really good cyber punk album a few months ago
i always thought of cyberpunk being shit like Front Line Assembly but whatever you little pussy bitch faggot.
Try listening to Exmilitary while exercising.
How about you listen to That Total Age while exercising instead of gay hipster nigger rap
machine girl
james ferraro
punish yourself
you just have shit taste
>That Total Age isn't gay
tried looking up this band 'you just have shit taste' but i can't find anything, help please
wrong, you have shit taste. Nothing you just listed comes even close to DG, you contrarian fuck face.
Holy autism
yup, thats gonna be a cope for me
techno exists. delet this thread.
hella cyberpunk
Half of what you listed isn't even cyber punk you fucking duck.
>is it the only cyberpunk band?
>no there are plenty more
>n-no these dont even come close to DG!
is this not patrician as well though
>these do not come close to my very specific definition if cyberpunk
cringe x2
I mean, you're right that those artists are cyberpunk, but he's right that they're all pretty bad.
>Are there any cyberpunk bands out today?
>posts flying lotus
cringe at yourself, guy
>Glitch Mob
Every time Yea Forums. When will you guys just start actually listening to electronic music so you can stop embarrassing yourselves? It's not that hard to get into. Just use discogs to search labels.
Actual cyberpunk patrician incoming
what a fucking strawman, i havent even posted flying lotus
>being baited this hard
>no amnesia scanner
Based as fuck and nice trips.
>sorry bucko but you just got baited
>grew up thinking cyberpunk future would be fucking amazing with all sort of wicked technology blending into low-life qualities and people fighting evil corporations and political conglomerates
>turns out, the future is kind of cyberpunk and fucking dystopian, but there's nothing cool or wicked about it, just smartphones and social media
>fashion is a joke
>body modification is still in diapers in 2020 and only rich people can access any of it, and it's mostly just glorified prothesis
>nobody is fighting evil corporations, and everyone have become political fanatics instead of fighting politicans as a whole
Is this the wrong timeline or we were doomed from the start?
for all the hate of boomers and genx they werent such gross conformists as gen y and z
Up your soi intake
>posts their worst album
cyberpunk is a criticism of a possible future, nothing in it is actually meant to be cool
the cool part was that there was supposed to be people taking advantage of technology to fight corporations and politicians.
Instead, everyone is sucking corporations and politicians' cocks.
embarrassing thread
Cyberpunk media was always about heroes doing hero shit in a tech-addicted dystopian fantasy land. there are no heroes in the real world.
They're just screaming over jungle beats, they're the complete opposite of cyberpunk unless you consider Neanderthal/caveman days cyberpunk, maybe Get Got sounds sorta dystopian but that's about it
I think music like this when thinking futuristic cyberpunk
>people thought cyberpunk future would be cool tech stuff and shit
>it's actually gonna be degenerate nightmare dystopia
Death Grips wouldn't be shit without Zach and y'all niggers know it.
The rapper wants to spread his religion with sick beatz, the other two are there to help him.
pretty much this
LORN's pretty cyberpunk imo
Is Kpop kinda cyber punk? Overly commercialized fabricated musical groups with huge marketing towards specific focus groups with very little artistic input from the actual performers, if even from the producers. Its like the total opposite of the underground punks that death grips presents
checked op is confirmed a nigger and faggot