fuck shapiro and fuck conservashits

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this but unironically

Fantano is always seething. Death grips arnt going to call you fantano because you’re woke af on twitter.

Even Fantano manages to say something good for a change.

i wasnt being ironic

Söytano’s rapid descent to a stereotypical blue checkmark has been beyond fascinating

Lol No one ever proves shapiro wrong or anything they just call him cringy or make fun of him.

He got humiliated in that BBC interview

yeah, I thought at one point he was above sounding off on twitter. But I'm glad he did because now I know that I don't really have to respect his completely unrelated musical opinions as much

fuck zionist neoconservatives
anthony fantano is a hypocritical racist
i'm your dad

When you're being as obviously wrong about everything as him, there is no need to. You'll understand how adults deal with kids once you grow up too, don't worry.

Fantano has reached cringe levels beyond comprehension. He's literally nigger tier

first the DsO review, now the antisemitism starts...
fantano has revealed his true colors lol

Fantano will stop the Needledrop by 2020. The 2010's album of the decade will be the bookend to his career and he will pivot to some high-level media management thing in music. Screenshot this.

this 100%

Substitute "talking too fast" for "memes and gaslighting" and Fantano's statement could very much apply to himself.

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Fantano has fucking lost it

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Why do you think he's picking on such an easy target.

anthony fantano is such a boring try-hard.

i don't like fantano but defending ben shapiro is pathetic, he's a total hack

>yeah.. i used to love fantano but then he became a typical blue checkmark sjw leftist

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Fuck off Fagthony, you're a piece of trash. Kill yourself already, I know you want to


I agree with him but for completely different reasons. Those reasons can be summed up when looking at something awful like this:

Why is Fantano talking about himself?
