Literally nobody:
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single soul:
King Crimson: Hey we're on Spotify now
Literally nobody:
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single soul:
King Crimson: Hey we're on Spotify now
this is advanced shitposting
this meme is shit
incredible bait
YouTube comments are full off retarded sheep kids pulling this fuckin meme format. Meme culture is literally a hivemind
Fuck this band
zoom zoom
Utterly detestable joke format
literally everybody: fripp you nigger when will king crimson be on spotify
Never post here again.
>using the “nobody:” meme outside of twitter and youtube
OP you retarded zoomer faggot this normiebook format for a joke is awful and I hope you prolapse your anus from all the cock you take.
this post is funny
are you retarded
there were like 10 "why isn't KC on spotify" threads a month on this board
>being a weeb
that's the most valid reason to kill yourself
based and nobodypilled
Literally nobody:
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single soul:
I really fucking hate this stupid normie meme, it is the most unfunny shit ever
please stay away
Go straight past Reddit and back to Twitter.
Question, is the album out of order? 21st Century Schizoid Man sounds like it's supposed to come after s/t track, not be the album opener.
I don't think it was worth losing MBVs stuff
Literally nobody:
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single soul:
Its best to arrange it such that it comes in between Epitaph and Moonchild. Nice little outburst after and before two little twee tracks.
no its in order.
I think 21st Century Schizoid Man makes a good starting song, and the end of the title track is a great ending to the album
I don't think it's a bad opener
It's just that bit of distorted audio at the very end of s/t leads directly into 21st century, which threw me a bit because whenever I put the album on now I start at itttw usually because I'm always in the mood for that wind instrument sound
this is like a bad tiktok meme
I just listened to it for the first time and I don't get it. Its shit. Someone help me out.
ah i understand where you're coming from.
yeah i talk to the wind and epitaph are usually my go to songs from that album
What don't you like about it?
>he did the twitter meme that 4ch hates
newfag. will zoomers ever get their own memes that aren’t recycles or planted advertising for some product? you kids have NO classics and i just hate to see it.
21st Century Schizoid Man
Try doing what I'm doing then and start from the second track
More like literally everybody: lol fripp here stop stealing my music
What the fuck, they actually are on Spotify though. Well fuck me sideways.
King crimson is shit and i dont care if they are on spotify. i don't care if they are getting money streaming. if they are getting money streaming, that doesnt matter. what is important to me is the sound of the song. what makes a song worth streaming, im sure you dont know that for sure. if i wanted to stream or buy anything to stream my music at the rate i streamed, the only thing i could do would be to stream it and buy it. as for the price of the song streaming services, its not a big deal. its nothing. if you have a choice of two ways to listen, the one you choose is more important. i am a little confused about that part. i would have chosen Spotify and you should be too. no one has said "hey if he has a free service and lets stream it and buy it how long would it take to stream it for him?" and we dont. so it looks like i am asking about the sound of a song, and not about its price. at the very least, i think that makes your points. if i wanted to find a way to stream or buy something i would, but it wasnt like he was offering us something for free.