Top 100 Best Thrash Metal Albums

Hey guys,
It's time to transform this chart into a Top 100 Best Thrash Metal Albums chart.
Post your suggestions on what to replace.

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>No rust in peace
What a fag

Replace Sodom albums by Agent Orange and Persecution Mania

Ride the Lightning definitely needs a spot.

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Based Carnivore, Steele was the angriest man alive these times


>no metallica
>no megadeth
come on


Which album should we replace for Ride the Lightning?

Second Venom album


Even if you were to consider it thrash, it's not good enough

I think you should remove the duplicates and replace it with:
Blind Guardian - Battalions of Fear
Testament - The Legacy
Hexen - State of Insurgency

Deathcrush has been replaced by Ride the Lightning

Where's this Thrashterpiece at?

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We obviously need a spot for Rust in Peace.
What album should we replace for that?

Here's what the chart looks like atm.
We're off at a pretty good start.

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Replace Tortured Existence with Rust in Peace or Peace Sells

Roll for rust in peace

like dubs? if so i'm rolling for peace sells

there's no need for that. ill be adding both of them

Basically any Overkill album is a must have

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Replaced Demolition Hammer - Tortured Existence with
Megadeth - Rust In Peace

You have to remove all sepulchral garbage like anal vomit and replace band’s sepulchral albums by superior ones like Voivod’s - Killing Technology. And add Annihilator - Alice in Hell, Never Nverland and Mekong Delta - s/t

We Definitely need Bonded by Blood and maybe Fabulous Disaster

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What do you guys think of the Bathory albums? Should we keep them or get rid of them?

Where the FUCK is Exodus? And forget Fabulous Disaster, Bonded by Blood and Pleasures of the Flesh is all you need.

Keep BFD

1st wave black metal with some thrash elements, do not belong on a pure thrash chart.

1st wave black metal Is thrash. But yeah it doesn’t belong here

Replaced the Bathory albums with
Overkill - The Years of Decay
Exodus - Bonded by Blood
Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?

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Should we get rid of the Hellhammer albums?


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Sepultura’s Arise is definitely better thrash album than Morbid Visions

Needs UK Sabbat

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Replaced Morbid Visions with

I think we should replace the Japanese Sabbat with the UK Sabbat
How's that sound?

this is probably the best new school thrash album

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Of course

Replaced the Japanese Sabbat with the UK Sabbat

Replaced the Hellhammer albums with
Kill 'Em All
Master of Puppets

imo we don't need 3 Metallica albums, Replace Master of Puppets with some new school like Enter the Grave, Fast Loud Death or Time is Up etc

Replaced Anal Vomit with Testament

But Master of Puppets is better than any of these

I think the first three Metallica albums are essential.

then take away Kill 'Em All, we just definitely don't need 3 Metallica albums

There's plenty of room for those albums. We still got a lot of first wave shit to replace yet.

Replaced Bonehunter - Evil Triumphs Again with
Hexen - State of Insurgency

We need to replace the Voivod albums with their progressive ones.
Nothingface and Killing Technology sound good?

Replaced Voivod with
Nothingface and Killing Technology

You know what? I think Voivod deserves a third album on the chart
Gonna replace Vulcano - Bloody Vengeance with
Dimension Hatröss

Replaced Vomitor with
Annihilator - Alice in Hell

Replaced Bulldozer - The Day of Wrath with
Nuclear Assault - Game Over

Replaced Bulldozer - The Final Separation with
Lost Society - Fast Loud Death

This is starting to look much better.
Tell me what you guys think.

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We need to add some Coroner.

Venom is not thrash.

I haven't listened to Coroner yet but they definitely deserve a spot on the chart.

God damn heretics, i hope you die in a hotel fire.

Don't worry, we can add them back later.

what are the best Coroner albums?

You better, Gezol might haunt your dreams otherwise. Jap Sabbat are underground legends who never sold out and are still even to this day doing it like they always have done.
Few bands are that dedicated.

You know, this post convinced me to add them back.
Which albums should be replaced for the Jap Sabbat?

I'll go with Venom, I guess.

Had i been in charge over the chart i would put all the albums between 1991-2003.
This is the 2003 album and it fucking rules and so does the other albums.

Oh replaced, my bad. Get rid of Metallica, cuz everyone know them even my dead grandmother.
If you don't know Metallica you are probably some neanderthal from mars or something.

Their Evoke album is pretty good.

Disembody, Envenom, Fetishism, Karisma, Satanasword and The Dwelling are also superb.

Replaced the Venom albums with
Sabbat Evoke
Sabbat The Dwelling

The ultra violence is needed
Agreed mental vortex or no more colour is a must

Well, the chart is pretty much done.
What do you guys think?

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Good shit

Not bad.

Wait did you remove Poison's Into the Abyss?
Get it back on the chart


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looks nice

just look at what we started with and now

no offense but how can people not get bored of Thrash Metal after a while? It's one of the most monotonous and boring genres together with DnB.

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>monotonous and boring
Far more diverse and interesting than death and black