Attached: D9EzwxhUIAADzrO.jpg (1080x814, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Click clack

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 25K)

first dubu marry me

Attached: 45646755456.jpg (769x961, 139K)

shut the fuck up


Attached: 190615 오마이걸 아린 ( 비밀정원 ) KPOP Artist Festival 4K 60P 직캠 Fancam .webm (810x1440, 2.69M)

shit "song"

blackpink is the revolution


blackpink are our girls

bada bing bada boom

Attached: 1540948789013.jpg (1600x1066, 218K)

if twice is good and blackping is bad, why is twice copying blackpink's aesthetics?

I love Dubu!
I like Momo!
I hate Cub!

The rest are pretty good!

oops you’re not invited

Attached: 1560188370233.jpg (1536x2596, 420K)


Attached: D6svBp-WwAEFU4D.jpg (672x1200, 89K)

There she is~

nice hint of p....

Is this the leader of Chechnya?

groups always copy what the best and most popular are doing

Attached: 1534183315849.jpg (2048x1364, 220K)

Mr Worldwide as I step in the room

Attached: dubaited.jpg (678x452, 28K)

Very cute!



that tranny is stacked

Attached: 456458677.jpg (3560x2375, 1.24M)

it's freakin dj khaled

never do that again

Attached: 1542324148391.jpg (1500x1000, 95K)

arin's assrin saved korean pop music

Attached: 1534556727104.jpg (300x302, 15K)

Attached: 1522657408742.png (1149x728, 743K)

no she isn't

During my slumber last evening, I lapsed into a dream when I imagined being a man of soil, hauling a cattle named "Kim Jisoo" to a nearby gathering of farmers where many goods were being traded. Although my recollections were piecemeal at best, I do recall that the fine speciman received many good offers and was eventually traded for a handsome sum.

we love lisa apologize to lisa

this is so stupid and doesn't make sense idiot

Attached: 1559720084315.jpg (1500x2250, 301K)

Fun times with Dubu are always enjoyable when theyre spent with unsuspecting Blinks

Attached: images (13).jpg (452x679, 30K)
reminder that deklo himself admitted to fapping exclusively to sehun and that choabidi was merely a distraction

Attached: 1543583056441.png (1275x1650, 2.21M)

i want to beat up jennie

that's not fun times that's terrorism

you are getting blocked idiot

Attached: 1544524695861.jpg (1500x2250, 315K)

damn bpbros are so hostile dubuposter just wants to have fun

very cute prostitute
imagine twice covering this

These dubus won't check themselves.

Attached: yahzg9nhs0u21.jpg (2048x1365, 244K)

Attached: 45645674567.jpg (2890x1924, 1.69M)

meant to quote

she could definitely beat you up and make you cry

having fun at our expense is not fun for us

Attached: 1532526808830.jpg (1500x2250, 433K)

this but jisoo except the cute part

wording this and re-emphasizing the prostitute part

That's right two dubus, two dubus.

Attached: descarga (13).jpg (201x251, 7K)

Daily reminder that RBB only flopped mildly and the EP had good b-sides

Attached: Sana+Irene.webm (720x1280, 2.94M)


Attached: 1556841608216.jpg (1080x1080, 351K)

Attached: 1554630892158.jpg (1080x1350, 146K)

I miss Itzy so much bros

stupid idiot

stop talking to yourself loser

Attached: 1558666433001.jpg (1000x1500, 166K)

if you retards are going to feed the avataring, ban evading, jisoo spamming, former choa posting retard then I give up. Enjoy the hell you're building for yourselves. The mods were right to abandon us.

Attached: 57456388563.jpg (1080x843, 105K)


here's have a (You)

don't come back moroni we mean it and they are doing it to make you and us angry and it's working

Attached: 1538957659265.jpg (1080x1349, 154K)

Pink-haired frog spotted in a Thailand supermarket

Attached: D9GlkVWUYAAvFZ5.jpg (1536x2048, 583K)

So Good and Sassy Me are amazing desu

Attached: GMMGvLH.jpg (1077x1600, 204K)

Gently squeezing Dubu's soft, squishy cheeks while she pouts playfully at you...

Attached: 1541610175112.jpg (1000x1500, 164K)

Attached: DkiMZfdXcAEGIm0.jpg (922x1200, 127K)

Would date desu. So dreamy

Attached: 87867ec07dffb6f40f5c6ba16a84e661e4fd447dr1-536-675v2_hq.jpg (536x675, 62K)

jisoospammer is choabro? when did he stop getting banned every two hours?

lucky bastards

we freakin love jisoo

Attached: 1539865423404.jpg (1200x1800, 317K)

look at this fucking slut

Attached: 1547117367629.jpg (1080x809, 98K)

Attached: 1559323792068.webm (490x868, 2.86M)

maybe we won't post so much so people don't start to hate jisoo

Attached: 1541671242451.jpg (1500x2250, 359K)

Attached: 1529336231722.jpg (1080x809, 81K)

imagine somi going through a line of guys and telling them who's invited

>small yellow? lol not invited
>small brown? lol not invited
>big white? here's your invitation

when the mods stopped banning and abandoned this shit hole

Attached: 1554446781453.jpg (937x1171, 120K)

Attached: DcXZZVWWkAAITZK.jpg (614x946, 102K)

but how could anyone hate jisoo, it's like a paradox or something

Attached: 1558025110033.jpg (1080x1350, 116K)

Jeongyeon's thighs

>Twice and izone in Thailand at the same time
Jihyo is gonna kidnap Nako now

Attached: 243.jpg (1024x818, 89K)

nobody went tho only matthew

I miss fully fluffy Dubu

Theyre thining her face too much.

Attached: images (7).jpg (320x320, 12K)

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Attached: 1545717316695.jpg (2000x1333, 283K)

this but her other cheeks iykwim

Wtf is an izone?

Attached: images (1).jpg (438x701, 44K)

jisoo's feet

Attached: ips8zbwjil131.jpg (1703x2554, 305K)

Is Dubu white?

Attached: 391.jpg (1366x2048, 508K)

Is Everglow forgotten?

Jihyo is trying to catch a japanese midget

Attached: per.webm (500x250, 171K)

show more respect, boy

just some bbc worshipping thot from canada. don't worry about it

should be protected

Attached: 1541581237220.jpg (1080x809, 84K)

They need a comeback like right fucking now

Attached: q3z2itiz1lp21.jpg (511x767, 62K)

Attached: 1530240717277.jpg (1080x1080, 188K)

at least people give more shits about them than Cherry Bullet

Attached: 665365356.jpg (2016x3044, 554K)

SBS Inkigayo
3:50–5:00 PM KST

NCT 127
Weki Meki
U-Know Yunho
Lee Hi
Jeon Somi
Cherry Bullet
Teen Top

Attached: DKogqBtWkAAsVGa.jpg (1366x2048, 191K)

a year makes such a difference at 14.

Attached: D9HQ9paUcAAOwGk.jpg (1024x1024, 108K)

Attached: 1547196065919.jpg (1080x1350, 165K)

they're back already

Attached: jungmo.jpg (826x1104, 141K)

>no itzy
what's the point

pristin is more successful than blackpink

Attached: ns Sihyeon EU Everglow ep4 w[qP7S7djZK7I]-5.webm (1920x1080, 1.87M)

after that shit debut, noone is coming

Attached: 1555387190102.jpg (1080x1350, 154K)

Who's gonna win the Soribada ROTY this year then

it better be Everglow

>NCT 127
our flops

im really looking forward to zimbabwe, it's going to be a bop i can tell by the wacky title

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Attached: 1555565387455.jpg (682x1024, 306K)

shit tier feet

Attached: Rose&Jennie10.jpg (2048x1384, 565K)

Attached: 356356356.jpg (4000x6000, 1.91M)

Attached: 1550181288614.jpg (1080x1350, 128K)

NCT beat WJSN and that russles your jimmies doesn't it

10 should be the last number you put anywhere near blackpink

Attached: Romsae10.jpg (960x960, 60K)

now this is funny

11 or 12 is more like it

Attached: DCnDnzyVYAAAxyp.jpg (800x1200, 103K)

not when talking about talent and visuals

Attached: Rose&Jennie10_.jpg (2048x1384, 577K)

you forgot the decimal points

Attached: 5463555464.jpg (1260x1920, 284K)

Dubu is an honorary aryan and has read Mein Kampf several times

Attached: Twice.png (1152x1024, 47K)

nooo yejibros noooooooo

they have neither,go to bed you brainwashed seamonkey

and good music of course

if it's at the end you can just take it out otherwise it just looks weird, 11.00, 12.00

Attached: 1534599523077.jpg (507x871, 98K)

Finally some cute girls!

Attached: e351f.gif (949x720, 2.66M)

.11 and .12

finally an attractive girl

very cute sea girl

kang slug

nobody would ever believe that

Attached: 1535099418143.jpg (1080x1080, 209K)

Attached: 6856856646.jpg (1080x1619, 235K)

I like both!

Attached: bonaredcarpet.webm (900x988, 617K)

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Attached: 1554956352134.png (1800x1800, 1.04M)

So Choafag is finally back? Made me smile, i guess cancer never goes truly away


The Japanese tweet has over 42K likes

Fromis 9 Lee Nakyung

original post: here

1. F*cking pretty

2. She looks like a lighter skin version of Tzuyu f*cking pretty..

3. She looks like a doll

4. Lee Nakyung's beauty is not her best asset, her aegyo is her best asset

5. Fromis 9 are all getting slowly prettier

6. Fromis 9? I just saw one of their ad pass on Youtube and they were pretty ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. For real she looks like a Sims character

8. F*cking pretty fairy

9. Is she a doll..?

10. She looks like the female V.. Like a art piece.

Attached: D8wD3b9UwAAWi2L.jpg (800x1200, 141K)

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Attached: h4.webm (450x788, 2.77M)


that's more like it

Attached: 5675674756.jpg (2522x3619, 531K)

more like -110.9


Attached: bxhdiwja7.jpg (1333x2000, 413K)

anime girls with her cotton candy hair

Attached: 1280.jpg (1280x1280, 295K)

Yea Naky! She's gonna make it

Attached: -L_g0z3yWxBeTnKY.webm (720x720, 418K)

she can get it

Attached: D9Jte7rVAAE9x-o.jpg (1152x2048, 193K)


Attached: 1547625605874.jpg (1200x1200, 225K)

kpg on suicide watch

Attached: 7856785786.jpg (1000x1500, 118K)

just the one idiot that no one likes anyway

Attached: 1554963927584.png (1566x1794, 3.21M)

chaeyoung is doing that sexy cubmouth thing here

minju gang here and fromis is gonna make it

Attached: maie83iagw6wjwhw.webm (720x406, 2.45M)


Attached: 54666563.jpg (1000x1500, 1008K)

how can one person be a gang?

Attached: D9He0AdUcAAYYMpH.jpg (942x1333, 239K)

Attached: 2yeon.jpg (1860x1712, 312K)


Attached: usue8e8sjf8esk.jpg (800x1199, 209K)

>posts a picture that has DAD crossed out on father's day

I think you have subliminal daddy issues


pristin is more popular than blackpink

Don't talk shit about my girlfriend

Attached: D4sVlAaUcAEnr4t.jpg (1999x3000, 484K)

how come 42k retweets matter but 839 million views don't

Attached: 1543304316861.jpg (735x1030, 100K)

Attached: 1524749116319.png (900x900, 1.07M)

here have my (You)

because blinks aren't people

Schizophrenics don't have multiple personalities. Read your DSM-V

Attached: 6457533.png (684x901, 776K)

blinks chimping out

>officer kim will never beat you up

Attached: JWOpe0e1019.jpg (1333x2000, 1.11M)

oh ok thanks bro

Attached: fetwy2fw6aujw0w0w.jpg (1200x800, 137K)

Attached: 4657365.jpg (1080x1080, 116K)

She will if you continue to lewd her

Attached: 8z73k0wv6tt21.jpg (1198x2048, 242K)

i dont agree with the hapa bullying but somi leaving was quite a boon for itzy and the members

Attached: 223.jpg (480x360, 28K)

Attached: US8d479.jpg (1364x2048, 232K)

fromis_9 is gonna make it

Attached: Music.Bank.E983.190614.1080i.IPTV.H264-HeaD.webm (664x720, 2.8M)

Attached: 4563563456.jpg (1352x2048, 282K)

that's a lot of leg

allah akbar those red crescent tights. she can give muhammed medical care and then be stoned for dressing the slut

we like yeji and naky here, friends

Attached: slug looking in her purse.webm (1080x604, 2.91M)

blackpink are the best dabbers

Attached: 1548683814740.webm (1280x720, 598K)

Attached: 023d8f043eb3e5b5248561101ee695fa95c9ced9.jpg (1278x1230, 84K)

you stole my idea

Attached: YAMERO.jpg (600x600, 138K)

muslims don't own the moon, the USA does

Attached: SinB and Dubu.webm (860x880, 1.06M)

imagine her wrists together to a bar over her head

whos fatter Nancy or Jisun?

hardcore dungeon JAVrin.....

Attached: 1555113996672.jpg (684x424, 55K)

blackpink are the best deep throaters

Went to Thailand and told the first person I saw blackpink sucks and Lisa is ugly and now I'm in jail awaiting my execution. Kpop for this feel?

Attached: 5a508594bdca573b1da714b6aca57f43c8c51846.png (1062x626, 683K)

we like all cute goblins

Attached: 56746767456.jpg (1000x1500, 207K)

twin towers fighting!

Attached: ksu37ejsh37woa.webm (1280x720, 2.19M)

how if they never did it
this one is always good

contact sorn, she's a big fish there

Attached: sorn 4 5.jpg (530x1259, 82K)

Attached: 1550858732175.jpg (540x300, 40K)

amerifat obviously

I said she was ugly too and nobody knew who I was talking about.

yikes, 11, 9

stop trying to tear down tzuyu in a lame attempt to lift your uggos up

Attached: D9JJhY7UwAEQKKW.jpg (1000x563, 81K)

>getting mogged by caramel Chewy while being 9 shades lighter
the absolute state

Attached: 5746747467.jpg (907x1200, 147K)


Attached: D9IxBO3U8AA4sol.jpg (1280x1920, 209K)

so fucking ugly in here without pitzychads

new somi was ass


Attached: shusjeg7jqyaye7j.jpg (1365x2048, 288K)

she needs blood

Attached: D8wHyzVU8AEvwMf.jpg (2048x1365, 319K)

Attached: 1560486960767.jpg (2730x4096, 1.56M)

Attached: 4f80394c7dc116b4918eee842c2c6a669f32f19b_hq.jpg (683x1024, 81K)

New somi was based

>I said she was ugly too and nobody knew who I was talking about.
c'mon, that was pretty funny

Attached: sorn_pink.webm (1602x930, 1.63M)

so pretty and talented in here with blinkbros

noooo chewybros nooooooooooooooooooo

Attached: 35656425245.png (600x400, 349K)

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Attached: 1543522344128.jpg (1024x582, 91K)

i love chewy with all my heart. we're gonna get married and grow old together. i will spend the rest of my days protecting her

Attached: 1557620757616.jpg (1133x1700, 312K)


Attached: D9JL_ZOUwAAjOOU.png (1152x2048, 3.31M)


Attached: 4364334645.jpg (720x720, 85K)


worst personality in the game?

jennie by far



Attached: 1530252174767.jpg (1400x2100, 1.71M)


Attached: hi15-tzuyu-twice-kpop-jyp-taiwan.png (1800x1800, 719K)

no one else to blame but herself if she starts going bald

Attached: 1544565814346.jpg (1400x2100, 1.59M)

fat sana = cute

skinny sana = sl*t

blackpink have the best personalities which is why they're the top group right now

wow thats kinda hot

Attached: 46356354.jpg (1000x1500, 377K)

peak tzuyu

Jennie / Cub / Irene

Attached: DEn1zwsXYAA74zP.jpg (720x960, 118K)

repost this as eunjibro.jpg

true if it wasnt for her feet i would drop her for having a shit personality

Attached: eunjibro.png (3471x1000, 2.35M)

Attached: 1542321685405.jpg (1000x1500, 309K)

t. pussy

its not a coincidence that irene and jennie are friends

i dont know why but i find this momo pic so funny

what the actual fuck?


Attached: D9JL-J1UIAAh2x_.png (1152x2048, 2.73M)

isn't jennie too popular to be friends with irene

Post feet

Attached: MixedUnnaturalInsect.webm (808x1442, 2.77M)

Attached: reeny feet.webm (800x450, 2.07M)

Attached: Elkie.webm (1080x1920, 1.39M)

holy fucking shit apologize to chaeyoung

no? it's known that they're friends and go out to eat together

reminder that crazydaysandnights blind items are real and blackpink fucked their way onto coachella

Attached: 1560657331108.png (1366x1318, 330K)

Ohello /KPG/, my name is Chips Handon. I always like to lork at 4cham and I also like mudflips too, as you do. DASU DASU LOL. I also like having sex with underage children (HOES DON'T KNOW ABOUT MY DICK), shop the wops, do a battle roll and i just lost the match. Due to the fact that i'm not a noobfag i know that /random/ is in possession of a great variety of "PC", at least those of you that aren't underage B%. in a nutshell, I need Anomalous to deliver to an Astrafaglian /re/tard some of his "PC" (you know what I mean LOL). ROW ROW ROW THE BOAT. PLEASE DONT MAGE THIS POST IT IS NOT COPYPIZZA, BUT ORIGINAL COMMENT.

Attached: ery.jpg (129x158, 9K)

Attached: 1560258211147.webm (1134x1920, 2.98M)

Attached: gDHcAbm.jpg (3072x4096, 952K)


yeah that's the good stuff

Attached: nako cool.jpg (596x667, 97K)


Attached: D8_LupbVAAMTCDs.png (1333x2000, 2.65M)

Attached: D3ikBpzW0AAn9T0.jpg (749x940, 69K)

Reality isn't like kpg shitposting.

vicky rebecca elizabeth jang

I'm so glad my girls are wholesome and release good music that makes the world a better place

based wujubro

Attached: D9CDc4CUcAAzGH0.jpg (1336x2048, 348K)

busters = love

Based Blink

it feels great being a blink honestly

I like Lovelyz too!

Attached: 3687378.jpg (1200x1729, 597K)
what the heck

Yeah, but remember twice won't last forever. Be prepared for ww3 when they're finito.

that's kind of depressing dbh

irene's feet are overrated

blackpink will last forever since they're angels from heaven

somi’s stage performance is pretty underwhelming

>but remember twice won't last forever
that's why there will be a new jyp gg in 2021

her ass and thighs look good and that's the only thing that matters

all feet are

She's still doing well on charts so oops you're not invited roastie

they might

should i go see heize on her US tour? anyone know what the meet and greet is likely to entail?

Sending this bullshit ass post to YG ent, have fun getting sued for defamation. The coachella owner himself said he wanted Blackpink to perform at the festival... Bum ass, see you in jail

this, our girls are gonna be completely burned at that point

all the easy roasties would be the main reason anyone would go

do some people here actually unironically like blackpink?

Based Jisoo making the right moves for our girls careers

they won't be as popular but they'll basically be the more chill senior group by that point, having fully shifted to a more wonder girls/miss a kind of niche


we all do, how could you not

she hurt her back because she fell you idiot shut the hell up

just bidi

I mean mentally, if they keep working like now


>Below ITZY
Yeah she isn't invited.

>The coachella owner himself said he wanted Blackpink to perform at the festival
he must've been the one they fucked then