Trans people are making the most important and boundary-pushing music in the world right now

Trans people are making the most important and boundary-pushing music in the world right now.

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Mental illness and good music have always gone hand in hand

Interesting then that trannies break that rule with their atrocious music.


imagine thinking this lmao

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Brainless Scaruffi drone

it’s time for you to dilate

There's no way the girl from 100 gecs is a tranny. She might be a bit unattractive but her voice sounds way too female to be trans.




dont lump gecs in with these losers

artists have always had identity issues and tried hard being different

cringe and bgapilled

have sex


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>le buzzword

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i bet there are a lot more closeted trannies who made ground breaking music through history

fuming trannies

mozart was a black woman

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this doesnt account for those who killed themselves over remorse for lying about being trans

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Yeah, I think not. Trannies cling to fucking Switched-On Bach, they really are willing to praise the most low-grade "art" to appear relevant in music. When you have to broaden the definition of tranny so wide that it includes people who comfortably lived in the closet there entire lives, it is a meaningless term. If you just mean mentally ill people who would have been susceptible to believing they were trans in the current climate, of course music is full of those but they also could have been led to believe many things and often were. That doesn't mean they are those things. If I teach my mentally disabled brother to be a Christian, it doesn't he is one.

dilation time trannie

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lol not even a tranny. Just not an insecure fag like you who's afraid of muh shallow masculinity

join the 40% tranny

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jingles about the tranny agenda > tranny music


i mean trans people making music is cool but only one of these albums is good

>l-lol not even a t-t-trannie.

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time for u to dilate tranny


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Every single one of those albums are fucking AWFUL.

kys tranny

why is this picture making me laugh so fucking hard

cuz trannies are degenerates

because the reality we live in is not a tragedy but a comedy


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This but unironically (unironically)

But how can bitch dilate if bitch got a penis?

dilate, ma'am

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Anons literally cannot resist this bait


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Bruh. Look at this dude. OH NO NO NO!

1000 gecs just sounds like a mashup of every popular internet genre from the last decade

trannies are disgusting and can't make music

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check the tags bucko

Trannies are an abomination against God.
Plus Sophie's album is just a ripoff of Amnesia Scanner

>loud bleep bloop noises

define important, especially wrt these albums

Pic is the only good trannycore album from the last couple years. Stop trolling around.

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>neck covered/hidden
Every fucking time. Adam's apple could probably cut rock.

1 gec


Literally only Vektroid. Most trans artists aren't doing that much in terms of boundary-pushing. The gays as a whole, though, are the one and only force pushing music forward.

they're mostly just recycling the early 2000s glitch/idm scene

But none of these albums are 'good' music.

>le deconstructed club
Nothing more cringe and reddit than this in all honesty.

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Wrong, current deconstructed club is cringe.

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Vektroid is trans?

The only way V/Vm is not cringe is if you compare it to The Caretaker.

Since when is Sophie trans tho. Doesn't he just cross dress for "art"
I remember when I met him his girlfriend took a photo of me and him (before the cross dressing)

Why are you on a music forum if you don't know anything about good music?

Surprised me when I found out, too.

What do you mean? I've correctly identified Mr. Kirby as a cringe talentless hack relying on ebin post-modern tricks and esoteric, ephemeral nonsense like "atmosphere" and "nostalgia" to justify his lazy approach to music and general lack of ability.

Oh shit just read an article on it.

I somehow call BS tho I believe that's marketing.

The whole PC music stuff was the same - a fake popstar creation, for art.

I guess some people don't know what a concept artist is

Yeah, talentless cringe hacks that only appeal to neophytes with low amounts of experience and knowledge within a given medium.

Yup, looks like a 100% biological woman to me.

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i agree with i'm someone who relates tremendously to the album/comp's concept, but in execution it's exactly what you would expect from an ambient album of its length.
lazy and repetitive, and even with the purpose he posthumously applied to these bland soundscapes it doesnt sound much better.

i think people enjoy this because there isn't really another album like it, from that time, that goes to the "lengths" that it did to stress the "post-club" concept. but it's not good, and v/vm's other projects are just as lazy.

>his other projects are lazy
Everywhere at the End of Time, though.

I used to be down with Sophie and the first couple PC Music things but Oil of Every Pearl is terrible music full of puerile ideas no matter which way I try to approach it. This is just like Art Angels all over again where an artist i'm interested in releases a mediocre album and has it shilled by assholes for reasons bigger than their music itself

imagine participating in this thread
you'd have to have some weird obsession with trannies or something
what could cause that?

we're just tryna talk

ITT albums that white men will never understand

Arca is the only guy in OP's pic who isn't white

wait is Arca trans now?

I think people are confusing cross dressing and trans.

He's definitely very very gay and cross dressing but I highly doubt he's trans

this image got the wrong ddlc girl

he goes by "she/her" now dude

fuck trannies, it was traps who made the best music

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1000 gec is really good, glad Melon gave it some exposure

this is a damn good album imo

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Arca is not trans.

>1000 gec
literally who
literally who
just a faggot, not trans
with how quickly he "transitioned" I would not be surprised if he becomes part of the 43% within the next couple of years

this is all trash

>le 40% face has become le 43% face

Unironically agree even tho this is bait. When you look at shit that’s interesting you’ll find it’s a lot of trans artists. I mean if you just get fucked over and repressed your entire life you gotta find a way to express yourself in one way or another

real shit rook is extremely good bro

Sophie's is the only actually good album in there

No They aren't you queer chasing jew

honestly tho im getting scared a lot of this shit is just turning into transtrending shit where people just do it to be "cool" within whatever communities theyre in. go to the underground brooklyn scene and every other person is trans and you get clout for it and get to hang within certain circles

and i hate saying this shit bc im non binary and i sound like i have internalized transphobia but idk maybe im just looking to much into it

yes people take permanent body changing hormones bc its cool and trendy

go outside retard

Literally the only two people I know from the OP did exactly that (SOPHIE and Arca). One got famous as a gay man and became a transtrender to be more submissive with his sex shit and one was famously shit-talked for appropriating a female name for his act while just being some dude so then he decided he wasn't a dude anymore.

notice how none of these are actual females

Not permanent and plenty of people don't take them. You've ruined your own argument by not gatekeeping trans identity harder. You allowed people to be validated by simply saying they are trans and said they don't have to do anything to be trans and they don't even need dysphoria. It entirely defeats the purpose. Of course it became trendy. What the fuck did you think would happen? Real trans people were either transgressive individualists or just mentally ill. If you are neither, you aren't trans and should be shot for implying otherwise. Being trans by default can not be a decision you come to because you felt you would be appreciated more. It has to be something you pursue even though others will disagree with your decision.

nigga i just told you that this shit happens in the underground scene in brooklyn, where there are an insane amount of people who are in the trans community. i genuinely know like 50+ trans folk, i guarantee way more than you and so i feel like i have a voice to speak about this. learn to read

and its so idiotic and close minded to assume that all trans people are under HRT and related hormone treatments. youre essentially saying that you HAVE to take hormones and undergo insane medical procedures in order to identify as trans. and as such many can easily choose to identify as trans without having to go through any treatment and thats where the fear comes from, when people look at the clout and status that being trans in these communities have they decide that they want to just fit in and so they do it. this isnt confirmed or anything and thats why i said i was scared of it and not that its confirmed

also for someone so "woke" and so easy to jump to defend a marginalized group you sure do show youre true colors calling someone else a retard. reevaluate your values and fuck off

i feel like arca has always kinda showed signs of being trans, just look at the way they acted for a long time as well as the way they expressed themselves

i need to look into the sophie situation more but i definitely remember controversy over that

just to clarify im not invalidating anyone's gender identity but as someone actually in the trans spectrum i think its interesting to question these things as to strengthen the community and overall perception to the outside world

You are a fucking fag neck yourself immediately so i dont have to read any more of your posts

The only thing most trans artists are missing besides their dicks is talent.

Can you explain what’s so good about it? Not trying to hate, I’ve tried several times but it just sounds like boring stodgy beats with “interesting” vocals, bland sound design and zero melodies or hooks.

lmao once again someone who clearly doesnt know what theyre talking about starts shit and then jumps ship the second someone responds with something of substance

fuck you

>Imagine writing half an essay for people who dont care.
For someone who wants all the societal benefits of being part of a "marginalized group" but is too lazy to chop his dick off to get in character, you sure do seem to put a lot of effort into arguing online. Are you bipolar or something?

>barely 8 sentences long

hmm how can i tell you dont read often :)


Writing 8 sentences for a Yea Forums post is the equivalent of writing a novel next to the glory hole in a bathroom stall. I'm sure you have experience.


I'm a mentally ill person who was tricked into being a tranny and now have had my life ruined, most trans people are obviously trenders and trenders should get the rope. If you have to call yourself trans to then gain positive attention despite the fact you are the same as you were before, you're not trans. Granted, I do feel a little sorry for some of these people. You can tell they were just gender non-conforming like me and then forced by society into being trans but the majority of them are disgusting experiments on a failed generation.

jesus this is atrocious


how was your life ruined?

also take the nonbinary pill. im like you and am very gender nonconforming in a bunch of ways. started reading a lot of theory (but honestly you dont even need to read formal stuff just some google research should prob do you good) and i identify as nonbinary (specifically agender). gender is an superficial and humanmade concept (something most boomers cant seem to grasp) and as such i refuse to adhere to any specific gender identity and so i just refrain from calling myself any gender. it allows me to basically be free in whatever i want to do as i have nothing really holding me back in terms of conforming to a certain set of rules and regulations that society puts onto me

gender neutrality is the future

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Sorry, I like your theory and it's great but I'm just going to kill myself. They got me to go whole hog and now my penis has long ago decomposed in some medical waste dump and I got nothing for it. I was pushed into being transgender because I was non-conforming and people didn't like that and decided the solution was to push me into being female rather than in the middle. It was a horrible process but I was satisfied with the end result because I felt I had basically validated myself. Then I got fired for being a mentally ill liability, got thrown out of my city of birth, had no one left who knew or cared about me and now just survive on disability until I finally take my life. I can't even start my life over because now I'm a permanently disfigured freak who has no gender I can conform to but the one I was forced to give up is the one I should have kept, or at least it was one I knew how to blend in with which would have been useful in a situation like this where I have absolutely nothing left.

>not knowing the difference between sex and gender

i swear the arguments you morons make is always the same and i find that almost every single person who makes them is uneducated and actually has zero idea what the fuck theyre talking about

fuck thats heavy user.

where are you from or where are you now? there are a LOT of incredibly helpful resources in more open minded cities (im personally in NYC and i guarantee you would get help here, hell if youre near it im willing to help you out myself)

try being in a community that are of people like you. many many trans folk have had similar experiences to you, where they have been alienated and basically left to die. so when these people come together a lot of often well equipped to dealing with these issues firsthand

Hey, you're going through the same thing that 40% of transgenders do. You're not alone.

I hope you don't think those stats are real. They are self-reported by people who didn't succeed. They are attempts. Completely meaningless. It just says they have a tendency to be overdramatic and fail at suicide.

it's incredible to see how quickly Yea Forums changes who they like
less than a year ago, people here fucking loved the caretaker, now he's "cringe" or a "hack"
you cockmongling faggots change your mind on what you think is good music more than lgbt pedos change what gender they are

plus i love how boomers see that as a reason to think that trans folk are messed up rather than their treatment of them being messed up

its almost as if most people seeing you as a freak failure, alienating you and treating you like shit at an extremely vulnerable point in your life can make you want to kill yourself

can't ask the dead trannies if they succeeded because, you know, they're fucking dead

you know who else are alienated and treated like shit at extremely vulnerable points until they seriously contemplate suicide? veterans, who matter way more than trannies. don't try and make me feel sorry for some faggots who make a conscious effort to be alienated. maybe if they stopped gargling dicks and stopped pretending to be something they're not, they'd be a bit more accepted.

Where how what

You also can't ask dead people if they are trans because, you know, they're fucking dead. Until it is possible to identify trans people at birth and a mass population of them is identified and measured for decades without their knowledge there can be no valid stat on their suicide since to be trans is as simple as thinking to yourself that you are and then never telling anyone and killing yourself because of it. Regular suicide rates are based on populations that actually exist and not ones that can't be identified except by you either deciding they were trans yourself or them deciding internally.

Sex and gender aren't the same

based and bgapilled

A 40% attempted suicide rate is astronomically higher than that of the general population, to the point that it can't be explained purely because of how society treats them.

Transgenders, or people seeking gender reassignment surgery are far more likely to have pre-existing symptoms of depression, anxiety, ASD etc. There's a point where it has to be accepted that people who wish to literally change their gender are not neurotypical. They're seeking a method of filling a hole in their life, and the whole LGBTQ community is telling them on a daily basis that becoming gender-noncomforming/transgender is it. These people need psychological help, not life-changing surgery.

Late to this but if I see an album with trans themes in the spotlight I'll turn it off, I don't hate trans people or anything, it's just not made for me.
I don't and will never feel like I have to like an album just because some social justice bullshit tells me I have to support a culture I'm not part of.

not listening to music because it features trans topics is completely normal though. im all other music you listen to "was made for you" and only features topics you can totaly relate to.

LOL yeah im gonna honor some old mindless fucks who go to other countries to kill innocent people so some rich white guys at the very top can capitalize on it

awww boohoo you got PTSD from seeing a bunch of children who didnt have any involvement get brutally murdered and mutilated? you poor soul i feel SO bad for you!!!!

im so fucking happy that veterens kill themselves at the rate that they do, and im happy that a lot of them are physically disabled. they actively chose to do what they did and they pay for it. plus think about who goes into the military: mostly high uneducated no lives who have no choice but to go fight a war for some corrupt politician who couldnt give a single fuck about them. and the worst part is that you boomer chuds eat it up like candy when these same politicians try to make you feel oh so sad about veterans. if they cared so much then why do veterans get completely isolated after war, with the government barely doing anything to help. you are disposable in their eyes

b-but muh freedom! lmao keep being delusional

(and btw im not referring to like WWII vets or some shit bc that was a way different scenario. this applies to all the useless wars after)

im sure all other music*

better for a tranny to kill themselves without anyone knowing, that means they're one of the good ones who didn't bother anyone with their faggoty bullshit

wew lad did you get triggered? hopefully that was the post that puts you over the edge and gets you to rope yourself lmfao.

I 100% agree with the fact that a larger than average portion of trans people are just generally suffering from other issues that lead to things like suicide but these are two entirely different arguments and conservatives come off as clowns by mixing them up. What it means is the trans solution catches a lot more mentally ill people in its web and disposes of them, but if you have no problem with the fact that plenty of other systems in society do this as well, being in hysterics over it as it relates to trans people is just disingenuous. You don't see anybody upset that mentally ill people are vastly overrepresented in homelessness. At the end of the day there are still plenty of trans people who are just fine, so the trans part is not the problem. I think we can all agree social pushing of the trans agenda is bad because it catches more unnecessary victims but people who opt for the trans life even when it isn't encouraged should just be treated like normal members of society.

>to think that trans folk are messed up rather than their treatment of them being messed up

>muh people were mean to me
Sorry, this argument is invalid. Especially when trans people today are generally concentrated in places where they are treated like gods for being trans.

>top left and bottom right
literally who?


ahah youre the one who replied about being oh so upset about veterans bc you were triggered over trans talk

>invading to a country that isnt yours, killing innocent children, stealing land for your own capital gain and committing atrocities to the local population
>someone who wants to identify and present as another gender
>deserving the same treatment

based and big ups for poc representation in memes! a gold to you good sir! wait, wrong website xD

ah well, never the less!

>but people who opt for the trans life even when it isn't encouraged should just be treated like normal members of society.
people who opt for sexual degeneracy should be treated as sexual degenerates. one of the worst things to happen to society in regards to trannies was the removal of transsexualism from the dsm. now, instead of getting the help they need, they're coddled by others who are also mentally ill, guarded against any and all criticism, making them so susceptible to it that you get people like who are so unbelievably triggered by innocuous bullshit it's amazing.

opting for the trans life should mean one thing: going to therapy and trying to fix the issue. it's same thing for homosexuals and pedophiles, really.

You mean the Yume Nikki thing?

>triggered by innocuous bullshit
>still using the term triggered

i swear its the same shit for all of you guys. if some moron rants about how much "t-trans ppl r ruining my life!!!" you think theyre based but someone says something opposite of what you like and theyre "triggereD"

go back to 2017 lmao

Transgenderism is a much stickier web however. Drug addiction, homelessness and self-harm can all be reversed with treatment and a solid support system. Once a transgender goes under the knife, their life is forever changed. If they undergo gender-reassignment, they're not getting their birth genitals back no matter what they do. The biggest problem however is, I will admit, societal. If one comes out as transgender/gender fluid, and then realizes that it's not the right identity for them, it deligitimizes their struggle for self identity in the eyes of heterosexual onlookers (Relatives, friends etc.) From then on, they're more likely to treat the person's issues as a phase or struggle for attention. As a conservative, I really do feel for these people. Not being comfortable in one's own skin is a feeling that most people have had in their lives, I couldn't imagine feeling it to such an extreme.

Why should trans people complain about anti-trans people bulling them then?
go back to 2017 lmao

Embarrassing. Take your values and go back to the caliphate where you belong. Gender dysphoria was never even removed from the DSM, like what the fuck are you even talking about, it's like you invented a world where this happened and you care about it even though you probably have never read a book in your life and certainly have never seen a DSM and wouldn't take it seriously on any other issue it describes.

Crush the weak. If you can't feel comfortable in your own body then make more room on earth for the conquerors

I can't tell if you're trolling, or a human shit-stain. You know what the majority of veterans who served on the frontlines spent their time doing? It sure as hell wasn't killing kids. It was watching their friends get killed. If you think watching someone get juiced by an I.E.D. causes less extreme PTSD than being misgendered, then fuck you. You're not worth a creative insult.

How are self-harm and genital surgery different? I get that you probably just mean minor cutting but actual mentally ill people do pretty fucked up things to themselves that are just as impossible to undo as gender-reassignment. At a certain point you can't really save mentally ill people without arbitrarily making a line where anyone that is this mentally ill loses their rights and is kept in a home against their will. Where the issue is, that I think everyone should be opposed to, is when the government is literally taking kids away from their parents to turn them into trannies like they do in my country already or when people who are just confused and finding themselves are getting thrown into the trans system (like teens or vulnerable young adults). Being confused should not lead to such extreme outcomes, for that there should be gatekeeping. But if somebody is so ill that they won't accept any solution but to have themselves mutilated, then fine. Try to work with them after the job is done and help them get back to being a functioning member of society if at all possible and accept that the fact these mentally ill people exist doesn't mean all non-conforming people are mentally ill. All this supposed concern is invalidated when in the next breath people freak out over your average non-trans male puts on a skirt. Then it becomes clear you are opposing individualism and not an authoritarian structure that is damaging innocent people.


To fucking who? To other trannies high-fiving about more people "like them" getting famous? Who gives a fuck?

Neither man-killers nor transgenders should be respected outside of their own in-culture, soldiers can respect soldiers and trans can respect trans, why should everyone else do the same when we don't know what they've both gone through and they don't know what we've gone through? Stop making pissing matches over who's suffered more and understand that misery and suffering is subjective to who suffers it

nigga what does that have to do with what i said in that post

what a surprise, a chud who hates everyone who isnt white and cis isnt educated and has no clue what theyre talking about! certainly havent seen that before

these people are actively going into a useless war and legitimately terrorizing other nations bc some random politician told them to. and when the invaded population defends itself and kills those who are terrorizing them...why should i feel bad for the deceased? they wholeheartedly deserve what was coming to them

and yes, innocent people (including many children) are killed in these pointless wars and guess what, most of those that commit these atrocities are defended by a bunch of, you guessed it, fellow veterans! the repercussions for these acts are next to nothing and thats bc most veterans support each others bullshit

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If you can't look beyond your own post for meaning to what I'd said in then it's clear how fucking self absorbed you are and how little people really should care about your opinion


have sex

Your post is so slippery you can make a skating business out of it.

Imagine caring this much about non-cis people.

If you don't believe slippery slopes exist, you have literally been living in a cave for the last twenty years.

The largest issue is that, in most medical texts, Gender Dysphoria is no longer treated as a mental illness, which means by extension transgenders aren't considered mentally Ill. We've reached a point where if a person says "Hey, maybe you shouldn't get your dick chopped off without thinking about it first" they're considered the bad guy. This system made to fight systemic oppression has come full circle and become the systemic oppressor. I agree that the transgender movement has become predatory. It's almost a cult mentality, in that these people are being promised a cure to all of their struggles, as long as they become ONE OF US.


If mentally ill people want to chop their dicks off, all the power to them. That means there's less competition for me when I want to have sex.


Wait. WAIT. We're on Yea Forums? I haven't scrolled up in so long, I legitimately thought this was LGBT or some shit. What did the OP say again?

Neither deconstructed meme nor V/Vm are of any worth.

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>We've reached a point where if a person says "Hey, maybe you shouldn't get your dick chopped off without thinking about it first" they're considered the bad guy.
lmao how can you write this and not realise how utterly fucking passive aggressive and sanctimonious you sound

Maybe he did and that's the point

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This post reads not unlike radical islamic preaching or fascist recruitment /pol/paganda.

I don't know where this place exists that gender dysphoria is not a mental illness. Dysphoria is a mental illness, the gender part is just a kind of dysphoria. Where people have broadened the line is claiming you can be trans without gender dysphoria and that is where it gets ridiculous because trans becomes meaningless. The thing is, actual trans people with gender dysphoria benefit from it being a mental illness, if it wasn't, they couldn't get any medical treatment (although I guess the argument is that it should be a physical illness?). The people who want gender dysphoria no longer seen as an illness of any kind are not trans people, they are just people who believe gender does not exist. They are a political faction that is using trans people, it will toss them aside when it's mission is accomplished. Right now the trans cult is trying to build its numbers to build the political force, it has no concern for all the casualties that will result in a generation or two.

Would trans people rather be called trans or mentally ill? Because one of those is going to happen and either way, it's going to be wrong

He's not wrong.

>Trans people

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In the future everyone will be either trans or Islamic. Pick a side now.

Sophie is so overrated. If she didn't exploit her sexual stance so much she wouldn't be nearly as popular. Only valuable things ppl say is Its So creative to spoof coca cola.

Huh? How can trans be wrong, it's an umbrella term, covers tons of stuff, it would not be wrong. We should be moving away from these terms anyway, as long as you reinforce the idea all trans people should be lumped together, the more they will solidify into a political force that opposes you. It's just like with gays where the solution was just accepting they exist and realizing a lot of them hated leftists and didn't want to be spoken for by them and in the end they were just individuals.

Or a /pol/ppet.

The future is now.

>In the future everyone will either be Islamic or thrown off a rooftop
In the West, this is true. But you are naive as fuck if you think that shit will penetrate the parts of the world where diversity is not a strength and Jews are not welcome like the entire Eastern world. They will survive and crush the Muslims after the Muslims have finished off the decadent West.

I'd personally go with suicide.

Wait, that'd make me trans, wouldn't it?

It depends if you take anyone with you.


what about that post is as harmful as either of what you said?

all im saying is that gender is an arbitrary and humanmade concept (which is a fact) and that instead of adhering to norms of a gender that limit you to certain behavior and expression, you just ditch all of that and choose to be independent of it

if im a guy whos timid, emotional, and empathetic then im inherently "unmanly" and diverting from gender norms. obviously thats ludicrous (and /pol/ morons will talk about m-muh western values!!!! and dispute it) and so therefore that right there is an example where being agender applies, as i dont need to adhere to gendered male confines

if i wanna wear a dress, why cant it? say i dont even wanna feel like a woman i just think its dope. if i do it, im not a "man" anymore and once again thats where being agender applies and frees me from the bullshit of all of

It’s becoming more and more clearer now that Yea Forums Yea Forums has a transphobia problem. Unfortunately I’m going to have to leave this website, I no longer feel safe.


correct, gender is a grammatical term and does not apply to humans while sex is biological


Who makes better music? Trans White People or Muslim People?


being agender means being free from the bullshit confines of gender (being timid is only for women, certain clothes are only for women, etc)

Good, fuck off and take your dilating posse with you.


trans people are cutting their dicks off and killing themselves

>muh avant (teen) noise
>muhhhhhhhh grindcore
>hey i got agp a little here's some gross ass shit to help me express that
muslims no contest

so tomboys and scottish kilts

Home Depots' running a sale on rope, If you hurry you can make it.


the fashion thing is weird due to women being much more open about gender bending than men. a woman wears a suit and no one cares but a guy wearing a dress is very susceptible to being ridiculed or even just looked at weird


you only get to navel gaze about gender because you live a privileged life in the imperial core and don't face any real hardship

what are you critiquing? the fact that there are people living in the imperial core? do you want people to suffer more? does the fact that they live in the imperial core mean they can't have any hardships? is everybody who lives in the imperial core privileged? even the homeless? honestly not understanding what point you are trying to make with this statement which might be true to an extend (yes worrying about x is easier when you do not have to worry about y) but is quite meaningless.

Sorry, but non-conforming men will continue to get trampled over as long as mtf's identify as feminists rather than recognize they are mra's. Men and women are the ones who enforce the gender roles of men and women. The difference is that women just ostracize you and say mean things behind your back so that all the non-conforming women then go and form their own group of women where they conform to non-conformity. But men police non-conforming men by beating the shit out of them, killing them or just forcing them to be lumped in with women like the trash they are. For all their complaints about feminists and shit, men have zero interest in actually joining together and doing anything that will benefit men as a whole, the only times they "rise up" together is to take down women, never to free men. Men are mad that men are putting on skirts and kissing other men. Women are mad that men are putting on skirts and raping women. In the end men and women will join together to eliminate the trans problem.

don't say cis if you're straight. just say normal



>Get off Yea Forums for maybe three-five years
>come back because I wanted the sticky
>check catalog & a few threads
>this board became a /pol/tard shithole
See you never, wannabee incels morons

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>not knowing the difference between sex and gender
>implying there is one
Just because you want something to be true doesn't make it true

wut? this board has been twitter lite for a few years now

>this board became a /pol/tard shithole
The fuck are you talking about, this thread/board is filled with neo-progressive SJW scum


none of these albums are good, and the upper left is especially horrid

The Sophie album is great. The other three.... not so much.

have you started using this board in the past 3-4 years?

take the gecpill

Nope, been here since 2013

I can't wait for Muslims to take over the western world and end this shit once and for all

also because I'm not a mentally ill degenerate who struggles with dysmorphia and enjoy being straight?

unironically this: trans folks are the only people to envision a positive future, and know how to deal with violent hardships, and still win them over (other minorities don't have to deal with the limits of techno-biology and thousand-old social traditions that are absolutely outdated in the Anthropocene/space colonization era). they're fighter, creators and [spoiler]cute AF :3[/spoiler]

trannies don't envision shit except themselves as evidenced by your narcissistic post. everything you just said applies to poor people even more than it does to trannies yet you conveniently forget they exist and struggle more than any tranny privileged enough to afford hormone therapy will

This, absolutely based user

It's not us having a problem, it's just that trannies are mentally ill.
Anyway, farewell, faggot. Hope all of those like you will get the rope soon.

>Envision a positive future
Most kill themselves even though they get what they want
>How to deal with violent hardships
I'm sure getting bullied by 30 year olds on an image board is equivalent to taking a bat to the spine
>And still win them over
By trying to make cis people feel bad about not becoming like them or having different morals, nice job
>cute AF :3
Disgusting, and I am now convinced this is bait, fuck off user

Yea Forums, Yea Forums never changes...

>tranny thread: 200 replies
>Shillie thread: 200 replies
>bait thread: 300 replies
Yea Forums is gay as shit

I know pure numbers are fun but it's important to look at the 40% and ask 'why?'
and according to research trannies overwhelmingly find transitioning to be helpful/positive, but also overwhelmingly cite social pressures as being a source of depression/anxiety
these pressures would be things like being denied housing, jobs, insurance over their identity; abandonment by family/friends over identity; attitudes like the prevalent one in this thread
i think it's fairly unlikely i'll sway you over but i'd appreciate it if you would at least consider the outcome of the side you champion

what is the common denominator here? ugliness. even if they're talented, they can only focus on perversity and ugliness

classic cis-scum

arca is going through hrt I believe

i dont really care but is 1000 gecs in some way connected with transgender politics? it seemd to be pretty standard shitty bubblegum sludge. just gave it a 1/10


ok incel

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it is absolutely infuriating that fartano decides to give 1000 gecs a good review because of politics, when he shit on crystal castles and salem years before when they were actually good artists. he will never be forgiven

Can’t wait until all these people start dropping like flies in 5-10 years and there’s a new F thread for all the dead trannies

you didn't comprehend anything i said

Imagine giving a shit about fantano or any of those "artists"

Realizing that life has no meaning yeah but you can make a small mark on the world and universe by having kids, spreading your seed to keep you alive in some way. These people can’t do that any more, on top of ending tens of thousands of years of their family bloodline because they no feel good
No trannies or Latinos

I don't know about that. Wendy Carlos is 79 and still kicking.

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do you go after naturally/artificially infertile men/women as often as you go after trannies?

Literally who


Dis ar funn

Wrote the music for A Clockwork Orange

They have to deal with the same shit but they didn’t choose that so no. No sympathy for trannies because they chose that life.

Does he still have a dick?

Wendy C is fucking based.

if you believe modern research, transgender brains (before transitioning) have more in common with cis people of the opposite sex than they do their own, and gender-identification happens as early as in the womb: so for most people who transition this isn't really a choice.
however, there are people who artificially decide to become infertile (through operations) and aren't transexual--i'm curious if you find these people worse/equal to the sins of transexuals since it's a similar 'choice' from your perspective.

holy shit didn't know rook was trans.
jesus christ that is a massive penis

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I think he chopped it off in the 80s. If modern neo-vaginas are gross, I can only imagine the Lovecraftian monstrosity he's got between his legs

First Black Dresses album was great too.

Science is bullshit and reddit tier faggot

Oh but Neil degrasse Tyson and bill nye totally agree with my delusions mom!!!

When the Muslims take over the western world, which genres will they ban and which will they keep?

Anyone have a mega of her pornography?

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People actually out here thinking that cutting your dick off isn't the definition of fucking based.

>transgender brains
my fucking god

I just hope they suicide bomb abortion clinics and tranny factories

I wish I had the balls (no pun intended) to castrate myself. It's awful being horny all the time.

if science is bogus, then we should also discount the suicide statistics
but, it's neither neil degrasse tyson or bill nye i'm referencing--i'm curious if there's anything that i could show you that would change your mind on this subject to dispel some of the beliefs you have? (article summarizing, actual paper is here )

No nothing really. I see trannies regularly and they do legitimately scare me

trans women are not women
how can women even pretend they are
they literally play dress up conforming to all the gender stereotypes women are trying to fight about themselves
oh well the trannies end up joining the 45% anyway

>cherrypicked research to support the spread of your propaganda
You guys really are the other end of the schizo horseshoe

can you link me research from the opposite perspective so i can read up on it?

If they were so happy with it they wouldn’t be trying to blast us in the face with how all these studies prove that they’re happier lol

Take a step back

Daily reminder that transgender people are here to stay. We ain’t going anywhere. You either stand by us as allies or get left behind. Just remember that history will not look kindly upon the reactionary right wing fascists who attempt to dehumanize us.

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Yikes you must have already started taking the pills lol

If you’re here to stay I’m here to make your life hell the whole time

so getting back to music, i say we need more transgender artists. because they are mainly supported by mostly other transgenders, a small enough gene pool. ergo. the entire trans talent pool will dilate, i mean dilute, and they'll all starve in the gutter as a result of having to share the limited income.
1 transgender artist = music success.
100 transgender artists = starvation

yeah in 30 years people will look back at the freaks centering their lives and personalities around mutilating themselves for no reason and think “yeah, the real geniuses”

he was so cute
too bad he's a tranny now

How will you make my life hell? By posting memes on an anime message board? Good luck stemming the tide of social progress with those tactics, lmao


>tfw no pre-Bjork Arca bf

Yeah I don’t even need to do anything desu choosing this path is punishment enough for you

hes a coping fag

one faggot to another, can't you people just shut the fuck up about being special snowflakes

You don’t even understand the basics, kid

>its almost as if most people seeing you as a freak failure
its almost as if you are one

People have a right to do what they want to their own property. People's bodies are their own property. People have the liberty to modify their body as they see fit.

Embrace posthumanism or resign yourself to history, luddites.

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Who is to say we will exist 50, let alone 100 years from now?

i just wanna stop kids from peremantly damaging their reproductive organs for a fad

the white replacement isn't real, user

not other user but yes it is

however despite being a /pol/fag I think trannies are a-ok in my book

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why do you assume people that don't want other people chopping their dicks off without being 100% sure that they want to is a nazi larper

see /pol/fags are even alright with your agenda find a new strawman

I don’t want kids of any race to do that to themselves for a fad that’s already dying out

Property is a spook. Read Marx. Read Stirner.

Arca's self titled album is garbaggio,
I assume the other 3 are dumb memes.

What do trannies with sewn on flesh sausages have to do?

only tranny fuckers make good music

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Nah, dialate blows the other ones the fuck out.
>Imagine being unironically transexual and cutting your crotch open because positive reinforcement brainwashing and peer pressure

>this thread

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The guy that started the idea of gender and sex being different things was a literal pedophile just like most trannies

Only good post in this thread

>"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God"

Deuteronomy 22:5

The Irony of posting Fantano

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Don't worry when shit happens I'll join arms with Mohammad to get rid of you guys

He has the mind of a child, and he's cutting off his penis.

I don't have to respect your poor choices, and whenever a tranny gets uppity and wants the state to punish those who think their lifestyle is degenerate they are essentially violating the NAP.
>Here to stay
Suicide rates, not reproducing, being mentally ill

>dude so quirky and eclectic music

literally this

>enabling mentally-ill people by supporting them instead of marginalizing them further, thus forcing them to get help
Also, 98% of trannies are disgusting and will die/an hero alone.

Is anyone in boy harsher trans?

Isn't jae? At least she looks trans, couldn't find any information in it

So what boundaries do they push in music?


tfw this thrad's finally over

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I'm fairly critical about a fair few transexual's but you're literally not wrong, they make some fucking bomb electronic music

none of those are good. I can only think of one good trans artist.

so it applies to everything BUT humans?

This sounds like that obscure band Yea Forums used to hate. Bunch of guys in hoodies and masks shouting "Roooooomans, I like it" in auto-tune.

I'd definitely add Black Dresses (and both members' solo material), SeeYouSpaceCowboy…, Vektroid, and Frank. to this list; they've got some fantastic stuff
My queen
She came out as non-binary a while back. Not sure how long ago it was, but I think it was sometime in 2018
100 gecs and Uboa, respectively
That's ridiculous, people were praising her to high heaven when Product came out and she was still publicly identifying as male


is gec g/acc?


Just read their wikipedia article and I'm surprised I've never heard of her before