Moonchild is the biggest pleb filter to ever exist.
Moonchild is the biggest pleb filter to ever exist
No it isn't. It's cock stroking.
It is one of the only progressive jam tracks I can stand. Know more stuff like it? I really dig the minimalist vibe and harmony in that part.
Epitaph is better
I'm not gonna argue with that but I also think Epitaph is one of the better songs ever created.
You guys are proving OP right, you know
>if you dont like it youre this arbitrary insult i have selected for the situation
>oops you dont like it guess youre my strawman now XD
what do the first ambient thirty seconds of 21st century schizoid man mean
the calm before the storm
Moonchild is the worst song on the album.
Moonchild is also perfectly paced when listening to the album as a whole.
It isn't pleb taste to dislike Moonchild, but a pleb wouldn't understand why it needs to exist on the album.
Yes. It creates suspense. I believe they chose to include that improv section of Moonchild on the album because of how intense it makes the opening to ITCOTCK. Moonchild lulls you, and then they provide a long, drawn out crescendo. However, ascribing too much value to the improv section of Moonchild is stupid. It can be gotten rid of, and the album wouldn't be as weak as it would if you were to remove the opening to Moonchild. But the album wouldn't be as sublime if it was gone.
He was talking about 21st Century Schizoid Man
this guy gets it
They also play the ambient intro at their shows to get the crowd hyped for the song before they play the fucking intro riff full blast
Moonchild is free improv for people who've never listened to free improv, thinking it's a pleb filter of any kind makes you an enormous pleb.
based retard
Based Epitaph poster
Lmao nice retort totally invalidated me there
fucking idiot
Providence in Red is a vastly superior pointless noodling track.
How hard is it for you people to conceive the idea that it's possible to not like Moonchild not because it's 'le too experimental' but because it's not actually the most engaging, dynamic or effective improv?
based quads retard
schizoid > epitaph > court > moonchild > wind
there all at least an 8/10 though
*pluck* *tink* (silence) *twang*
yep now that's a a good song
>wind last
Fucking pleb