
retard edition
old: faq: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for The Obsessed are based

give me all your grind recs right now

melodeath sucks

bdm recs

Cryptopsy - Ungentle Exhumation
Devourment - Unleash the Carnivore
Prion - Uncertain Process
Pyaemia - Cerebral Cereal
Appalling Spawn - Freedom, Hope & Fury
Brodequin - Instruments of Torture
Deeds of Flesh - Path of the Weakening
Defeated Sanity / Mortal Decay - Generosity of the Deceased / Post Anatomical Savagery
Malignancy - Intrauterine Cannibalism
Oral Fistfuck - Spiritual Sickening
Disgorge - Consume the Forsaken
Epicardiectomy - Abhorrent Stench of Posthumous Gastrorectal Desecration
Inveracity - Circle of Perversion
Prostitute Disfigurement - Deeds of Derangement
Pyrexia - Feast of Iniquity
Short Bus Pile Up - Repulsive Display of Human Upholstery

modern edition

Morpheus Descends is brutal death metal.

it's not stop



What about Hate Eternal ? I never remember if they're bdm or tech death


Daily reminder that Vol.4 is Sabbath's best album

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haven't listened to them but rym has them as bdm

is there such a thing as brutal black metal?


grind starter pack

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brutal riffs

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best human mastication song

based shithole bdm

Here's the chart no one asked for, you're welcome

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all shit

>have listened to more albums on this chart than on any other Yea Forums chart
Wow, I'm genuinely fucking retarded

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>tfw APUST is finally playing in my city

Hold me, guys

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yes, war metal

We're still laughing over lore.
Still talking about a stream of smoke in the head of a shelter tank, swimmingly bored.
Swimming in monotony. Swimming in ponds where our knees scrape the bottom.
And still, we swallow the surface.

We brought our boredom to the lights.
Spoiled the city. Blind to the ocean. Deaf to the heavens.
Carving a shut in symphony with memory's masturbation.

I've talked it out.
Doomed to be a spoiled child.
A pupil in the eyes of forever.
I knit the fire. I stared into the mirror.
A prisoner to the past. A ghost to the present.

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BDM chart with some slam and brutal tech

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put gorguts on there

>includes the lasted DF album but not reign supreme

You’re doing this on purpose don’t ya

They aren't BDM

>Vocalist smacks himself in the head in order to hype himself up
Post more based live performances

not user but Reign Supreme feels more tech than straigh up brutal like their old releases


Someone make a technical death metal chart

That's a fucking classic

Appalling Spawn/Lykathea Aflame belongs there

Post fantastic drumming.

true t b h

If anything I felt like their latest realease was more technical than their previous one t bh


Just realised that that performance is 26 years old today, what a coincidence

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>dissecting skeletongs
wtf nigga

Belphegor and Anaal Nathrakh's mid-era stuff

assuck - necrosalvation
o.l.d. - old lady drivers
anal cunt - morbid florist
vaginal jesus - affirmative apartheid
s.o.b. - thrash night
napalm death - peel sessions

What the fuck is this.
It's good tho

what is with all this chart fuckery lately


Can someone post the previous Death, Black, and Thrash charts that one user made.

DSBM is based

They all look like a bunch of mouthbreathers.

get brutal'd

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necrophagia isn't bdm wtf

replace Hate Eternal with Mithras

replaced Necrophagia with Mithras cuz they're not brutal enough

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Very good chart in general

cum on me nergaaaaaaaalllll

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please rec me some black metal that with emotionally wreck me. that's my favorite type.

war metal is exactly what that is

>band splits
>members that left create new band
>call it 'band A.D.'

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>that band makes the AOTY

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Can you guys give me literally ANYTHING to listen to, I'm really new to Metal

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Where the Light Dies


>North – Czekając Na Sztorm
> sendspace.com/file/5jatli

>Nokturne – Embracer Of Dark Ages
> sendspace.com/file/044r6o

>Selbstmord – Dawn Of A New Era
> sendspace.com/file/5d9r90

>Vermis Mysteriis – Плaмя Яpocти
> sendspace.com/file/mj8n5t

>Seges Findere – Wolflike Blitzkrieg
> sendspace.com/file/jj16u4

>Seges Findere – Nuklear Terrorsonic Power
> sendspace.com/file/u7p40q

>Seges Findere / Morbid Desecration – Never Stop The Hate
> sendspace.com/file/e49xzz

>Neoheresy – Potop
> sendspace.com/file/o8z5b8

>Wargoatcult – Phasmatis Interregnum
> sendspace.com/file/3a7fts

>Seges Findere – Hateful Wargasm
> sendspace.com/file/gaz5a0

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Woods of Infinity

see the pastebin

Metallica - Ride the Lightning
Rammstein - Sehnsuct

These are the 2 albums that got me into metal

Can someone tell me which of these albums are the least slammy?

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Defeated Sanity and Cryptopsy probably

I've already heard these and I liked them

This is the only Death Metal album I've heard and it was pretty good



Have you heard any Motorhead?

>This is the only Death Metal album I've heard and it was pretty good
listen to Scream Bloody Gore, Consuming Impulse and Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness

thoughts on this guy?

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learn to circle pit zombie style

this was ok
the soundclips at the beginning are great


What are the best Blackened Thrash bands?

post highly anticipated releases

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what is the diffrence between bdm, slam, sbdm?

Maybe not yet
A small bit
I'll add them to a list of albums I gotta listen to
I'll check these out

The amount of slams

none in the next few months

All of Varg's videos can be downloaded here:

Part #1: ufile.io/b390t59i
Part #2: ufile.io/fmkr4lux
Part #3: ufile.io/6gj3hqcr
Part #4: ufile.io/oxqifbx7
Part #5: ufile.io/okvzgdgh

959 videos @ 21 GB total size. Which is pretty good for so many videos. The quality is excellent because it's webm files with VP9 and Opus sound).

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i was anticipating guttural slug but they are going the deathcore route like nearly every other brutal death/slam band these days

Listen to some sludge

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harmony corruption is death metal not grind

can you give examples?

What kind of metal do you listen to when you lose a fucking a savefile

listen to this

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aura noir, condor, sabbat, abigail/barbatos, nifelheim, gehennah

i dont even know what slam is, but to me, nile was always a thrashy band.



listen to this as well

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youtube.com/watch?v=zK7jBvr9YAQ bdm with slam breakdown
youtube.com/watch?v=NUFnMh7lkho the slammest



Slam sucks my dude

it does but it's fun

What's the best Bathory album and why is it Blood Fire Death?

Nothing better than listening to this while wearing my Emperor T-Shirt

Wrong, it's Under the Sign

>Slam sucks my dude

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You're both wrong. It's The Return. Even Fenriz would agree

That's what I said

new esoteric


yeah i've heard the single it's meh
check the devourment song tho


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>trusting Fenriz opinion on anything

according to last.fm i listened to wormrot around the time i accidentally deleted my dark souls 3 save

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>hear nice riff
>make duckface
>can't help it
>several people have asked me why am I making that dumb face

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Pretty gay my man

i do this too

listen to Yoda

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>actually making this meme

>>actually making this meme

It just connects with me. The others are great don't get me wrong but this one just clicks correctly.
What has he said to not trust his opinion?

>cant stop fingertapping the blast beats at work

>the butthurt black metal thot

>>>actually making this meme

stop making memes already

ok ill stop

wtf this is happy though

Why the FUCK aren't there more good bands from India?

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based woman, fuck Lich King

I'd be offended too if I had to sit through that shit band's set

how do i get into mar metal?

idk but the ones that are are based

i meant to say war metal i am sorry for my stupidity

For years, Nuclear War Now!’s forum has been the haven for life dropout D&D neckbeards searching for some form of friendship and community. But according to website tracking metrics, the site has seen a massive decline in it’s traffic over the past 6 months. While viewership of metal sites can rise and fall unpredictably on metal sites, the above statistic should frighten anyone who cares about keeping their site relevant. Sites with active forums should be doing much better than your the average blog-style metal site, so the numbers above show an unforgivable descent into irrelevancy.

But given that the site is predominantly frequented by war metal fans that have no regard for actual music, the crash in interest also proves something far bigger: war metal, as a sub genre, is in its last days.

This is a welcomed revelation as war metal was the nu metal of black/death metal and was ultimately worthless. With virtually no innovation, creativity, or direction for over 20 years, war metal became the lowest IQ form of extreme metal. The fact that Beherit was more interesting, creative, and musically varied than every single band to follow it throughout the decades to follow is an absolute disgrace to every band that’s followed in their footsteps.

>suck dick your whole life
>get throat cancer

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While the surface-level viewer might see war metal as “the most underground/kvlt/extreme/unlistenable of all genres,” the truth is that it was only marketed as such and done so very effectively as the bank account and new production facility of Cali basedboy Yosuke Kanishi will clearly indicate. By offering a product that appears “totally not mainstream haha!” Kanishi was able to efficiently trick kvlt status seeking basement dwellers into mass consumerism using the same marketing tactics as thrift shops. Essentially this created a record label and forum that was ultimately the thrift shop of metal– reissues (refurbished releases) of random bands from 20 years past that could be marketed as super underground when really they were just empty of creativity and technique. By assumingly being “not trendy” war metal became one of the trendiest metal genres of our time and the go to for the metal derivatives of the modern hipster.

“Bu… But war metal is evil!” Really, then why does Nuclear War Now! have an Instagram account?

Musically war metal is a hilarious deception because if you alternate the grooves of their atonal power chord riffs, you’ll get nu metal riffs. Most bands even match the nu metal guitar tuning of A! But war metal fans have no idea they’re listening to nu metal with different drums and vocals because they only care abut the aesthetics. In all reality most of Black Witchery’s riffs were originally on Korn’s Life is Peachy which subconsciously tickles the nostalgia of their fans without them realizing how or why.

In an age where Von is taking big money for rock star tours, where Blasphemy albums are marketed as vintage thrift shop essentials, and where black metal shows feature 90% war metal bands, any prestige or credibility war metal and it’s original bands once had is gone. War metal fans are the modern equivalent to the JNCO jeans wearing clowns of the 90s. They are the permavirgin autistis of metal that grew from infants that would have been left in the woods to be eaten by wolves in the Pagan times.

Celebrate the death of war metal, repent if you ever liked this garbage, and enjoy some classic war metal riffs below:


Does Dave give the best head in thrash metal?

that's Lars

you listen to it

Thoughts on these boys?

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they suck

no u

>brutal death

what are some great bands like lacuna coil or otep but with male vocals

too clean

walls of jericho

>walls of jericho
I'm liking this but I wanted male vocals.

literally dream theater

Gimme really bad riffs, i wanna laugh a bit.


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what bands would I like if I love Rush

One Direction




Yea Forums hate it because is popular and the frontman fucked up hes vocals

it's not even popular. it's flavor of the month shit that's already been forgotten by the numales who couldn't stop talking about how amazing it was when it came out

rec some bands to impress my girlfriend

>twitter memes
Worse than a Vargcuck.

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It’s good but it’s popular so I hate it

t. average /metal/ poster

True Chads listen to glam

Dream Theater

Fucking awful


love vektor but it doesn't compare to black future and outer isolation

good to know I am not alone in my autism

What the fuck

I actually like this

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consume less soyy

That's cause it's good, but Circle the Wagons is even better

It's a great album

>When you're sick from shooting up
>Medicaid pays full portion
>When little Maria gets knocked up
>She gets a free abortion
What did he mean by this?

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>listening to Darkthrone post Panzerfaust

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>Black metal cover of a Nightwish song
holy shit my sides

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holy shit this is great

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t. nu-male


I can't believe this is a thing

Why would anyone want this

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The videos where he just plays guitar are worth saving. Everything else deserves to be forgotten.

Is Ace of Spades the best Motorhead album?

all of them sound the same


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>drinks on your bridge

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>drudkh got the boot so all those duplicates could be included
>satanic warmaster and mgla over drudkh
>chimera over DMDS

>all those duplicates

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I'm willing to replace a few of these albums.

personally i'd prefer we just never talked about it again

Remember, these are the BEST albums charts.
There are going to be a few duplicates from
the same bands such as Bolt Thrower, Bathory, Darkthrone, etc. because they have the best albums.
Hope that makes sense.

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what's some goregrind i probably havent heard? any LDoH worship welcome

Thats true

black sabbath first 5 albums

What are your favorite Drudkh albums?


>every Motorhead album sounds the same!

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You should do Doom Metal or Power Metal next.

Forgotten Legends is the best and Autumn Aurora is the runner up. I've heard and love them all though, there's obviously a formula he sticks to where each album has several obvious intense climaxes so it's just a matter of what you like the most. Eternal Turn of the Wheel is probably my favorite song of all time. Blood of Kingu is just as good though and Purity by Hate Forest stands up among the best as well.
for me it's like Forgotten Legends > De Occulta Philosophia > Autumn Aurora > Sun in the House of the Scorpion > Purity > Microcosmos > Blood in Our Wells > the rest, but that's just off the top of my head and I like all of them a lot


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I would if I knew anything about those genres. Blind Guardian and Black Sabbath are pretty much the only bands I know.

>burzum shirt
>calling band members posers
Lich King sucks but that's the pot calling the kettle black


I'm willing to replace some of the albums on the chart just for you.
Everyone else can keep the old one.
Just tell me which albums you want replaced.

Good 90’s Black Metal worship album, in my top ten metal releases this year

i dunno, i'd hate to take off something good and there are some records i haven't heard on there. i think satanic warmaster is mediocre but it's important to the scene and a lot of people like it. personally i'd lose mgla because it's a recent album that seems like it got popular randomly to me, as i don't see anything special about it, or burzum s/t which i like but considering there are 4 burzum albums on there seems excessive. mgla has a lot of fans lately though, idk. It's hard to argue against bathory but losing The Return and just having s/t, under the sign, and blood fire death wouldn't be a huge deal I think. regarding Drudkh i only think Forgotten Legends deserves a spot really.

Some of my favs:

Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry & Twilightfall

Obsequiae - Aria of Vernal Tombs and Suspended in the Brume of Eos

Windir - anything by them
Arghoslent - anything by them

Fall of the Leafe - Evanescent, Everfading

Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun

Rotting Christ - Triarchy of the Lost Lovers

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why isnt that massacra album as liked as the others it has good rhythms

I can replace Mgla, Burzum s/t, and The Return with your 3 favorite black metal albums or 4 if you want Satanic Warmaster to be replaced.

That Mgła album is objectively one of the best album in the last ten years, plus it’s very easy to digest for new listeners of the sub-genre. Don’t be so gullible. The point of the chart (I’d like to think, at least) is to have the best black metal albums, the ones regarded as such, not the preferences from a nobody from this shitty board.

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because it has a gay poem in the middle

oh is that also why messiah aren't as popular

in Hoots we trust!

Because the first two albums are borderline masterpieces

this is why

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You have a great point.
I'm bored and have nothing better to do so I thought it would be fun to make specialized charts for people.

Would you consider the black metal chart in its current state the most regarded?

man if annihilator had growl vocals instead of the 80s clean vocals it would have been top 5 death-thrash. Such good instruments

Chartanon, what happened to the doomsludge

Not at all, but little by little it could be redefined (that Murmuüre album needs to go, for example.)

This isn't just a soi thing, its an outright retard thing. Lemmy's vocal consistently sounds like Lemmy, but otherwise Motorhead have had some pretty significant changes throughout their discography. If Sacrifice, Another Perfect Day and Overkill all sound the same to you, you're deadset retarded.

i would say it's good in it's own right as a riff showcase cause they are pretty awesome
all 3 albums are pretty unique in their own way actually
polar bear rules
and choir of horrors is an 8/10

Well shit. That's a different way of looking at it.
Now we have to replace the albums with ones that are the most regarded.
Where to begin?

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This obviously

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Post albums where the last song sucks

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how the fuck is this not on the chart but fucking Murmuure is?

We weren't thinking about the most regarded albums at that point.

People say i look like a mix of kirk hammet and tom araya lol probably just because pf my hair and skin

Ok everybody,
Post the most regarded black metal albums now.


Replaced Murmuure with De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
We're doing this again all thanks to

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Should Sunbather go on there, too? it's well regarded, right?

Fuck no

I feel like dissection is next on the block

bumbum's debut and Hvis lyset are classics, bathory's debut, return and under the sign of the black mark, darkthrones A Blaze in the Northern Sky and Transilvanian Hunger, DsO's paracletus and Emperor's first 2 are good starting points

Envy with more tremolos isn't metal

>listening to darkthrone post soulside journey

>tfw i wish I was talented/driven enough to start my own project.

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Well. it looks like Satyricon is going on the chart after all.


Reverend Bizarre and Candlemass

lmao we should add blasphemy and beherit too.
they are highly regarded black metal

List is pretty damn good
Shit tier list with too much input from retards trying to get their favourite shitty bands in and keep out “soi” bands but still somehow ending up with mgła and DSO

This whole band sucks

Not even remotely close

I got an idea.
How about a separate chart for the most regarded albums and another chart for albums that are actually good?
For example, Anthrax sucks dick but they are highly regarded. Replace them with something that's good such as Morbid Saint.

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post suggestions, fren


I like this idea. We can rework the black metal chart to make it the most regarded.
Afterwards we can actually make a chart that's good.
Burzum may be highly regarded but let's be honest, it's not that good.

Well first off knock off some obscure shit so DMDS and Forgotten Legends can be in

That’s the issue of doing a black metal chart that’s “good”. I love Burzum and I bet you around 50% of the people in this thread if the threat of being called soi wasn’t always looming

I don't listen any other metal bands other than Burzum unironically, nothing even comes close

Listen to Paysage d’Hiver user

Why? Nothing tops Burzum, it is the best metal band that has ever existed and will ever exist

Hammerheart but Blood Fire Death is a close second

Pretty sure Rotting Christ is highly regarded too.

generic ambient bm cringeee

t. Doesn’t listen to atmoshit

it's anything but generic


Is Paysage d’Hiver highly regarded?

more like highly retarded am I right fellow gentlemen

It is not good or great when compared to Burzum, pale imitation to the ambient landscapes of the Count Grishnak

Alice in Hell has pretty harsh vocals, not as deathrash classics but still not clean like Artillery or Anthrax

for what it is, yes very much so
a passion project of one man just making the music he wants to

Is there anywhere I can still stream Nihility? It seems like Decapitated erased that album and only that one from all streaming services

his self titled is easily one of the most highly regarded atmoshit albums of the 2000s, and I say that lovingly, haha

he doesn't really sound like burzum honestly, not at all. He's clearly inspired by the general idea of ambient bm but they sound nothing alike for the most part

How regarded is Darkspace?

Now that David DiSanto is a confirmed wifebeater, is Terminal Redux unironically based?

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Regarded greatly. Top 5 Atmospheric band alongside Paysage D'Hiver.

can someone rec me some tech death that sounds like pic related? I'm not into stuff like Braindrill or Obscura where it's just super fast wankery for the sake of sounding hard to play, I like that Revocation's riffs still sound like riffs, alongside the whole alien atmosphere of this album

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Rotting Christ sound like Metallica trying to be a black metal band.

Venom is gay not gonna lie....

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Vektor and The Black Dahlia murder

this. just really solid atmo bm that riffs hard but is still very much atmo bm

Is Xashur regarded?

Good one.

I wonder how Rob Halford’s gay outfits created a whole new genre of gay metal - Black Metal

>he doesn't like showing off his twinky fuccboi ass in a tight leather thong
lmao look at this faggot

I wanna like tech death but it just sounds like wanky melodeath/deathcore to me

exactly why you should into Revocation

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Listen to hyper thrash

ok this is actually not boring unlike revocation, wish it sounds more raw and unclean

I can't get into them, the vocals make it sound deathcore

Good one.

that intro riff is just overproduced Ram Ranch lmao

>nu metal chart
>no mention of nothingface
cringe youtube.com/watch?v=xMHCx36xE8Q

dilate tranny fags

actually good, but I can't unhear fucking ram ranch's main guitar track because of


Cool story bro.


howbout some old school sounding tech death?

>seething that someone doesn't like his shitty rec
go join the 42% tranny

Attached: wojak.png (800x800, 348K)

>no u
cry harder nigger

>this butthurt someone doesn't like his shitty rec
go have post-op regret tranny

>still mad I called u a tranny faggot
>still no u

here's a short list of a few different types so you can figure out what you like

>standard heavy metal
black sabbath
iron maiden
>american thrash
over kill
>german thrash
>crossover thrash
suicidal tendencies
>blackened thrash
>pizza thrash
municipal waste
lich king
insanity alert
>power metal
blind guardian
>black metal
>death metal
cannibal corpse

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>world circus is actually on a chart for once

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How would you name your band and what kind of music would you play?
I want a black metal band called Tower of Silence

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I dunno dude, I like pretty much everything from hair metal to tech and brutal death, I even like stuff considered as poser shit like Trivium and Devildriver, and I think trying trying to constraint myself to a specific genre would be detrimental to the quality of the music. The only genre I'm not into is black metal and its derivatives, and even then it's probably that I've not listened enough of it.

You guys ever call out people when they defend garbage music like mumble rap?