Are feminists and other SJWs going to cancel her for this?

Are feminists and other SJWs going to cancel her for this?

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No, they are clearly not her target market

She does pander a lot to the woke crowd though.

I want to be a cute little girl.

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I don’t get it

They will if you publicize this, maybe with a twitter hashtag like #billieeilishiscancelled followed with a #wedontsupportdomesticabusers.

>Implying it matters irl
Celebrities entertain, people dont really give a fuck about what they think or do

same :(
being born ugly is shit

>"Billie never claimed to be socially or politically conscious or 'the voice of Gen Z'."

>only got associated with hip hop due to denzel giving her a feature on a POLITICAL song
>has songs on her album dealing with mourning over teen drug use and suicide (you know, SOCIAL issues)
>gets shilled as a wise-beyond-her-years joan baez/joni mitchell-type figure
>wears left-wing political symbols as props (pic related)
But yeah, "she never claimed to be politically or socially conscious".

Attached: anarchabillie.png (937x599, 844K)

I love how she posted this story late at night when all her underage fans are asleep.

Why are y'all so obsessed with her?

Interscope can't afford to have her mass-cancelled.

>black screen

I didnt say that retarded faggot, go take your meds

>won’t even name him in the post

having that stupid anarchist symbol on your clothes as a pop star means literally nothing. and you know that and are obviously struggeling to find proper examples.

She wrote this beautiful tribute to him.

Also, Bury a Friend and I Love You are both about X.

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>wears anarchy symbol while in portland
Of course. Gotta blend in with the locals somehow.

>dealing with mourning over teen drug use and suicide (you know, SOCIAL issues)
Why the fuck does that trigger you?, Its good to tell the kids to not fuck their brains

no you don't. whole world talks down to you. old men constantly eyeing you up. daddy makes you wear dresses and put on make up. men go inside of you and then leave you like you're just fuck-meat. shit sounds like hell.

When did I say it triggered me? I'm saying it's evidence Billie tries to give off the image of being socially aware.

Watch her interviews just to see how dumb she is. She probably doesn’t understand any of this shut. She doesn’t even write her own lyrics for fuck’s sake.

>When did I say it triggered me?
Your shitty reply is not something you do for fun my friend, nothing wrong with telling kids to think about the consequences (not that they really care)

Billie never claimed to be a FEMINIST.

Singing about police brutality and kids dying from xans have nothing to do with feminism, so why attack her for defending X? Where’s the hypocrisy?

you are not ugly :3

She couldn’t be more off key if she tried. Pathetic.

i hate xxx and shes so obviously just trying to leech off of his fame. she knows that she attracts a similar audience with her style of music, lyrical topics and fashion aesthetic. didn't she meet him like only one single time?

>She wrote
You mean, her brother wrote.

There's no evidence they ever met in-person. The pics which allegedly show them together are all shooped, and poorly at that. He only communicated with her through text and skype or some shit.

Yes, Billie is a clout chaser and it's very important for her popularity.

>posted 4hrs ago at 1AM

I wonder what she thinks of Ian MacKaye who popularized the DIY ethic she bases herself on.

"Socially conscious" pop stars always memorialize homophobes.


Jah burns in hell.

Not a big loss for humanity.



The same people who protest police brutality and big pharma's role in the creation of the drug culture are also feminists. They'd have every reason to be skeptical of Billie's (fake) persona.

I hope.

Her fans are already coming to her sympathy.

>caring about Billie Eilish
I fucking hate this board.

So who is her target market then?

Teenage girls who don’t give a shot.

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She’s the biggest pop star in the world though. Someone’s got to discuss her.

This. Her fans are probably just as stupid as she is.