/gg/ - guitar & bass general

/gg/ - guitar & bass general

401k For A Gibson™© Edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Free tablature program, open-source Guitar Pro equivalent
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:
chords, inverse chords, and scales

Previous thread/communitywank/

This week's theme is /cleanwank/


Players of all skill levels and ability are welcome to throw some sweet sweet leads over this track for all to see. This will be posted in every thread until Sunday.

On Sunday all the tracks others have posted will be put in one post for all of /gg/ to enjoy.

Shit talkers without tracks posted to be relentlessly mocked and ridiculed as LARPing faggots.

Tracks posted so far




Attached: Average Gibson Owner.jpg (3456x2592, 2.5M)

Other urls found in this thread:

vocaroo.com/i/s 0 yQl6Z51DtX
lmgtfy.com/?q=audio industry

schecter is based as fuck

Absolutely. The more abalogney the better

>just got paid + bonus
should I buy this fuckin this already? I see it at the music store behind the counter and I'm scared to try it. Is it even possible to remove the bridge guard I want to be able to palm mute

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Like my strat lads?

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2bh I hate those headstocks but nice Maple neck

Buy a Gibson. Firebird or Explorer


pls help me with the chords. want to play it the next week

I didn't like it at first either but now I prefer it to the smaller headstock

are gibsons good again? I only like the SG and I have guild polara. I've heard rickenbacker quality hasn't wavered the entire time they've been in production

Dude just sound it out lmao

meant for


He fell for the CF Martin funded character assassination campaign. You know what, go ahead and buy the Ric. I don't think you're worthy.

Thanks for the advice! My buddy had a 2014 Les Paul that constantly went out of tune. Right around the time Gibson started to have troubles. Btw here's my guitars

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The big one is alright in a vacuum, but knowing the smaller exists I would have to go with it. But then again I like the tele headstock over all of them.

y'ever just fuck around with two or three frets and like it more than stuff you put effort into?


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Did you not highlight the entire thing or something?

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vocaroo.com/i/s 0 yQl6Z51DtX

remove the pluses

im confused what is this its pretty but like what

>the söyfilter claims another innocent victim

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how do you guys keep the motivation to learn a song that will take a month to perfect?
I feel like such a loser i always start songs and never finish as I'm not performing them or doing it for class. So if the song is complex i rarely get past stage one.

Jaguar with a Bigsby. It elicits this kind of response.

Just obsessively practice each small section instead of practicing the whole song poorly.

no i mean like that was really boring to listen to like are you a noob asking for advice or like it was really basic so im wondering why you posted it

thats pretty much what i do. i picked a hard ass song, but for a solo piece it's really well rounded.
it's such a fluid mixture of blues/ragtime/jazz that i can't help but love it.

Sorry you don't understand big scary words like singular and plural.

>it would be better if more people used it
>yeah but its shit so they wont
Great summary buddy, you should go print this so your mom and dad can put it on the fridge with a big fat gold star champ!

It's good that you feel like you can contribute to discussions you didn't bother to read.

>You're extremely low IQ if you believe in the """if more people used it"""" fallacy.
No true scotsman. It's kind of pathetic how badly you want people to validate your intelligence.
>The good parts of Linux are good because they are valuable to industry.
Oh you mean because a large group of people professionally and personally use it? Hmmm, that sounds like exactly my point you bumble fuck of an idiot. If only some sort of audio industry existed! lmgtfy.com/?q=audio industry
>That's why Intel, RedHat, Microsoft, et al. employ Linux kernel devs.
Yes and hardware companies employ people to write hardware drivers for their respective products. This is part of my point.
>You don't really believe that the kernel is developed by NEETs do you?
I never claimed this. I don't know why you would think I believe things I didn't say.
>A bunch of normies installing Ubuntu isn't going to provide a big enough value proposition for the music industry to pivot from what already works.
Not my point, not what I said either.
>Do not reply if you can't prove that you are over age 18 because I suspect you are not.
You're approximately a decade too late for that to make sense, but lets discuss the fact that your argument is so bad that you have to make it revolve around poorly thought out ad hominem, willful misinterpretations and other stupid fallacies rather than refuting my main point adequately. I fully support you enrolling in your local adult school in order for you to some day learn to be a communicative well spoken human being.

well, I couldn't understand what you were trying to type, because your grammar and sentence syntax is at a gradeschool level.

>hits vape
>Yeah, I sure showed those proprietards

Right and so is your playing

I love it when people who don't know what the word 'syntax' means attempt to use it in conversation.

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I'm not saying all proprietary software is bad either. Just because you want to make this about me doesn't make you right, it just makes you a retard.

>the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.
Kill yourself?

Buying one of these memes, but I don't have a cab yet (current amp is a combo)

What kinda cab should I get?

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Damn sick dictionary skills dawg.

His 'syntax' was fine, he just didn't use any punctuation.

>This thread today

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Linux is free, if you don't value your time.

A section:
DbM9 D(half diminished)7 Eb6add9 Ab7
DbM7 Cm7 Fm9

B section:
Bbm7 A7b13 Ab13 DbM9
Bbm7 E+ Fm9

Fuck guys I really want to buy a Strat in Lake Placid Blue

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Imagine being so dumb that you have trouble using an OS that a child could use.

>using "like" every other word
poor syntax

That's not a syntax error, that's just Valley garbage. Back to arpeggios for you.

I want a jazzcaster in LPB

Not gonna lie doc. It sounds like a strat

ikr i'm 55 year old boomer and have no issues with linux mate and jack just work, windows forgetaboutit.jpg

If there was value in targeting """Linux""", the audio industry would've already done it. The Mac and Windows ecosystems already work well and have for decades. You haven't made a case at all for how Linux adds marginal value over current offerings. You're literally just raging because you have some sort of obsession with Linux. It will never, NEVER even remotely approach being a premier audio production ecosystem. Bookmark it and do us all a favor, including yourself, and an hero.

no dude you're wrong more people just need to use it then it will stop being shit i know nobody uses it because its shit but if they used it it would stop being shit dude my logic is flawless youre stupid

that's super cute

just get the cheapest cab you can find on craigslist

Nice dodge, nice dodge!

I'm just gonna wait until there's one of these that's great for guitar and bass, models an ad200 and an svt, and costs less than $200. That will happen, right?

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I have one (Mapleglo). Yes you can remove the bridge guard, but you should try it, the neck really isn't for everyone. As with everything about it really, its not like you'll find anywhere else and the whole Rickenbacker experience is a love/hate thing in my experience (e.g., changing strings is a joke with that bridge, the blend nob never really works properly and the "high output" pickups are only high output in the world of even weaker Rickenbacker vintage pups).

Not him, but...
Progress in linux isn't being made by the industry, it's being made by autists who want to create free software. The industry is not going to target linux when they know people will just use free alternatives. The only thing that will change that is when people use linux anyway, and they have to choice but to support it. That's what's already innevitable at this point for gaming, and the same thing will happen for audio. It's way cheaper to produce a game on linux with cutting edge tools than windows, and that's even with the burden of cross-compiling for other platforms. Audio has no such burden.

It might be hard to understand from a purely consumer perspective, but an open source foundation lowers the bar of entry to development so much that eventually a critical mass of available libraries and technology occurs.

Imagine if one audio company bought up all the proprietary algorithms of zoom, boss, line6, pro tools, etc. That is essentially the advantage open source software has over companies. They are all contributing to the same mission. What's more, much of this technology is licensed in a way that stipulates either copyleft or non-commercial use. And for the meantime, linux is THE platform of open source.

It's not a matter of what companies want. The result is innevitable.

Let's be honest guys, is there still a reason to use amps? I'm moving to a smaller place soon and barely have space for my amps. I have a red knob twin and a vibro champ, I love them but they are fragile, old, heavy, loud. But I also have a GT-100 with great amp sims and a computer, decent monitors and a good interface. I'm really not sure if amps still have any advantages besides physical knobs and consistent sound.

I'm on the same page. I just have one tiny practice amp for convenience. Otherwise I use just a zoom g3n. How's the Gt100? With the zoom, I'm most impressed by the cab sims and the amps, but I'm jealous of the boss pedal sims. Even though I think the cab sims are great, most of the time I leave them off for convenience. How does the GT100 sound with just an amp sim and no cab? Have you tried playing bass through it? The zoom handles bass really well, just like analog pedals and amps.

>If there was value in targeting """Linux""", the audio industry would've already done it.
What is it about basic literacy that's so challenging for you? Why do you think "audio industry" means "Linux audio industry"? At which point did I say that?
>The Mac and Windows ecosystems already work well and have for decades.
This is not what I'm arguing, I'm making a speculative statement about a possibility not the current state of things.
>You haven't made a case at all for how Linux adds marginal value over current offerings.
Because I didn't originally claim it does. I think there are some pretty okay programs like Ardour, Zynaddsubfx, the Calf plugins, Audacity, or the Bristol synth emulators to name a few. It's also not too surprising that Linux is way better than Windows and Mac in terms of audio programming languages like Supercollider, Csound, or Puredata but that's pretty niche. I also think the more modular approach of Jack is a WAY better idea than the more walled garden monolithic approach most DAWs take on Windows and Mac in terms of creative possibilities, it can be quite a bit of a clusterfuck in terms of configuration but that's a software issue which can be fixed with more developers, time etc. Like I said though, my main point was speculative, my original point was about why Linux is not the best audio production OS and how it could be if it had the user base, not that it is currently the best.
>You're literally just raging because you have some sort of obsession with Linux.
I find you being this angry about this pretty funny to be honest.
>It will never, NEVER even remotely approach being a premier audio production ecosystem.
That's a pretty bold statement for an illiterate.
>Bookmark it and do us all a favor, including yourself, and an hero.
Lmao what year is it? I'd tell you to drink some bleach but I know nobody would care if you did.

Unless you're gigging no, there's no point to owning an amp in the year of our lord 1950+69

Now that modelling/profiling actually sounds as good as real tubes, they'll get steadily better-smaller-cheaper-faster, just like phones.

Plug in, turn on, play loud. Can't really beat the simplicity and lack of fiddly paraphernalia.

thanks my dude

>I'm making a speculative statement about a possibility
Holy shit this dude is actually autistic

Unpowered Kemper + Yamaha DXR

There's no point in owning anything. Break your material chains.

Literally this. Selling the Firebird, giving the JVM and the MIA strat to my stepdad, and moving to kangaroo-land.

You may have noticed that we are talking about audio and not general usage. I know it's really hard to understand all these big words like "bad" and "good" but if you try I really do think you can keep up with us.

Let him be. He doesn't even know what he's trying to argue.

I've come to the conclusion that there isn't, Kemper have basically got there so
you don't.

I used to have a proper vintage Vox AC30, it was even too loud to gig with unless you're playing a stadium or something (and even then, people would find it obnoxious these days from what I hear). It was great but essentially useless.

>anything that disagrees with me is autism
>Now hold on while I argue in a rage for hours on end about how this one EXTREMELY specific thing is so awful.

Have you gotten checked for the 'tisms? You seem really focused on this one thing.
I looked up the symptoms and I'm really reminded of you:
-Delayed speech and language skills
-Inability to stay on topic when talking or answering questions
-Not recognizing sarcasm or joking
-Repetitive behaviors like hand-flapping, rocking, jumping, or twirling
-Fixations on certain activities or objects
-Impulsiveness (acting without thinking)
-Aggressive behavior, both with self and others
-Short attention span
I'm really worried please get yourself diagnosed asap.

I'm serious dude, you have mental health issues and its weirding us all out

>Linux is not the greatest Audio production OS but it could be with more users. (Which implies more developers and more money spent on Linux development)
>This is impeded by idiots throwing their money away on equally crappy DAWs for Windows and Mac
It's not a very complicated argument.

he legit sounds like he needs a therapist, this is a guitar thread

>Kill yourself.
>But also I'm concerned now
You're a dumbass, do the world a favor and stop trying to interact with people like you have worthwhile thoughts or feelings.

Yeah music production tools have nothing to do with guitar.

/prod/ is here:

Okay you go post in prod, since you want to keep talking about this so badly.

he's not going to leave. he is probably autistic, for real.

I'm just a guy who wants you two retards out of here.

Is that a bad thing?

>Plug in, turn on, play loud
the most boomer post in the history of this thread

>I don't like playing loudly
I don't think electric guitar was a good choice, user.

amazing. i'm kinda noob tho
"M9", as in "M" from Maj7, right?
it's not "Db9", right? sorry, I just don't know how to play it
>D(half diminished)7
isn' the half dimished chord already a "7" chord? (maybe i'm mistaking you. maybe the dimished chord has a b7, and that's why you're clarifying it. if that's the case, then I apologize)

either way, thank you very much. it's much more complex than I thought. here i was trying to do magic with the Fm chords lol

I just want the psycho to stop replying to me about how much he hates Linux l and then getting mad when I reply.

/prod/ is here:

>Plug in, turn on, play loud.
>yup, that's how KISS used to do it
>van halen, now they could play

Attached: sip.jpg (234x215, 9K)

/prod is here:


>I don't like playing loudly
I don't think electric guitar was a good choice, user.

post things

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this reminds me of lil Wayne's guitar skills

nice gookplank

Based PRS


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the advantage of boss pedals is they're good to use barefoot

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How fucking retarded is this contraption? If I saw someone using one I would want to punch them in the face.

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Looks like Rivers of Nihil

The wood they use for the fretboard on these things are the key to having good tones

More like soulless

>not knowing about toneplastic
>year of our lord two thousand and nineteen

What amp is that?

Tubists can't even compete.

>he's too much of a gay homosexual to own a Gibson

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How does a girl make such low-pitched noises?

Ever gotten a handjob by a bass or guitar girl? Those fretting fingers must be scratchy as hell


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What does the gain sound like on those things?

recommend me guitars that have more of a dirtier sound, not too bright

You masturbate, don't you? Why would there be a difference

Unclean playing

Sound comes from the amp brah


Unless you have an overdrive pedal built into your guitar, they don't sound inherently 'dirty'.

I can't really hear it, but thanks for making the effort.

Danelectros are pretty slutty and they don't look too bright.

I'm just learning to play guitar and I learned how to play seven nation army with the slides today. I think I'm in love with this instrument.

Attached: thumbnail_IMG_0618.jpg (960x1280, 208K)

Awesome, pretty soon you'll be able to play Blitzkrieg Bop

That carpet is disgusting.

Only a Gibson Les Paul is good enough for what you need.

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Gibson into solid state master race.

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Not necessarily

>he'll never get laid because he's too poor to own a Gibson and a Rolex

Attached: IMG_0262.jpg (3024x4032, 1.51M)

>owning a nigger watch.

Imagine not owning a 1959 Gibson Les Paul Standard and a Ferrari. It's like you like your dick being dry.

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show me your jazzmaster you fuck

>My buddy had a 2014 Les Paul that constantly went out of tune
It will stay in tune if he lubricates its nut and saddles, which is something everyone should do with every guitar.

you don't have to get it in one sitting, just break it down one measure at a time and a little bit every day
feels good starting from the beginning and being able to see your progress every time

You have an actual physical metronome?
100% gonna make it. Godspeed user

don't ever forget to play things you like, that's the most important part to sticking with it

Fake Rolex and a Chibson

Libgen doesn’t seem to have “Music Notation: A Manual of Modern Practice (2nd)” by Gardner Read. Anyone know where I could find it?

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i made that mistake so many times trying to learn cooler shit when all i did was play blues and folks

Here is a recording


you're on your way
I suggest buying one of these wristbands and sliding it onto your guitar neck, they're like training wheels for when you don't really have the control to intentionally mute/not play the other strings yet

Attached: cotton-wristband.jpg (500x500, 21K)

Funny. My deans dont do that.

Yeah those are cigarette butts on the floor


Maybe he strung it badly. I've seen guitars that would not stay in tune that had barely a turn or so of string on the tuner.
I carefully wrap the longest amount of string I can on the tuning posts and all my guitars and basses stay in tune well enough.

>only play stuff you like

What else, only listen to music you already know? If it's not bait, it's terrible advice. My humble musical proficiency and understanding improved dramatically when I started studying classical music.

I always let your mum lubricate my nuts.

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Redpill me on Tagima shitplanks. I know they're Brazillian clones so idk if they are okay instruments but I highly doubt it

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I have so many questions

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does this general have meme strings? i've been buying ernie balls forever, without ever thinking about it, really. but now i read that they are actually kind of shitty? thomann has string sets for 1,50€, that's kind of hard to beat considering EB strings start at 4x that, and d'addarios are even more expensive. or should i got with coated elixirs? i'm very lazy and only change my strings like 3-4 times per year.

Fat-dick-daddy-darios are fine.

where the fuck do you live where d'addarios are more expensive than EB's?

they are roughly the same, its just that the cheapest EBs are slightly less than 1€ cheaper. but it doesn't make the choice any easier

goddamn boi, girls don't normally have lows down that good
Too bad the instruments are boring as shit

fresh EBs don't sound very bright, it's like putting on slightly worn strings
D'addys are bright as fuck new, but they wear out really fast
Coated strings are bullshit

I can attest to this D'Addario coated strings are a retarded meme

I use nylon tape flatwound on my fretless bass. They're black too, so many people ask me what's up with the strings.

thomann ultra cheap strings are quite shitty but good enough for practice or as emergency backup

Fucking can’t stand d’addario acoustic strings. Most retarded product ever

Elixirs last forever. Highly recommended if you don't change strings often

anyone have experience with the j mascis jazzmaster?

The JM JM sounds fucking killer. I played one at my guitar store(Sweetwater brick and mortar) and I was fucking sold, neck feels fantastic and the pickups sound great. Bridge and tuners were kinda crummy, but what do you expect of Squier QC, it's an easy fix regardless. I bought one and it should arrive in a week or so.

ok. im forgiving of a lot of shit but why the fucking dark bronze knobs. it looks so fucking horrid.

literally everyone owns this guitar

Nice self plug mascis.

no but these are the best

hands down

no contest

fuck you

Attached: da_prod_ehr310_main_1.jpg (600x600, 72K)

thx guys. i'm switching to polywebs though.

actually I have a brand of meme strings for you, these are great for vibratos and more precise bending

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Kek nice try

Is someone gonna do a new backing track tomorrow

My guitar won't intonate "properly" without elixir strings. With ernie balls the low E saddle has to be all the fucking way forward.

I can, but probably not until 7 or 8 at night (west coast)

are you the second one? if so definitely do it you clearly actually know what you're doing in a DAW


are you gonna make it on linux

uhhh no
is this some kinda meme

write in the key of linux atleast

I went to the pawn shop and found 2 guitars i really liked (babys first guitar) i found a mij jackson (looked up serial found out its a 1997 dgmt jackson for 150 bucks. Is this a steal? I noticed the whammy bar is missing though, is it easy just to slide in another into the slot. I also found a ec 400- something ltd but it was 350. I really liked the feel of both of them but i have no clue what the difference is besides the 200 dollars. Is one significantly better than the other? Thanks in advance.

Pawn shop guitars are ass. Buy from a music shop and you might be able to get a complimentary setup and some advice on the spot from someone who knows their shit.

In general, look for this shit
>rusty shit, finish defects
>play in the tuning pegs
>noises as you operate the knobs and switches
>noise in general
>if all switch positions (pickup selections) sound equally strong
>how smooth and shiny the frets look
>if the frets are actually set in the fretboard or if they're poking out on the edges
>if very light pressure on the neck is enough to put the guitar out of tune
>all the hardware being present, they might have the whammy bar in back
>if it comes with a case
>if a string breaks when you try it out
Don't worry about this shit
>if it's in tune
>if the strings sound dull
>if it sounds out of tune even though you just tuned it
>if the strings are too high or too low and buzzing against the frets
Because it's all fixed through adjustments and maintenance which guitars generally need yearly/biyearly and after being moved from one storage mode to another (wall hanging to sitting on a stand for instance).

Attached: back you go.jpg (478x487, 75K)

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And there he is

that's not the brand that does that. It's SCIENCE

If it's the same gauge string then what is it?

Lmao you still want to argue about that? Eat a dick loser.

Summer is almost over, he was probably getting school supplies for his second time doing the 10th grade with his family. He'll be gone soon.

hey sam

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Just make sure the neck doesn't wobble. Meaning that when you swing the nevk around a bit without trying to bend it, the note should be relatively steady without any warble or vibrato.

Besides that, fuck it. Just get what you like.

The gauge given by the manufacturer is not precise, and different metal compositions have different tensions. These affect intonation.

I'm autistic but still

Attached: strat ugly 6.jpg (657x876, 123K)

Ernie ball must be selling me dogshit then because I've never had a proper stair pattern with their strings

Can anyone tell me how to mute better?
This is me, I'm just learning guitar and want to mute the strings I'm not using when I'm doing power chords and scales. Anyone have any resources or advice for this?

Hey, Sam. How's pops?

uh, don't pick strings you don't want to hear in the first place d00d

>tfw you have the EVH
>tfw you have a shitty amp

Well fuck

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It sounded like the evh just had way more mids and treble, does it help to raise the bass and drop the mids and treble? Does it have an fx loop you could run an eq through?

Dying a slow death


It has a lot more fizz and a more "chainsaw" tone no matter what

Also no real clean channel

How do I use this

Attached: Canyon-large.jpg (491x750, 50K)

Gimme some guitarists like Nile Rodgers and Catfish Collins, funky/rnb stuff

Attached: Catfish-Collins-006.jpg (300x180, 10K)

google it faggot

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Why am I such a indecisive faggot when it comes to thinking about buying a new guitar especially when I have enough to get something really nice

you need pre-EQ. That's pretty much what's going on there, just different filtering. Just cut various frequencies until the chainsaw tone goes away, then add the lost EQ back post.

maybe you don't need a new toy

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Hello fellas
I wanna play 80% metal and 20% little of everything else
I’ve set my eyes on either Ibanez rg 421 or Yamaha 120h. Both are hard tails with dual humbuckers and 300 dollars. Which should I get? If anyone has another suggestion, please do share

I kinda like the Yamaha(though that's my opinion, I don't really like super strat-type bodies too much). If you're into that kind of thing, a black-on-black one might suit you

Looks like a Fender Mustang GT 100.

Jazzmaster or a Epi Dot and mod in a Bigsby?

That’s the one I was looking at desu. I think like the cleaner/more versatile sound of the Yamaha, but the Ibanez has a 5 way switch and 24 frets...

I would probably get lynched for saying this if this was shitpost powerhour, but 24 frets doesn't make that big of a deal unless you do a lot of wanking high up on the fretboard.

You need two things for metal, my man. EMGs, and abalone.


Attached: DlWPfgyU8AEhE_-.jpg (720x720, 77K)

That looks awesome but a bit too expensive

>even the binding is abalone

Attached: xl1XYq8.jpg (1620x1079, 217K)

It's one day of hard work man. Come on, do it for the abalone.

Is that your guitar

No, I just picked out the perfect guitar for you is all.

I use Ernie Ball strings for acoustic guitar and bass. Never had an issue, and they’re way better than the D’addario and DR strings I used before. I use these now:
Everlast Coated Light (11-52) for acoustic
Cobalt (50-105) for E Standard
Cobalt (65-130) for Drop A#

Remember to disregard anime weeaboo shitposters and everything coming from their keyboard

if someone isn't an anime weeaboo shitposter they're an anime weeaboo shitposter larping as cringy parody of a normal person

one of the basic rules of nu-Yea Forums

>weebs tell you to ignore weebs and that anime sucks
>anime remains their secret club and they can now convince you of anything they want (ie: the necessity of getting a job, buying a gibson, and thanking them later)

It makes too much sense.

brb watching K-On to thwart the weebs

I use ernie balls because they're cheapest at my local GC and I replace my strings about every other month at the latest to clean my fretboard so I'd feel stupid buying expensive strings

looks kinda sweet

>use for 10 years
>sell for the original price
I guess buying meme schecters is the ticket.

jerk-On to loli butts instead of traps sammer

Soon people will want a full DAW on their phones.
Penguins will then be kings.

the chad Gibson owner

Abalone must be going up in value

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Is that a thiccer version?

Prototype 325c58

Mh, girl socks

That's a cartoon.

The yamaha has a coilsplit though. I assume the 5 switch does the same job.

I love my pink guitar!

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So the Yamaha? Will it be good for metal?

whats your opinion on midi guitars? not for learning but as an actual instrument

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Me too :D

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It kind of does, so the sounds you get out of them are pretty similar. It comes down to the preference.

Both should be fine, they're pretty straightforward in that regard and you can mod it in the future. I actually thought about getting an RG421 myself as a second guitar for cleanwanking and metal, I love Ibanez finishes and I'm fine with Quantum humbuckers. If you're looking for a straight up metal guitar you might also want to check out Jackson, LTD or Schecter, they have these kind of guitars at a similar price point.

Any opinion on the LTD viper 10? It’s a a hundred bucks cheaper than those ones but it’s another hardback with dual pickups. I feel like there’s a catch to it

based stratfu

I mean hardtail lol

Honestly if you can't save up a 100 dollars in a week you shouldn't buy a guitar.

Might as well get a midi keyboard instead. can you even do bends or vibrato on that?

I just don’t wanna purchase something for 400 if it’s possible to get something of relatively equal quality for 2 or 3
I’m new so no need to go balls out if I can’t even make the most of what I have yet. There will be money for another one down the line

Do you my man. Have you thought about an amp?

cover your bed with a blanket plus a sheet!

Not yet but I heard from a article on ultimateguitar that 90% of the sound is gonna depend on the amp and only maybe 10% on the guitar itself.

He's just stripped the sheets. Inevitable after your mother visits.

10's are generally the most entry level you can get, so be weary of that. 100 and 200 series are more of actual budget guitars that are more along the lines of RG421. If you can get your hands on a 330 series LTD with active pickups that would be the sweetspot for you, but I don't think they carry them anymore in major stores since it's an older lineup.

I feel you, though sometimes that $100 bump is actually worth it in this price range, it could mean different pickups for example. You can upgrade everything yourself of course, but sometimes the build quality is straight up better. But it only applies if you can actually play the guitar before buying it. If you're ordering online you're playing a lottery no matter if it's a 200, 300 or 400 USD guitar since the quality control is usually not very consistent.

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90% is amp plus pickups. You can put some nice pickups into your starter guitar, then transfer them into the new guitar when you upgrade. Just hold onto the old ones.

Hold onto the old pickups for when you sell your starter guitar, I mean.

My boss gave me a GC gift card as well as overtime for covering my lazy ass coworkers shift when it was crazy busy Friday, bought new strings, picks and a new strap too
Feels good getting to use fresh picls and strings

But what would be the difference between a viper 10 vs the Yamaha or Ibanez? I know the parts are “different” but it seems to perform well from what I seen? 2bh most of the guitar reviews are just “here are the specs, it’s a nice guitar” and then they just jam the rest of the video

GHS Boomers .10-.46 with wound 3rd. DYXL is the product code.

Roto yellows are the best strings I've used and they are amongst the cheapest, try them out if you want.

When looking at them from afar? Not much difference. I'd say that the lowest of the low series like 10's get even worse quality control than the others and aren't worth it. It's the same deal as with GIO Ibanez series, there's just no point even if you're looking to mod them.

If you can try them before buying it's strongly recommended. It's how you actually know how they perform. Also note that a lot of reviewers play through amps that are a lot more expensive than those guitars. In this price range playability can differ drastically from model to model. Shit like pocking or uneven or unpoloshed frets, offset bridges, gaps in neck joints, warping necks, bad finish jobs, shitty tuners or electronics - it's all the usual with these and it can very much affect the sound and the feel. While you usually have the same pickups (like Quantum for Ibanez or LH-150 for LTD) for most of the pre-$500 budget guitars series, what you actually pay for is a chance of getting slightly better quality control and I bet guitars above the absolute beginner level are getting better treatment in that regard.

Dam son i'm well jell. What is that purple and yellow beaut? And those danelectrics fuck.

Would love to try one

Can you test them in a store? The necks will differ greatly.

I was thinking an eq after all the gain and what not in the preamp but I couldn't remember if an fx loop ran before or after that stuff. Lowering the highs with an eq before the preamp is a lot like turning your tone knob down on your guitar in the sense that you're really just applying a low pass filter at the front directly to your clean guitar signal, applying an eq later in the signal path would probably have a more subtle effect on the overall sound.

How do I get the red highlight to follow the notes in tux guitar?
Whenever I press play the marker just stays the first note.

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I will try an used MIM Tele Classic 60s next week, it should be end up being my first good guitar for 450€ after 14 years of playing on and off, I'm pretty hyped about this.
Only issue I have with it is that it doesn't have a vibrato, but I guess it will force me to actually git gud instead of relying on meme techniques. I will probably buy one of those new CV Squier Jaguar as a second guitar once I get a job tho.

Nevermind, updated to the latest version from sourceforge instead of the old ass one in the debian repos and now it's working.

What's the best way to learn counterpoint

How dare he try to give you advice as to how to improve.

That really old textbook that all the greats learnt from.

I've been gifted a 3/4 length guitar. Will learning on that mess me up when I switch to a full-size one because I'll have ingrained too-short movement patterns?

Play this.

All the information you need is in the attached pic.

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What is with using "gift" as a verb these days?

Anyway, how old are you, how big are your hands, and what model guitar is it? The correct answer is almost certainly "sell it and buy a full-size".

What book?

I see the potential but they don't seem very fun to play and it's pretty niche.

Post some godtier guitar books.

Guitar aerobics

M9 means major chord with a natural 9th. So Db major with a 9th (eb)
Db9 is a dominant
Minor 7th has root, minor 3rd, perfect 5th, minor 7th
Half diminished root, minor 3rd, flat 5th, minor 7th
Full diminished root, minor 3rd, flat 5, double flat 7th (c eb, gb, a)
A 1/2 diminished chord is a minor 7th with 5b, a dominant is a major with 7b.

Learn them. They are easy from what I remember. Haven't played guitar in years. Only piano

So few guitarists know theory. It's sad

Gradus ad Parnassum.

What's wrong with gifted a as a verb? "I was given a guitar as a gift" is clumsier. Anyway I'm a large 27 year old man.


/piano/ general when?

Different guy, but you know as well as I do that in DbM9 the "M" is a stand in for "Maj" which is denoting the 7th's tonality.
"Db" by itself indicates the tonality of the triad and there's no reason to indicate further, so no one does.
DbM9 and DbMaj9 to me indicate the same chord, just the former has it written retardedly.

A number without an indication of the 7th always means dominant. So C7 is dominant 7, CM/C+ indicates a natural 7th.

It's been convention for like well over half a century

How am I làrping? I can play guitar. ..

Forgot to clarify. The 9th in the chord assumes an existing dom7. So C7 and C9 are the same but the C9 has a d extension added

Do you play any jazz?

The default is a Major triad unless otherwise indicated, you will also almost never see a CM7, but if you do it's indicating a Major 7th.
C7 is a dominant and thats the case for every bit of music that you clearly don't read enough of.

Buncha dumbfucks

To go further, imagine how retarded it would look to see CMMaj7.
If you've never seen it, it's because everyone understands convention and the NEVER need to indicate a Major Triad in the first place because it's implied.

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Yes, I do.

You know, you haven't contradicted me at all. Isaid a CM7 indicates major 7th and C7 is dominant. Please read my post again.

The Maj doesn't refer to the triad. A 7th chord isn't a triad.

I agree, anyone who thinks that Jazz composers and arrangers actually indicate the tonality of Major triads when it speaks for itself is retarded.

this a good example of rules and theory.loose the 5th it's useless and play the triad

You think jazz composers use tria ds? Stop talking, you clearly don't understand what you are saying.

Or read the replies. The posts specify DbM9. Now, that obviously is not a triad is it. It's a chord with a 7 and a 9. Therefore if it is a major 7th it needs to be indicated, otherwise a Db9 is a dominant chord.

No, not a triad. Did you learn all your theory from 2 videos on YouTube? It goes beyond triads you know

A triad is a root, 3rd and 5th. So in the DbM7 example, losing the 5th leaves Db, F and C. Which isn't a triad.

Though I agree, in many cases you wouldn't play the 5th. Still not a triad though. Youd also probably drop the root too, play an f, c and eb


No, we're talking about a purely theoretical stand point.
Not the practical application.
If I'm applying this, then I would want the 1st, 3rd, 7, and whatever the highest scale degree after that is, because I like 4 voice chords on guitar. That's the case for Major and Minor Chords, For a diminished triad the defining note is the dim5th and you'd want that instead of the 3rd since that's shared with the minor chord.

>those first 2 sentences.
Not that guy but guess how i know you got btfo.

Can anyone post a few unusual chords that sound good?


If you 'play' bass with a pick then you need to end yourself

We aren't discussing theoretical points. Someone asked about what DbM9 meaned. I explained. Quite simple.
I don't care how you like to voice things. It's not relevant
Now, I understand people don't like to admit being wrong online. That's fine. But don't bring up irrelevant shit.. anyone who reads charts will understand you are wrong so why bother hiding it for the dumbfucks here? They either understand what C7 means or think it's a major triad, who cares?
I explained to the dudethe correct reading of the chord, simple.

Why does a C7 chord have a Bb in when B is the seventh interval?

Upper Structures are cool sounding

Because C7 is a dominant chord, therefore a natural 7th becomes flattened re dominant. Basic voice leading or whatever

"Gift" is like "party": don't you dare use it as a verb in my shop.

Sell it and get a full-size.

A DbM9
Is a Db major triad, with a major 7th, and major 9th.

It is understood convention that "M" is not referring to the base triad's tonality, but the 7th's.
You said
>M9 means major chord with a natural 9th. So Db major with a 9th (eb)
Which is wrong due to the context the original poster you replied to used, which was a "DbM9". DbM9 is not dominant, it's a retarded way to write DbMaj9.

You answered his question wrong and I corrected your faulty logic several times by carefully explaining that no song is going to define the Base Triad of a chord by using an "M" since major tonality is implied unless otherwise stated by using "m(-), dim(°), aug(+)"

Once more in plain English, DbM9 is referring to a Maj7, not a dominant 7th because there's no reason to believe "M" could refer to anything other than the 7th.

M9 contains a major seventh as well as a ninth: 1 M3 5 M7 9
add9 doesn't have a seventh: 1 M3 5 9

>toe sweat on the pedals

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>he uses metal strings instead of nylon on his electric guitar
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

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A Dominant is the 5th scale degree in any Major Scale. If you harmonize the major scale, which you do with only diatonic notes in the key, then the 5th chord of the scale has a 1, M3, P5, and a m7. This is the only chord in that harmonized Major scale with those intervals.

Cant afford strings again sam? Hows pops?

What would a C7 with a major seventh be? Cmaj7?

C7 is dominant(minor 7th), CMaj7 refers to a Major seventh.

There's literally nothing you could do to stop me from playing with a pick

Are you high? At what point did I say it was a dominant? I repeatedly said it was a ma57th.

Stop trying to salvage this. You look like a fool. You're literally inventing things to argue against.

I already said DbM9 is a major 7th with a 9. Stop repeating me thinking you are smart.

Also, this base triad shit. What the fuck dude. The M refers to the 7th, not the 3 or 5 as minor, aug or dim does. Holy shit, have you never learned beyond 3 note chords? Or did you misunderstand when you were taught 7ths? Clearly something went wrong.

Seriously, read the posts. You're very confused.

Theoretical haha

Unless you mean a C with both a minor 7th and a Major 7th at the same time.
I'm not certain how you would write that out without confusing the musician.


people here have trouble affording decent guitars you think they could afford a piano?

New bread when

When you build chords, do you see a C7 and not think about the make-up of that chord being a C major triad with the addition of a minor 7th?

What's your methodology?

It's not suggesting that's the way you will play it, but you should be building the entirety of the chords first as an academic exercise and then trimming the proverbial fat for playing.

There is a difference between the theoretical definition of a chord and the pragmatic application, you're a dipshit if you can't recognize it.

get your anime ready lads we're gonna have a new thread

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>he cares more about the price of his strings than good sound

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theory is a descriptive tool for composers

you definitely can get away with not knowing it as long as you can write and read sheet music

the opposite is true

How do I get this shiny metallic albini guitar sound? What pedals could get me this sort of sound

a blown amp and a tape deck for recording

>using theory
>this is a G maj7

>using sheet music
>this is G - B - D - F#
>yeah i mean if you have notes on the keyboard about that far apart they sound good you know

Oh look, its linux brah, being a dickhead again, who's surprised

you sound like you need some dick

He uses a distortion pedal called the Harmonic Percolator extensively, but there is probably some extreme EQing involved on this album too.

electric keyboard is cheap just like electric guitar tho

electric guitar is not cheap because people still insist on making them from select pieces of wood for some fucking reason

one day using aluminum and fiberglass will be the norm but not today apparently. some wacko swears to god the mahogany emits a mana field that modulates the signal created by the strings and pickups, and the mana field is strongest if you use one solid piece of wood per the neck and body because using too many trees will cause the magic to cancel out.

A used learner's piano doesn't set you back that much either desu
still idk if there'd be enough interest to keep it alive

People give pianos away for free

Good luck moving and tuning them though

Using wood dampens the vibrations of the strings and kills your sustain. So if you use wood you get to wank on people with lesser wood for having less sustain.

Do people hate neo soul because it’s effectively one of the hardest genres to play?

no, the opposite actually, we are tired of seeing no talent hacks get their dicks sucked for slapping their strings with their right hand and lightly finger picking octaves up and down a hollow body

Isn't it just Jazz for millennials and zoomers? It's on the same technical level as prog metal but can easily dip down to easy as hell, like prog metal (djent)

Lots more pinky action though

I flipped one.

Was actually really fun.