
listen to bathory on vinyl edition
old: faq: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

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Other urls found in this thread:


do you /christianmetal/?

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Is that an older version of Their first album? or is it a reissue?

Dissection sucks

Which of these albums would you replace?

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melodeath sucks

Nothing but Leather Thrashïng Öccült Sepülchral Rïffs.

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wtf melodeath is kool

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Good wanky stuff like Gorguts?

>the first minute of this song

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John Tardy's vocals are fucking hard, but it sounds simple

For me its middle-Death

But Chuck did give the best head in metal. David Vincent had his Azagthoth, and everyone in Vader had Doc, but no one made a pink cock erect like Chuck. True, as the AIDS infested his throat it made it hard for him to deep throat, but even as he lay there rotting, stinking of AZT and covered with Kaposi's sarcoma, Chuck would signal with two fingers when a willing donor came into the room. All I can offer in addition to that is the fact that no sex will ever compare to colostomy hole love, especially when the hole is fresh and supple after a well-greased movement.

We will never forget you, Chuck. Every time I hear your name my prostate aches, both for your tender heart-shaped ass and that incredibly thin, probing member we shared many times. It is heartbreaking how many things bring Chuck to mind. The sound of heavy metal. The flavor of Taco Bell food on the road. The scent of semen. The world lost not only a great musician, but a great lover, when Chuck died.

To say Chuck was gay is incorrect. He wasn't gay, he was just open-minded, and he sought anal sex from men, boys, girls and animals alike. Anal was not his favorite. His favorite was the blowjob, and he liked to be held afterwards, with someone stroking his hair and saying, "Chuck you are king of the world."

I will never sell the copy of Leprosy (80 grain vinyl) he left me at our last meeting. It is battered now, and reeks faintly of manpoo, and maybe it does have a few suspicious smears, but it is all I have of him. That and the memories. Those gushing, sticky, illicit, clandestine memories... Oh Chuck I miss you more than I can say.


How is Aspid not on this

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Aspid is thrash
That is a thrash list

how do you find new Diocletian?
I think it's pretty fire. Also it's hilarious to read the "ugh the frontman is xenophobe such a shame" comments

i thought it was death/thrash not death and thrash
then i looked at the rest of the chart

Pick an album from the chart to replace it with.

One of the 7 slayer albums

sounds like deathcore

Sounds good. Hopefully it'll live up to Gesundrian.

have you ever even heard deathcore

7? there's only 2 Slayer albums on there.
Goodbye Haunting the Chapel.

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There were 3 and I was exaggerating for comedic effect.

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oh. haha.


Remove Cannibal Corpse immediately.

>no exodus bonded by blood
>no tankard zombie attack
>no toxik world circus
>no vio-lence eternal nightmare
>over kill is on here though

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tips on doing death metal gutturals?

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Might remove overkill for more Öccült Sepülchral Rïffs.

keep listening to your favorite guttural bands and imitate them /sing along

anyone got a chart for speed metal?

Heroic post, thanks friend

Replaced Overkill with Solstice. Need moar Sepülchral Riffz.

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also don't force yourself - that's how you kill your voice. There's this soft silent growl you can do without going all out where it's kinda like a whispered growl. When you do it, you won't even feel your throat. It's good for casual experimentation, then you slowly increase the volume.




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What? I was recommending him a band called Ulcerate

How the fuck By Inheritance is leather thrashing sepulchral? And Alice in Hell not. Shit.

The soft growl guttural is done with your tongue at the roof of your mouth almost behind your upper teeth. When you trace the tip back from that starting point down to your throat, you will have a deeper more throaty guttural

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dont tell me where to put my tongue

Can’t, it’s 1 pm here and if I start screaming like crazy my mom is probably going to have a heart attack heh

this is just mostly soft gutteral, but there's deeper parts

this is when the tongue goes further back for more UMF


Are DSO nazis?

>Got invited to last Slayer ft.Lamb of God/Anthrax/Behemoth concert back in 2018
>turned it down cause it was a Wednesday/didn't listen to metal back then
>fast forward a year
>listen to all of those bands
>only upcoming metal concerts are meloshit, sabaton, arena shows (Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Ozzy/Megadeth, but still arena shows)
>Slayer will never tour again
>other bands will not come in the near future
>i fucked up hard

music for this feel?

>implying she can hear you all the way down in the basement

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extreme shitlords

is that first one suffocation?


Also yes

does it sound like it? I was just foolin around. I mostly listen to devourment for those gutturals
here's one with max umf

Replaced By Inheritance with Alice in Hell. Thanks for your suggestion.

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Covenant Fest V is in just over 2 weeks, Demons & Wizards is here in August, Voivod in September, Immolation and Blood Incantation in October. Yeah there could be more but there are some bands coming. A bunch of other bands were also here last month for Modified Ghost Fest as well, and Incantation with Devastation on the Nation this year, which like Covenant Fest are both yearly.

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I can honestly say that i would rather remain a kissless virgin my whole life than go my whole life without listening to metal. Metal for this feel?

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how soft is soft? like a real whisper or just not shouting? how would I give it more power just with my diaphram? your vocals are sick btw

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that second link sounds like some underwater shit
id love to join you guys but my mic is at another place

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Keep the suggestions coming, boys. I know there's more Sepülchral Rïff albums out there that can be replaced.

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Why you gotta play me like that

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is /metal/ a zoomer general or a boomer general?

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This is the latest version of the chart. btw. Ignore the other ones that were posted.

not shouting or putting much air, try doing the softest sounding but audible guttural you can that you can do continuously and that's practically it. it didn't sound that loud when I did it, but vocaroo captured it great surprisingly.
With the diaphragm thing, imagine you're storing a large supply of air in your stomach when you inhale, then slowly release it, squeeze it out with your torso muscles, don't think about your throat


Should war metal be added to the black metal chart?

thanks user

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Replace a sepultura album with Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace
Replace a Sabbat album with Annihilator - Alice in Hell
Replace a Bathory album with Deathrow - Deception Ignored

incantation are playing in my city this weekend, is it worth going to?

Did you go meet Ice Poseidon hes in your town right now?


Is it the devastation the nation tour? they played golgotha first, and carrion prophecy + ancients arise from what I remembered. It's very worth it, John sounds more guttural live

but doom metal isn't very popular here

Post some surprisingly good albums

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Done. However, Alice in Hell was on the chart already.

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Got to replace some repeating band with a Motorhead album, they’re honorary Sepülchral

Nice, not sure how I managed to miss it.

deathrash too

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death doom is

not leaving the comfy suburbs to catch him in the skids

>Is it the devastation the nation tour?
doesn't say

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yes it is
theyre all just busy in the bathroom hurling or packing a bowl of DUDE WEED while avoiding washing

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shit album but great song desu

gimme sick thrash riffs and no one gets hurt!

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Alright. I'm going to add Ace of Spades to the chart. Help me pick an album to replace. Might pick Envenom by Sabbat.

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Evile is sick Pizza Thrash

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>Agent Öööööüüürange


>last concert?
>AOTY so far?

I´ll start

>last concert?
Slayer + Amon Amarth + Lamb of God + Cannibal Corpse in El Paso

>AOTY so far?
Batushka - Panihida

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Fuck it. Envenom got replaced.

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What a fucking lineup m8! Must have been an amazing show

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guys what do you think of my band? i need an honest opinion

Lamb of god was pretty generic but everything else was amazing, i got drunk as fuck


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better stuff has come out this year than the Babushka

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>last concert?
Batushka NA Tour
>AOTY so far?
Batushka Пaнихидa


The riffs are cash, so it's gonna be dope once it comes out. And fuck the people that whine about the dude's views, I could care less when he keeps on putting out good shit like that.

If she was growling it would SOTY 2016 Still a solid 9/10 though

Yellow goat was the original print.

Daj kaj je ovo Isus te jebo?

Looks like they're headlining then. They're heavy af live would reccomend

These are fucking great, especially Tourniquet.

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No, but I do satanic metal.

can still be a counterfeit. Yellow Goat original is worth like 1500 dollars.


>listening to Mayhem post Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

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Because you're gonna fuck up your vocal chords if you're gonna be stupid about it. Only do growling if you mean it, lest you end up like Corey Taylor and the rest of those jokers.

For fucks sake. Stop listening to Mayhem post-dmds. Stupid posers.

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Post albums/songs by bands you usually don't like

I'll start

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Stop trying to shame people because of music they like you shitfuck bastard

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This is better than anything that came before

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fuckin-A, i love exodus
sweet i'll check this out after i finish watching a nightmare on elm street 4
i was actually listening to this earlier, good taste man
thanks pham

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Begone, frogposting mongoloid.
That's pretty bad if the only way you can listen to black metal is if it has clean vocals and synths.

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>responding to retards
Everyone with an ounce of brain knows Mayhem only got better with age, just ignore the fucker and post more post-DMDS Mayhem instead:

>posting le reddit frog

you're no better user

This is a banger tho youtube.com/watch?v=RrD48JOKVs8
(the only track I prefer the original over the remix)

I bet you're one of those faggots that spam "this band has aged like fine wine xD" on YouTube.

I was definitely dropped as a baby don't worry about

if you dont like this song fuck off


Learn how to use this you retards.

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>babby's first black metal album

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Why would anyone want to search for this on Google?

What does meal think about metal-influenced rock?
Gothic, doom, post-rock etc?
Pure onions, I guess?

That isn't Transilvanian Hunger though

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google is better than iqdb
>inb4 google shill

You're only allowed to listen to Saviour Machine's debut, and that's it. Type O Negative middle school faggotry is a capital offense.

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best symphonic black metal band yes or no

That's not what I'm saying, conspiratard. Why would anyone want to search any of that shit period?

>foreign shit
I'd rather not.

pa borko radivojevic

So they can stop asking what the name of an album is.

why not???? are you racist or something.....???!! bigot

Doom is almost always metal and i love it, Goth is really not a way to describe a sound Bauhaus and London after midnight are both gothic rock but its not the same as the cures dark phase, you should study metal inflence, early metal is hard rock, punk and glam influenced

Blue Cheer, The Who, Alice Cooper, Kiss (they made glam metal later in their career), The Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, Motorhead (sometimes they are considered speed), Rush, Rainbow, The Stooges and King Crimson all have really heavy and cool moments

If you don't know who Bathory is, no one needs to pay attention to you.

>TON is the only goth rock out there
Fuck off, ya smug twat-

Go cut yourself and burn down the Hot Topic.

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That's not what I'm saying either, dipshit.
Do you know the name of this album?
Use google image search to find out.

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Or, you know... look at the album artwork instead. The band's name is usually at the top - the album name is usually at the bottom. It's a shame someone has to explain this to you.

I'll take that for what it is, you admitting your own ignorance on the topic and being a clueless faggot.

That's the kind of stuff Tool, Dream Theater, and Opeth fans say.

In this case, there is no name to be seen on this album cover.
Just pointing it out, nigga.

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>there is no name to be seen on this album cover.
That probably means the band plays some artsy numale shit and isn't worth the time of day.

Nice, I just bought The Return Of Darkness And Evil
Yeah, but I don't have any of those. I have both Horde albums. Free on bandcamp are the complete Abandoned Mortuary and Abated Mass Of Flesh

Beautiful list mate

it gets better

>Yeah, but I don't have any of those

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european metal >>>>>>>> murican metal
am i right bros

Both have good shit, murica just has way more bad shit than europe

Both have great bands

Europe turned an entire subgenre of heavy metal homoerotic.

I am not going to pick up what Yea Forums tells me to bruh, I am finding my own way.
Yeah, we invented BM.
Elucidate pls. Remember you gave the world Glam.

>I am finding my own way
Hopefully out of the closet and out of my face.

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Gays get the gas, you know this.

Yeah, boyfriend's butt gas after a plugging maybe.

Shoot the fruits
Throw the poofs from roofs

It kinda did. I thought you were doing a line from Catatonia

based or cringe?

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It’s kind of fun to listen to new Arch Enemy sometimes

The Return blows, but trve kvlt neckbeards are unusually fascinated by it's generic riffs and filler material. The debut and Black Mark are the only ones worth listening to.

>last concert
Saw Primitive Man and Full of Hell co headline few nights ago, was really happy I could make it.

Full of Hell - Weeping Choir
I haven't listened to much 2019 releases, I'm sure there's something better but for now I'm enjoying full of hell.

>Brutal Death Metal

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I need more ominous church bell-core

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Based. Bathory is overrated.

Starting at 0:30

Who the fuck has ever said this?

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Don't respond to pee-pee posters, you'll overstimulate them.

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I'd rather listen to Sepultura than all the dissoshit that is spammed here on a daily basis.

no shit

how popular is this site, really?

>Necrophagist too technical
>Grug like GorGuts

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I'm not sure why someone would make a ten hour version of this, but that is pretty good. Many thanks.

shouldn't have replied to that
retard was just arguing for the sake of arguing at that point

Should this album be added to the chart?

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What's it to you who I reply to?

giving retards attention lower the quality of these threads
and they're shit enough as is

I didn't know I liked Metalcore


stop pretending to be me

Where does the meme of Acid Bath being nu-metal comes from?

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Name one motorhead song that has as awesome and catchy riffs as midnight

Where do you clasify them? they are sludge as fuck

>Decide to sell out
>Opt for style nobody has given a shit about since the mid 2000's

Do you see me sucking any dicks? No.

I'm going to replace Incubus in favor of Exhorder. Anyone else agree?

Bro i never knew this was a thing

Our ears

You need to be shot.

>tfw no bandbros to goof around with
Fun tune. Good metalcore does exist, but it's rare. Check out Heart of a Coward.

Find an album to replace it with.

Ever notice how people are too embarrassed to post the shitty music they listen to, so they word their posts as "MAN, I THOUGHT I HATED THIS GENRE", hoping some poor bastard clicks on it out of curiosity and likes it.

Replace yourself and let someone who doesn't have shit taste do it.

>he can’t get into Leather Thrashïng Öccült Sepülchral Rïffs

Go back to Tumblr typing in the third-person.

Everyone half aware and even the band themselves

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>implying I suck dick
wew lad

Poor Black Sabbath being lumped in with that dogshit.

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Deftones are great, fuck you meal

I’d go gay for Peter Steele

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You have to be older than 18 to post here

Nigga im 30 years old 2004 was 15 years ago

You should be ashamed to be posting here at 18.

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By Inheritance is better

not leather thrashing sepulchral enough

How the fuck By Inheritance qualify for Leather Sepulchral Thrash

How does Alice in Hell qualify?

this, maybe?

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It does by Vocals and Riffs

There’s too many good albums on this. Good luck replacing them.

only the Leather Thrashïng Öccült Sepülchral Rïffs poster can help us now.

based as fuck

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>mfw remembering my nu-metal phase

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>Illud Divinum better than Formulas and Gateways.

never make gifs again

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Is it safe to assume that any american metal artist with long, curly hair is of spanish/italian descent?
Bobby Ellsworth, DD Verni, Armando Acosta, Henry Vasquez (obvious though) etc.

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they all hit their women too apparently

The zoomies were meming mudvayne in the last couple months

I've yet to personally find a band and album that can top pic related in sheer fun and stupidity of Blackened ThrashPunk'n'Roll.

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>No Horde
>No Antestor
>No Crimson Thorn
>No Benea Reach

I hate modern memes. They're so nonsensical and unfunny.

So are we going to talk about how much of a fucking wimp Anthony Fantano is for taking down that DsO review? Nothing wrong with collaborating with Mikko Aspa and Clandestine Blaze make some of the best Finish black metal

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Source on image?

who cares about some fucking fagtano and some fucking mikko aspie and some fucking gay dissoshit album

time to bring back old memes

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Why did he take it down and how did he rate it?

>So are we going to talk about how much of a fucking wimp Anthony Fantano
>talk about Anthony Fantano


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>taking down that DsO review
Why did he take it down?

Do you think he listened to metal?

We stíll screeching about this drama?

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>why are you comparing X to Y? I like X better than Y
fucking christ you're retarded

Why is Slow Deep and Hard so much better than the other albums?

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Based. Dabbing on this overrated mediocrity.

He took it down because "muh ebil nazis"

>remembering my nu-metal phase
I remember watching Saw 2 for the first time and then Forget to Remember kicked in during the credits. Holy fucking based time.

What genres do you listen to other than metal?

The English band XTC

Best Bolt Thrower album.

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hardcore punk
surf rock

county,classical and ambient

It’s just mediocre OSDM album. BT got much better on The IVth Crusade.

this is mediocre

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Because it's basically Carnivore riffs with Type O's aesthetics


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You got a problem with Alien Ant Farm?

that coal chamber album looks awful

it's by no means their best, but is very underrated though

Absolutely incredible

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Sad But True is Metallicas best riff, prove me wrong

>prove me wrong
Listen to Kill ‘em All, Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets

Creeping Death is better

One of them for sure. Mine would probably be Seek & Destroy

Kill Em All is overrated as fuck

What about Ride the Lightning?


It's basically the same riff but played faster, but I like Sad But True more because the production is much fatter

Top 3 Metallica albums but still slightly overrated, and I unironically rate Load and Reload higher than Kill Em All

He took it down because muh nazis? HAHAHAHAHAHA, what a fucking joke that dude is.

Their best.

Nope, RTL is.

Hip hop, rock, punk, classical, electronic and country.

Ride the Lightning is Metallicas best guitar solo, prove me wrong.

your overrated as fuck

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Not even the best on the album, Creeping Death and Fade to Black is better

Master of Puppets or One

yeah, metal prison bars.

His what is overrated as fuck?

A number of them are Jewish too. South Americans count as well, but they are more or less Spanish. Maybe a few Greeks?

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leave brian peppers alone



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Blessed Are the Sick is the best Morbid Angel album.

It's a tie between Blessed and Formulas. Blessed is the best one with Vincent for sure.

I find Altars to be too fast. Don't know if it's just me.

of course it's USBM

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Let's settle this, once and for all

Altars is their best and it's not even close

>Members: Chris Schroeder
>Gender: Male

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everyone vote for Illud

Abominations, or bust

Depressed, and everything hurts
I'll never afford what I yearn
In reality, I'll always be a man
I'll never be a woman

"You're just a common cunt boy"
"You're just a simple faggot"
"You're a worthless onions boy"
"You're just a fucking tranny"

Should I start with Voivod or Coroner?




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does /metal/ like Deathgrips?

Vektor - Terminal Redux

I thought they were Voivod worship.

they're better

go away

no it's not

are those crows getting sucked into a black hole?

It objectively is though

Top 5 Morbid Angel songs

1. Chapel of Ghouls
2. Immortal Rites
3. Maze of Torment
4. Angel of Disease
5. Fall From Grace

>Angel of Disease
from Abominations or Covenant?

Daily reminder that St. Anger is a good album.

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I haven't listened to Abominations so Covenant


>last concert?
Slayer, Anthrax, Obituary and Lamb of god in stockholm
>AOTY so far?
i dont listen to new music

Really? You should check it out.