Choose one

Attached: blue or red.png (1193x696, 919K)

fuck oh fuck oh fuck blue



so red? lol




the dreaming, chairs missing, closer, station to station, pornography and darklands are all better albums than blue pill choices. but it has deceit and script of the bridge. fuck


I can't stand Talking Heads.


Damn OP you actually made one of these that I'm really split on. Hard for me because both have albums that I love and albums I don't like at all.

I have to go with red just because it has more albums that I like just based on numbers.

Take the bluepill

The one without Joy Division

Even though I love Cocteau and MBV, almost every album/band on blue is top tier desu

Love Wipers, Placemats, Hüsker, and Slint
Can't really stand Joy Division or Gang of Four
Still, blue.


The only album of those I've listened to is Nevermind, and not for at least 15 years now.


What are you even doing here?

blue ez. i will miss wipers and sonic youth. pere ubu and talking heads too but their other stuff will do the trick

no way i wouldn't pick low, pil, unknown pleasures, this heat, kate bush, the smiths, talk talk, disintegration, AND mbv

red ez
>talking heads, minutemen, slint

that's only the top 3

Red, but you chose shit albums for blue, namely, not Colossal Youth

red cause YLAOM is my favorite :)

i like 9 blue albums and 4 red

Sometimes there are jazz threads

Red. Blue has a couple of good albums, but nearly everything on the Red side is great.

Blue, easily

It's okay. The only albums on there that are actually worth a damn are The Modern Dance and The Ascension. Outside of those, you're not missing much.

blue lol. how is this a question?

because red contains only masterpieces and blue contains only trannyfodder.

blue has pink flag (best album) and deceit, but red is probably better


Red easily.



Red, but honestly neither. I've heard enough 80's indie rock to last a lifetime.

One on the right has higher highs, but blue is more balanced so I'm going to have to go with blue.