/softgen/ - Softboy music general

Post soft music for soft lads


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I don't know what this means but im offended you lumped burts bees with those other things.

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>igor is for soft boys
it slaps, it bumps in the whip, now it bops too!

Lift weights

issa bop!

I'm soft and I lift too :)

i don't need to, i have already achieved the perfect twink body

Proud of you, user.

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Soft boys really should only listen to Grim's "Folk Music"

The Beatles

As a 28 year old man i encourage you to feminise yourself so i can fuck all the teen girls

based bees

You're going to need some rogaine and a gym membership first.

People in your age demo are just as feminized lmao most nu males are 26-40 now. Thing is softboys are actually considered cool.

Keep swilling those IPAs though titboy.

Guess what faggot. Women dont want weak men. They want to get fucked like a slut. And they want you to pretend like you care that its their birthday.

Thats it

Guess what faggot. Women dont want weak men. They want to get fucked like a slut. And they want you to pretend like you care that its their birthday.

Thats it

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Keep lifting until you become hard

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Not an argument

>2016 politics may may

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Either you’re a virgin or you live somewhere that women still are so mentally cucked that they actively seek out abuse

Kill yourself

As a 22 year old man I encourage them to feminize themselves so I can fuck them (and date them)

Sorry I only fuck other softboys :3

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