Bob Dylan is a nigh talentless hack overrated beyond belief because of his jewish heritage. Pic related is the musician people think/want Bob Dylan to be
Bob Dylan is a nigh talentless hack overrated beyond belief because of his jewish heritage...
There is very little similarity between their songwriting styles. Just because they're both from the 60s and have acoustic guitars does not make them one-in-the-same. Please stop listening to music.
You’re really stupid.
Absolute bonafide indisputable fucking brainlet, I would tell you to stop listening to music but it’s obvious you don’t. On top of th fact that I make a point of saying they’re not one AND the same (got that wrong too you bumbling illiterate) and that Leonard was a legitimate musician. Gas yourself.
>inb4 you try to come at me over a typo
You do not need to crap on Dylan to hype Cohen, both are marvelous. What a waste of a thread.
>"Dylan is overrated because he's Jewish"
>"anyways, Leonard Cohen is great"
He made a very fair comment. Cohen was inspired to try his hand at songwriting by Dylan but he certainly wasn’t hanging on his coat tails, their music isn’t remotely similar. Dylan writes better at conventional folk, rock and blues song structures whereas Cohen’s focus is more on storytelling lyrics.
Based Dylan
No you’re an idiot kek.
They’re both jewish but Dylan was shilled primarily because of this and how edgy and subversive he was. He’s not a legitimate musician, he’s a tereibke singer, and he’s at best a good to sometimes great lyricist, that’s it. He might as well be a Bernie Taupin like figure, exclusively writing lyrics for real musicians. Both of them are completely shat on by Joni Mitchell though, Neil Young included, Joni is indisputably the best of that epoch of music
>Both of them are completely shat on by Joni Mitchell though
Holy fuck you're retarded.
Leonard Cohen's first 3 albums were top notch.
He made great poetry and great music to fit along with it. The most i love about his music were the female backsingers, who sung like sirens to give a very eery, yet mesmerizing accompaniment within every one his songs.
He was in the circles of other decadent 60's hippie musicians, but by nature, he was very blackpilled on social problems.
Only bad thing about Leonard's music is, that you may get too into it and as his music has very blue and depressing nature, you may fall into this perpetual gloominess, that you may get entangled to.
Bob Dylan is ridiculously overrated and is a hack, Leonard Cohen actually put some effort into his songs.
Fun Fact: Leonard Cohen forged his mothers signature, to be allowed into MK Ultra's LSD experiments. (Pic Related)
He was MK Ultra'd kek
No you are retarded, not me. Guaranteed you’re not a musician and have an IQ near room temp. Even Bob and Leonard themselves would readily admit this. Watch Rolling Thunder Revue pleb retard
> but Dylan was shilled primarily because of this and how edgy and subversive he was
>He’s not a legitimate musician
Cohen was a failed nlolvelist who jumped on the folk bandwagon.
>he’s a tereibke singer
He had more vocal range than Cohen.
>Bob Dylan is ridiculously overrated and is a hack, Leonard Cohen actually put some effort into his songs.
Bob Dylan’s a significantly better musician than Leonard Cohen whose vocal melodies are so samey if you don’t pay attention to the lyrics it doesn’t make a difference what song he’s singing.
>No you are retarded, not me
i know you are but what am i
> Guaranteed you’re not a musician and have an IQ near room temp.
well, i'm rubber and you're glue, so everything you say bounces of me and sticks to you!
i am a musician btw.
>Even Bob and Leonard themselves would readily admit this.
neither of them have
>Watch Rolling Thunder Revue pleb retard
i have
Cohen picked up a guitar because he figured he could make a better living writing songs than writing poetry. He's admitted this numerous times, he's a poet first, musician second. Also, I like Cohen better, retards, that doesn't make him comparable to Dylan. They're working in two different styles 90% of the time.
>Retard claims that his opinion is actually more valuable than anyone else's despite never making any actual arguments beyond 'my favorite artist good, your favorite artist bad!' and basic insults.
Yeah, I've seen this before. Can we skip to the part where someone asks you how you can objectively measure musical quality and you never answer them?
Stop playing console wars with musicians.
Fuck I hate Leonard Cohen. He's such a pretentious faggot and his words are this meaningless faux anti-pretentious dogshit that just sounds even more shit than the novelists he's "avoiding" copying.
Dylan on the other hand is based.
Joni Mitchell’s only good songs are Woodstock and Big Yellow Taxi, the rest is shit.
hejira is good too, but mostly because of the session musicians and production.
Isn’t that a good thing or are you just using all the big words you know?
you're no better than op
btw Leonard's music is actually good but this debate is retarded and lyrically Cohen writes the mental equivalent of fucking popcorn.
Read the book of Longing that he wrote or just read his lyrics.
Fuck off, it's annoying to act like musicians are somehow lyrical gods.
His music is fine but his lyrics are no deeper than my post.
And Jesus was a sailor
When he walked upon the water
And he spent a long time watching
From his lonely wooden tower
And when he knew for certain
Only drowning men could see him
He said "All men will be sailors then
Until the sea shall free them"
But he himself was broken
Long before the sky would open
Forsaken, almost human
He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
wow I didn't have to go further than the very first song ever released in his discography to prove you wrong
i've written stuff like that for my poetry workshop lol
>poetry workshop
=\= a song
Hacky horseshit
cohen's lyrics were just poems he put to music later
Adam Sandler?
What's this Cohen MKULTRA business? reverse-searching that photo does lead me to articles about him and MKULTRA but they're all from loony bin websites. What proves that it's even him in that photo?
Let’s see your poetry then user, I think Cohen is a great writer so I look forward to reading something of the same calibration.
So as you can see, there's an artistry to combining lyrics with music, that is not found in some highschool poetry workshop
*calibre, fucking autocorrect
I'm in full agreement, OP. Dylan was a good songwriter but a wretched performer and singer whose every single song is better covered by more competent artists. Boomers only love him because he got a ton of undeserved radio play for being virtually the only sheenie song-and-dance man in the Vietnam years. Leonard Cohen made better shits than Dylan's entire career.
cool opinion
Are you fucked in the head? Dylan was a prophet, artist, vagabond, icon nigga leonard cohen was just a mcgill grad who read too much WH Auden
He was Jewish too you moron.
I wouldn’t call Bob Dylan a hack, he was at least a great poet even if his musicianship was lacking, but he was definitely completely left in the dust by the prodigious talents he inspired, Leonard Cohen, Paul Simon, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell especially (Joni is really the consummate singer songwriter and a very talented singer and multi instrumentalist, arguably the best of all time because of how well rounded and excellent she is OVERALL, plus she has so many undisputed great albums and is respected and held in very high regard by Bob himself, despite what muh based misogynists on this board would say).that all being said I love his music and even his later output is worth listening to.
OP makes it clear that he already knows that retard
Best in that lane of folky singer songwriters, that is, not to mention Joni experimented for decades and is inarguably a musical genius.
Only songwriters comparable to her are Stevie Wonder or Brian Wilson, honestly
Dustin Hoffman
based on what?
>muh melodies
Get fucked, Bob Dylan has albums with more great songs than their entire catalogues.