This man made he realize how amateurish other song writers actually are.
This man made he realize how amateurish other song writers actually are
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i'm your man is his best album.
pshh dylan shits all over him
I disagree but I respect and understand why you would say that.
boring whiny kike writing
only loved because he got big because of his nosey connections
Nick Drake >
It was deep into his fiery heart
He took the dust of joan of arc,
And then she clearly understood
If he was fire, oh then she must be wood.
I saw her wince, I saw her cry,
I saw the glory in her eye.
Myself I long for love and light,
But must it come so cruel, and oh so bright?
Massive fans of all three but it is objectively
cohen>dylan>elliott smith>martyn>drake
stupid jew
It's too bad the nerds on Yea Forums need a Netflix docu to make them realize how good an artist is. Before the Scorsese docu, there was nary a thread on Dylan now there are a ton.
I like Dylan but Cohen wrote better songs.
those should be power gaps desu
Nick Drake was much better than Elliott Smith.
cohen is cool but reed is cooler
Nah they're about the same
What? Dylan was talked about all the time before the docu. Also of course Yea Forums is gonna be talking about a docu after it releases. Lurk more.
Who is Martyn?
This board is too pleb for John Prine.
Oy gevalt i'm sad, please buy this record goyim.
Everyone ITT mindlessly worships Jews who were only famous because Jewish writers in Rolling Stone and the NYT praised them. Wow what an accolade, Leonard Cohen/Bob Zimmerman/Lou Rabinowitz being praised by Michael Greenberg and Abe Goldenstein. I wonder what could have attracted these two parties to each other!
thx for the rec
i just like their music
imagine being this wrong
Does he have more stuff like Sam Stone? I cant get into the rest.
>Jews who were only famous because Jewish writers in Rolling Stone and the NYT praised them
Rolling Stone was founded in 1967. The first article NYT ever wrote about Dylan was published Aug. 27, 1965.
Though I suspect this is bait, in which case- congratulations, here's your (You).
listening to music with lyrics
hahahahaha ...
>Who is Martyn?
Rolling Stone was literally named after a Dylan song.
“Or raped, by a minority”
I generally prefer Prine’s more modern output like The Missing Years, Fair and Square and Tree of Forgiveness.
Ahh a fellow patrician
his cancer voice is pretty cool
>being this pedantic
You know he was being pushed by Jews in the industry, and magazines and newspapers. Typical slippery arguing I'd expect from Jew lovers
pretty sure both the dylan song, the band and the magazine were named after the muddy waters song
get the FUCK out of here with that shit
horrible opinion
This album made me realize how amateurish other rappers & producers actually are.
To an extent, perhaps, but they were consciously feeding off the success of Bob's track.
"The Rolling Stones took their name from Muddy's song. "Like a Rolling Stone" was the title of Bob Dylan's first rock and roll record. We have begun a new publication reflecting what we see are the changes in rock and roll and the changes related to rock and roll."—Jann Wenner, Rolling Stone, November 9, 1967
That's a statement from the founder regarding the origin of the name. Dylan definitely factored into it.
>being this triggered by Jews making good music
Maybe your global Jewish conspiracy bullshit is real. At least the Jews in charge have good taste.
>good taste
lol, this shit was FORCED back in the day. the only people claiming to be fans of dylan were the fuckin hippie/beatnik types and it was just BS because he fit their politics
congrats tho, because dylan and all the queero hipsters won they got their civil rights bill and immigration bill which destroyed America for good
Go back to /pol/
Idgaf about your politics, I'm not even American. I'm glad Dylan did so much to piss you off though- it's just one more based thing he did.
Canadians make the best music. Holy trinity of leafcuck songwriters are Neil Young, Leonard Cohen and Joni Mitchell.
Joni Mitchell is underrated as fuck
Stop saying songwriter when you mean lyricist/vocalist. He's not a good songwriter, average at best.
Dylan was just as much used by the Jews as he profited from them. They used him to push their politics, not the other way around. When he tried to get out they all turned their backs on him and he continued to get smeared and shit on for decades ever after. He's getting a deserved re-evaluation now with all these official archival releases but it's not like he's living a good life. People are honoring his past incarnations, nobody gives a shit about the current man.
He wrote great melodies too though.
This is a low iq post, sorry pal
Tom Waits > everyone else
Tom Waits would disagree, and he'd be right. He doesn't even count since his wife writes the good parts of his music.
Dylan was more of a complete package (Cohen is usually the worst interpreter of his own work apart from Suzanne) but Cohen's lyrics have genuine artistic value.
There was a trend for publishing song lyrics as poems (Eleanor Rigby etc), I think Cohen is the only guy who wouldn't look silly doing it.
You faggots always think poetry has to be straightforward stories about banging women, lots of lyrics would be great as poem books but they would just be avant-garde poetry. People make fun of Dylan's lyrics for having meanings that can't be discerned but school textbooks literally spend ages teaching you to look into meanings of inscrutable poems.
Why do plebs act like Dylan and Cohen can't be appreciated beyond their lyrics? Do you faggots want epic prog guitar solos and find folk music boring?
Plebs can't get past Dylan's voice, it's why they love terrible covers of his songs. Cohen has never made folk music, only pop music.
pssh Dylan is boomer trash and untalented hype product
Pleb, see
>Folk music
>By a well off post-war faggot Jew that lives in a city
Don't make me laugh. He's as pleb as can be. Cohen was original and honest. Dylan reeks of pretentiousness and faggotry if you have listened to real folk
Nick Drake was the best of them for Five Leaves left. Prove me wrong
Leonard Cohen's only good song is Avalanche
Jerry Reed did Don't think Twice it's Alright way better than the Dylan original
>ctrl+f james taylor
>no results
Yea Forums still as pleb as ever.