Why the fuck can't I enjoy free Jazz?

Why the fuck can't I enjoy free Jazz?

Attached: Ascension_album.jpg (333x298, 12K)

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Clearly your IQ isn't high enough try reading some books and then listening

It's okay, I don't either. Most of the group recordings are pretty challenging. Try starting with some free solo stuff and go from there.

because it takes time to feel emotion from any genre and whatever type of music you feel most comfortable listening to its not because its inherently accessible its because you were exposed to it

I only began enjoying free jazz after listening to more conventional forms of jazz and nurturing an appreciation for the genre as a whole first.
Some forms of free jazz are actually pretty easy to listen to, like one of my favorite albums:
>Marion Brown - 79118 Live
Try this out homie

Attached: 5832562.jpg (600x600, 95K)

listen to Ornette Coleman - The shape of jazz to come

To like Free Jazz, You gotta make Free Jazz on the regular.

It is muche less intellectual than what the pseuds on this board will tell you. That was the intent in fact. think of it as abstract jazz, where melodies like in a painting don't go anywhwere, there's no form or clear function just expression of emotions and ideas unbound by rules

Try Jazz fusion


sounds arent intellectual
theres no concept that will make you suddenly "get" music cause theres nothing to get other than that it's your openness and comfort with feeling the obvious things (to you) being communicated that get you to like anything

thanks. Just listening now, holy shit this is actually so beautiful

thanks for the advice everyone

Most of it is shit. Try Ornette's early records

maybe buy it for once you prick

Free jazz is extremely difficult to listen to. Maybe best with headphones, to see if you can grab anything melodic that's buried down in there.

Try King Tears Bat Trip - it's free jazz but there is melodies in there.


If you want to go balls out, try Metheny's Zero Tolerance For Silence.


dude this is incredible thank you

Because is shit

late ornette


I think id call both more "in" than "out"

Give the wifey a listen

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okay but you can't deny this album is fucking badass

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are you pullen my leg?

That's not free jazz though.

lmao brainlet