Attached: LBDCbGih.jpg (960x720, 127K)
Cooper Sanders
Other urls found in this thread:
Brayden Walker
Asher Davis
Sebastian Jackson
Elijah Kelly
Dylan Johnson
no more sluts please
Benjamin James
red velvet
Adrian Young
anyone who hates dogs is a dirty mudslime dbh
Gabriel Morales
It depends. Am I still in my own house but with her body or did I become her, in Korea and so on?
Sebastian Edwards
>posting on Yea Forums
>not wanting to be a cute girl
Juan Mitchell
that or a girl for sure, wait that's the same thing
Joseph Cruz
Thomas Gutierrez
spunk YES
Alexander Hughes
you first
Nolan Harris
having your gap crushed by luda's bunda
Brandon Ross
Tyler White
right here
Christopher Allen
Reminder that your favorite kpop girl is more than likely a developmentally arrested autist loser with no friends
Jason Ward
>there are """"men"""" itt RIGHT NOW who don't want to be cute girls
imagine being such megafaggot
I bet they compare dick sizes and wash each other's asses in gym's showers and think it isn't homo
Christian Powell
Noah Myers
and that's a good thing
Isaac White
Fuck off tranny. Take that shit to /r9k/
Dylan Murphy
just shut up and post binnie
Brandon Carter
Austin Ward
wtf i love her even more now
Jose Parker
old and plastic
Nolan Long
my waifu has lots of friends
Mason Lopez
Justin Foster
my gf on our vacation
Ayden Peterson
bro why would you wanna be a girl... that's fucked up
I mean unless you just a lazy ass faggot and wanna live life on easy mode. but honestly fuck that shit, I work hard and earn my own shit. play it like that
Connor Adams
>I bet they compare dick sizes and wash each other's asses in gym's showers and think it isn't homo
as long as you say no homo it's fine you fucking faggot
Asher Gutierrez
kpg is ReVeluv territory and don't you forget it
Matthew Long
>no talent
>no visuals
>shit songs
name my group
Adam Peterson
Based Chad
Jonathan Hall
Christopher Young
William Ross
Isaac Carter
Benjamin Davis
never ever
William Russell
all kpop groups...
Logan Cook
homeless man's saerom
Ayden Wright
Nancy looks like a overfed piggy
Thomas White
anyone else feel like sluts are overrated? I'm more and more drawn to the cute and pure girls
also would never date a slut irl, would you? didn't think so
Tyler King
is momo the only pure one left in twice?
Logan Kelly
>y-you are the tranny
how does it feel to have virtually no test and having to act like turbogay on anonymous imageboard just to briefly feel a little more masculine?
Jackson Garcia
it's between her and dubs
always been
always will
Julian Gomez
our binnie
Joshua Gonzalez
Julian King
damn i didnt know luda had THAT
Zachary Wood
pure sluts are the best
Jose Hall
Ian Gomez
Oliver Gonzalez
they all are friend
Nolan Richardson
Take that feminization crap back to your discord you hideous abomination
Jason Howard
nah, we love TerryTV leftovers here
Justin Taylor
Jackson Young
literally twice
Angel Adams
Twice girls are so innately pure that no matter how many cocks they take throughout their lives they will always remain pure
Oliver Long
get that trannyman's ASS
Camden Hernandez
she's my gf, my creepy dedicated altar is better
Dylan Turner
This is my CLC waifu.
Say something nice about her!
Landon Green
Bentley Thompson
they've never taken any
Jason Morris
hate pitbulls
Brody Gray
agree, the pure girl that's a secret slut is the ideal
David Rivera
Jeremiah Jenkins
based me
Jackson Davis
why do you think I use discord? are you projecting?
Everyone here already got it, you like sucking dicks you disgusting homoshit
Josiah Sanders
Eli Gonzalez
she doesn't!! it's all fake!!!!
Anthony Torres
Aiden Hall
yooo wtf lol
Owen Gutierrez
Carson Lewis
why did she pose with this on a bed?
Chase Torres
Brody Nelson
Jeremiah Butler
kys faggots
Robert Hall
at least is mental illness with some artistic merit.
Logan Russell
>yeonjung mogging
wtf happened
Kayden Hill
Soft fatty
Isaac Bailey
wife notes and her slutty friends
Oliver Davis
I wish I could pay someone to post for me so I don't have to post anymore
William Turner
i don't recognize the one on the left
Julian Barnes
Wyatt Johnson
what is this I wonder.
Cooper Morris
imagine if chewy was an air stewardess and she went around and gave all the passengers complimentary blowjobs
Juan Anderson
clc kwon eunbin or something
Jason Perez
I think idols who are starved of fat from the diet pills get fat real fast when they start eating normally because their bodies are trying to course correct by fast absorbing fat. That's why I always say it's the best when idols are off promotion, that is when they start getting T H I C C.
Bentley Perez
Luke Murphy
it's just the filters
Aiden Allen
Grayson Lopez
Andrew Price
any proof of this claim?
Bentley Gutierrez
Grayson Miller
eunbin is the one mogging
Bentley Morales
nancy all that stress eating, Momoland are a disaster and Yeonwoo about to leave them for acting stardom like Suzie
Mason Barnes
damn korea air is really like that huh
Aiden Hughes
She would never do that idiot
That hairstyle looks pretty good though
Blake Clark
dont do that
Hunter Robinson
and then she says this in broken english while servicing you
Luis Evans
Can you gague the future potential of how thicc Nancy could be
She’s managed to look pudgy from promoting time already and generally meaty
Connor White
Wony mogging those old hags HARD
Charles Stewart
that calligraphy for looks ayy lmao af
Logan Carter
doesnt she do this already?
Asher Evans
Brandon Cook
yeri mogging
Tyler Martin
yes here it is...
oh noooooo
Sebastian Roberts
another friendly reminder that chewy is NOT for lewd
David Gutierrez
Logan Rogers
I wish i wasn't an esl seamonkey shitskin. At least I'm good at streaming.
Liam Evans
what does all this even mean
Camden Robinson
not even close chinshit
Luis Diaz
That's not Yeri in the middle
Hudson Morgan
Joshua Martinez
Yeri isn't even on the pic
Adam Powell
Noah Watson
"I want a mouth on my dick immediately after that mouth has been on 100 other dicks" is what you just said
Wyatt Morgan
Ethan Hall
which blackpink is the most fertile to breed
Joseph James
Lucas Turner
Arin is mogging. You're blind if you disagree.
Blake Butler
Stop samefagging leafgaymanlet
Zachary Mitchell
she was there and mogged everyone hard
Caleb Mitchell
Brandon Brown
for hangul damn it
Brody Adams
based purebro
Zachary Lee
Nathan Campbell
Alexander Sanchez
good boy
Hunter Walker
Ethan Hill
>chinpedo is the leafmanlet forced
Jordan Thomas
it’s just you roastie but nice try
Michael Rogers
chinuggo is fucking disgusting
Lincoln Fisher
all sluts
Eli King
looks like toddlers are seething again
Ethan Nelson
some kind of anti momoland rant
Hudson Peterson
Anthony Cox
Post chunky Nancy
Ethan Murphy
Luke Anderson
I freaking love Nancy
If I could die by being suffocated by her thighs then I would die happy
Easton Wood
sea princess~
Jace Fisher
>pretend blackpink is popular in the west by shilling billboard and spotify
>turns out all their listeners are sea
Liam Roberts
arin must be bred
Grayson Clark
Yeri of the Jungle, featuring ghost of edited B.I.
Samuel Mitchell
>~the victory of indonesian people~
Jackson Long
Nathaniel Bell
deserve the gas
Justin Carter
Dylan Allen
sorry, I can't go asexual mode with a qt like that
Elijah Butler
nancy smells like sour milk
Evan Parker
>t-the storm is here
Connor Jackson
there's our cub
Jordan Jackson
she gets bred every night
Grayson Young
Aaron Reyes
Mexico is neither brown or SEA.
Jayden Clark
post arin
Eli Hernandez
when was this taken? cub better not be ugly again
Charles Green
>the only good shit this year is from CLC and loona
2019 is almost over and this is all we got, sad
Luis Johnson
Dylan Bennett
Caleb Jenkins
bow down a sinner and stop posting twice
Blake Smith
then show me the babies
Daniel Morris
Lucas Perry
Jaxon Powell
are you ok?
Alexander Harris
Christopher Sanders
who allowed these mentally ill blinks into the thread
Nolan Allen
Anthony James
she needs to be more careful with those spins
Matthew Jenkins
unfortunate white genes
Justin Cooper
great pic
Christopher Miller
pristin disband makes this year a good year
Camden Richardson
Henry Smith
looks that someone didn't pay attention in biology class.
Aaron Martinez
Carter Reed
Post Nancy
William Williams
David Nguyen
which twiceshitter is that?
Xavier Martin
kids in the us play fortnite all day long while kids from sea stream blackpink music videos
John Gray
post nancy you faggots
Alexander Ramirez
Isaac Peterson
cub is always pretty
Chase Wood
or what dude
Luke Thompson
arin's arins
Elijah Martinez
just because leafmanlet got molested by an east indian doesn't mean he's gay
Owen Kelly
Adrian Mitchell
Jackson Rodriguez
ugly :/
James Wilson
Connor Rivera
is there a gg with good choreos these days?
Eli Foster
they put a grocery bag on my wife
Mason Rogers
you condemn the entire thread to consisting of nothing but gaypop, roastiespam and pedo shit
Andrew Harris
piss off
Joseph Parker
lol whoops meant for
Jack Collins
Cause Wendy is a total snack
Kevin Flores
here is
Nathan Cook
Mason Wright
Gabriel Morris
Shout out to the esl bros. I only speak English but being able to speak more than 1 language even if it's just 1.5 is based
Andrew Torres
Logan Turner
Yeri looks pretty here in spite of the moonface the makeup artist did
Ayden Peterson
beautiful princess
Matthew Bell
ok which one?
Jason Garcia
leave me alone
Alexander Foster
What is a good choreo for you?
Tyler Nelson
Lincoln Harris
Bentley Walker
oh no...
Andrew Foster
F in the chat bois
Wyatt Williams
nice joke bro
Isaac Lewis
Charles Baker
Leo Reed
Remember when than user wrote a giant review of the Sydney blackpink concert and very obviously enjoyed it but threw a bunch of insults in so his kpg posting badge wouldn't be revoked.
Sebastian Stewart
>mfw there are tomatoes
Joshua Scott
That choreo isn't even on the top 5 twice choreos.
Caleb Hill
Matthew Williams
Poor Jeongers ;_;
Luke Sanchez
Michael Harris
imagine this mommy just scootin' past you
Sebastian Bennett
A choreo that's not dogshit
Nolan Phillips
Adrian Cruz
yeah you should never leave shit on the floor
Jace Flores
Jason White
Based sea creatures supporting out girls
Ryan Brown
Christopher Williams
Tyler Morris
loona has the best choreo now, bar none
Elijah Reyes
Dylan Wright
Blake Cruz
Gavin King
GFRIENDs choreos unfortunately have gone downhill but Dreamcatcher and surprisingly Fromis have some pretty good choreos. Red Velvet have really hit or miss choreos
Christopher Walker
Tyler Hill
ourgirls twice have the best choreo and vocal talent
Easton Green
pristin was better than izone will ever be. please trust me
Nicholas Sullivan
she has nice hips
Wyatt Gonzalez
>worshipping trash
Juan Robinson
Cooper Diaz
Zachary Martinez
that's not saying much
at all
Jose Ortiz
actually i thought fun's choreo was really good
Jaxson Phillips
Jason Evans
pristin had good choreo
Bentley Moore
Samuel Adams
Alexander Hill
>that rat
>called a dog
no pity for ratowners
Cooper Scott
They were also permanent unlike izone amirite?
Gabriel Howard
Zachary Sanders
i need some milk
Asher Price
pristin was the best choreo and song
Christian Fisher
This ability is shared by all idols
Charles Ortiz
I love the jump rope part. Definitely my favorite key moment in a choreo so far this year
Jaxson Sullivan
is this real
Thomas Hill
I usually never expect shit from jap releases, but that song and mv are so fucking good.
Lincoln Cook
i have this too. curse my damned summer complexion
Jaxon Butler
Jose Price
that ass on my face
Andrew Reed
Logan Lee
Is this a literal tranny?
Michael Kelly
our pristin is better than loona
Charles Powell
pristin is better than loona and twice in popular and success. just trust me on it
Cooper Torres
you're a literal faggot
Isaiah Brooks
arin is just a poor man's olivia
Sebastian Butler
pristin is our girls
Aiden Anderson
I like happy happy more, but it's a matter of taste.
Elijah Turner
why does she look like a 57 year old woman with high testosterone
Samuel Smith
Damn.. China really needs to destroy the West...
Cameron Collins
What the heck is a pristin?
Charles Roberts
homeless man's yulhee
William Kelly
based highs
Adrian Lewis
Alexander Murphy
>tits that low
Sebastian Harris
our trash
Gabriel Rogers
song of the year
choreo of the year
Brayden Murphy
at least she's not pregnant like yulhee
Jayden Foster
kpg did a poll and it turns out irene is the girl we all most want to be our collective gf
Hunter Russell
Carson Bell
Ops..wrong pic
Jackson Martinez
Joseph Morris
pristin are the best group, newfag.
Nathan Thomas
>"imagine being a girl"
>calling girls men
mentally ill morons gtfo
men are men and women are women you fucking fags
Colton Clark
aged like shit
Andrew Jones
to be fair that isn't physically possible
Blake Ross
doesn't have a uterus
Robert Gutierrez
I love Seulgi!
Isaac Powell
meant to quote
Austin Jackson
Camden Turner
More like pisstain lol
Isaiah Green
it would be spoiled if it came out of her
Camden Phillips
Christian Hernandez
any sharkman in
based straight white male
Tyler Smith
an inferior Kang
Henry Gonzalez
don’t samefag slugroastie she’s the ugliest tranny
John Peterson
Some unimportant nugu shit. Remember if it ain't twice it ain't nice.
Gabriel Howard
binnie a shit
Logan Russell
White Chads unite
Luis Robinson
pristin would btfo izone in sales and charts
Josiah Sanchez
im just glad the 2 new songs weren't cringefests like bdz turned out
Nathan Brooks
Obviously 20% of the US population isn't streaming BP so we have to assume multiple streams per person over the course of those 12 months. So let's say it's closer to 0.5% of the population (1.6~ million) doing those streams (roughly 65 streams over the course of an entire year counted from every single MV seems fair, that's 5-6 per month)
But those Thai numbers are fucked
>population of Thailand: 69.05 million
>BP YT streams per year: 244million
Where the US' numbers are a percentage of the whole at face value and a fraction of a percent when adjusted, Thailand's numbers are over 350% the total population. Obviously kpop in general is much more popular there, and BP in particular due to Lisa, but even if we adjust it the same way (essentially reduce the percentage by a factor of 40 since 20% was reduced to 0.5) we still get nearly 8% of the total population.
Thailand is estimated (as of 2017) to have 47.5 percent of its population with access to the internet. So out of the 8% of the total population, if we assume they are streaming 65 times a year just like the US, that means roughly one out of every 6 people with access to the internet in Thailand is a dedicated BP fan
Angel Cruz
gayest post ever
Landon Hill
why are you obsessed with trannies
Andrew Davis
pristin was more successful than loona twice izone in their prime. trust my word. they are always the truth
Isaiah White
cripple cope
Parker Nguyen
nice try roastie
Noah Cooper
also see
Aaron Hughes
Xavier Jenkins
Colton Scott
you're the one posting them
Evan Ramirez
make it a yeji thread for the bros
Luis Thompson
Jaxson Barnes
Grayson Bell
Connor Roberts
we always trust you the truthspeaker
Andrew Green
isnt binnie that flat black haired girl from the banana vid? some of you have terrible taste lmao
Camden James
ugly plastic shits
Cooper Bailey
pristin is dogpoop
Blake Gray
>flat back
Robert Foster
everyone loves pristin here and hates izone
Dylan Gomez
youre gonna trigger spreadsheet pedo
Gavin Wilson
Samuel Cook
Levi Sanders
Samuel Nguyen
Gabriel Garcia
they are so much better than izone
Lucas Jenkins
tl;dr: blinks will mass stream any shit bp puts out and their numbers are clearly artificial
Bentley Robinson
It's the opposite actually
Nathan White
bdz wasn't so bad per se, the kiddie puppie thingy stuff was the cringe element
Christopher Jenkins
>comeback is an oversaturated image