Why are all women whores Yea Forums?

Why are all women whores Yea Forums?

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why do people think piss smelling wet panties are sexually arousing?

What are some "bad boy" traits?

not me

ask your mom xD

Physical abuse


has an actual personality
not autistic
knows how to be intimate
has sex

Listening to Death Grips.

what is wrong with you you god damn weirdo fuck off with this dumbass double-standard hypocrite bullshit what the fuck do you think this is? this is a fucking music board you insecure cunt no one gives a shit about how much you hate women or how little sex you have or so on and so forth just shut the fuck up man. shut the fuck up

i dont even care about relationships with women anymore
all i need is my friends and family
i live my life by my own terms

>judging half of all people by the most attention-seeking examples on social media

Why not just talk to a few instead?

you forgot about the verbal abuse and hitting lol

posting on topic threads on Yea Forums

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It's not piss you underage virgin. Imagine the smell...

Evolutionary psychology
They're wired that way

frequenting Yea Forums (especially /pol/), listening to dark prog, wearing black metal tees, not washing your dick for that extra masculine smell

t. woman who is insecure about her decreased value on the sexual market due to sleeping around

It's a waste of time.

For real though, I stopped washing my penis a few years back and I've crushed so much puss since.


True or not, that poster is correct.

That's frickin gross



how can you avoid at least rinsing it when you take showers?

I'm 6'6 and I have an 8" dick but I listen to Weezer



i want a partner who i get along with and can share my life with and love

at least 6 foot or else, big dick, in good shape, breadwinner and will buy me shit, very conventionally attractive features

Yeah, this. Once you let go of the biological imperative it's strangely liberating not giving a fuck about sex and relationships.

women bitching about double standards is itself hypocritical. different things make the different sexes attractive -- women who fuck a lot of guys are less attractive for evolutionary reasons, just as are guys who lack confidence, are uninteresting, weak, overly emotional, etc. girls can be almost all of those things and it's either cute or harmless. women have a much harder time becoming independent, valued citizens on their own but the concept of "sluttiness" is not some conspiracy to keep them at bay



post body

i want a partner who i get along with and can share my life with and love

*actually wants a conventionally attractive woman to cook and clean for them and fuck them on demand despite not being even remotely appealing physically or as a person*

Because they are hardwired to breed

Why are men such prudes?


With artificial wombs becoming a thing, I can just continue by family's bloodline and save all the dating shit.

I have a big supportive family too, so it's all good for my kid.

danger aka high chance of them hitting you

women do try really hard to piss you off so you'll grab them, it gets them super wet. women are messed up

you're right i should devote my entire life to getting laid