The Katy/Taylor war is over

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Ended homophobia worldwide

Probably because neither are widely relevant and competing for chart success anymore.

Who do you think is more of a pure sociopath, Taylor or Beyonce?

Idk about that user

>yelling at people trying to live their lives calmly in their own home

But lefties are the ones who actually do that lol. It really is just constant projection from both sides isn't it?

So is she gay now?

To be fair lefties aren't the ones screeching autistically at pride parades and obsessively hanging around abortion clinics and doing the same thing there


Maybe Taylor is but Katy Perry is pretty irrelevant now.
I can't think of a major hit of hers since that Roar song and that was years ago.

Katy is still on american idol, im not sure there is any coming back from that

Her recent songs 365 and Never Really Over did pretty well

Taylor based on the Kanye / "made that bitch famous" debacle.

beyonce based on . . . her life

What do TayTay fries taste like?

did katy perry have something in her contract stating she was too hot and not to look hot anymore?

Yeah but she was literally the biggest popstar on the planet alongside Taylor a few years ago.
She isn't that anymore. Ariana Grande, Dua Lipa, etc have taken her spot.

Got nothing then?

invasion of the beyhive

What? I literally know nothing about Beyonce and am asking your an example of her being crazy to match the Taylor Swift one that I do know. I want you to convince me.

im not sure your example shows much more than kanye being an idiot, but ok.
beyonce allowing her "fans" to death threat anyone who talks poorly about her (or even talks to jayz)

Only one of them twisted an affair (which may or may not have even happened) into critical untouchability for both her and her husband, millions of dollars and a spotlight on her otherwise irrelevant sister (who now has her own cult following)

Taylor just flighty and likes gay people. Bey is calculated.

based taytay

It was over the second it started either way. Katy never was on her level.

Tay-tay is just calculating and smart. Bey seems like she believes her own hype.

This girl is literally a master of changing her image to match current trends


I mean she does it but I wouldn't call her a master at it.

oh thats gonna drive that one faggot user crazy, he hates it when the kpoppers get the get

I didn't know how else to say she does it a lot lol.

just wait for the straight pride parade to happen and see how many lefties will show up. also liberals protest against pro-life supporters all the time

do you have any idea how similar you sound