You can only understand music made on psychedelics, if you take psychedelics

You can only understand music made on psychedelics, if you take psychedelics.

The Beach Boys, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Love, early-Pink Floyd, 13th Floor, ELP, Bowie, Sly & the Family, Sleep, The Church, Jefferson Airplane and many many more.

these are all bands you're only getting 1 side of the coin for when you listen to it sober. if you're not taking drugs to enhance music, you're missing out.

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Pet Sounds isn't even psychedelic.

pet sounds is not psychedelic music what are you on lmao

>needing drugs to enjoy music

it's fucking pop music you sausage fingered autist

Try it and then come back here and say it's not better, say it with a straight face and mean it. I defy you to be able to.

I’ve tried, I didn’t like it all that much. I couldn’t enjoy music. I was introspective and reflective the entire time. It was an uncomfortable experience.

I just wasn't made for these times made me fucking bawl on acid

Fucking auralets

Are you a fucking dumbass, of course music will be better on drugs where your dopamine or seratonin is flying through the roof, we all know this


So, by that logic, one can only understand military songs if one has been in battle.

One can only understand Stevie Wonder songs if one has been blind.

>if you're not taking drugs to enhance music, you're missing out.

I'll take my chances with "missing out." The cons to using drugs so overwhelm the pros that I think I'm doing the right thing by abstaining. And I like music just fine -- even drug-inspired music.

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>Psychedelics just make you feel good because your serafonin and dopamine shoot up

Litterally not how that physically works and also not how psychs feel. Stop chiming in on shit you do not understand.

Not a bad attitude to take. But yeah you are definitely missing out. Think sex with vs without a condom. Risky? I guess. Amazing? Every time.

no your logic is wrong.

> "one can only understand military songs if one has been in battle"

that's not how it works.

but you do have to take acid to listen to music thats made on acid.

So does that mean you must listen to Fugazi completely sober to have the complete experience?

Just did acid for the first time recently. Can confirm.

Never tried it, only listened high.

shit dude i was sad for a whole week cuz of that song and i wasnt on anything

You can only eat while high too because food tastes better. If you're out of weed then you starve to death unless you get more.

only music i listened to on sickadelics was kinda blue by miles davis and at the time i was kinda preoccupied with how my wallpaper patterns were dancing and bouncing around to the beat to actually listen properly and how the grains of wood in the floor seemed to ooze and morph as if magma from a volcano. I dont remember the bloody music.

The only feeling I have for you is pity OP. It's sad that you've scrambled your neurons so thoroughly that you actually believe this. Hopefully one day you realize, like I did, that psychedelics are a crutch which in the long run have only served to stunt your understanding of the world.
here, brian wrote it was psych freaks like you listening to his music.'s_an_Answer

i can enjoy most of these artists sober

Man, you seem boring

No thank you, I don't need psychosis.


It most definitely is