Is it just me or has this been a super boring year for music...

Is it just me or has this been a super boring year for music? I feel like its cuz soundcloud rap went away and now people are struggling to figure out what the next big direction is gonna be.

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famous people all suck and are attention whores why would you show you music to anyone that's so extra

no exciting newcomers
established artists releasing ok albums
yeah, it's been boring

>now people are struggling to figure out what the next big direction is gonna be
pay your respects to the dark prog
for they are your future

Attached: darkProg.png (1485x913, 213K)

Nah it isn't just you, it hasn't been as interesting as it used to be

Maybe it's because you're not really a music fan and only listen to top 40 bullshit that's promoted in the media. I've discovered some great albums, but I don't listen to garbage.

for me it's golden age redux

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some poor kid has to live life with lil xan as a dad

that sounds horrifying. i also believe lil xan might suicide, his mental state is really bad.

i really can't tell if this picture is edited or he really is that extraterrestrial looking

Slowthai saved rap music for 2019. Other than that raps been terrible

youre all stupid as fuck because lil jumex saved rap by killing all the whack rappers, 2019 jumex saved Yea Forums

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Not rap
No rap

the worst fucking thing about this year is by far billie eilish. terrible generic pop music that's shilled as "deep" and "innovative" by mass media

only because all the other real niggas are either locked up or dead. this dude only accomplished puffing a joint in some school WEAK

I fucking despise that skank. Fuck Billie can't wait until her career dies when she turns 18 and people stop caring.

This is the end of the music industry and the collapse of their business model. Industrialized album music will be seen as a relic of the 20th Century. I guarantee it.

The fact of the matter is that nobody is famous anymore. Any kind of artistic identity that would speak from the spirit of our time and place stands in opposition to profit motives so they literally can't sell anything that's going to resonate with people in a lasting way. If not for the tattoos, you would never recognize a Little Zan or a Jew Max in public. That's why you have DJ Khaled throwing a shit fit on Tyler the Creator and Nicki Minaj always sperging on people to "do their fuckin research". That's why you have Kanye West trying to meme himself into a fag Messiah of sorts.

They have absolutely no notoriety outside of Hollywood execs' extended inner circle, nor anything to identify themselves with and they know it. They know they're not Paul McCartney or Madonna tier famous, and they know passing associations with these people doesn't make them that. What they don't know is how to deal with that. Be honest with yourself. If you were in rush hour Midtown New York and he was there, would you be able to tell Jay-Z from any other well off middle aged black guy?

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It's been shite.

Soundcloud rap is just back in the underground. Anyone who makes it signs onto a label, the rest just stay underground, being successful.

Only absolute retards sign the dotted line in 2019 and the nepotist hires gunning for David Geffen's seat aren't much better.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Record companies are scrambling to find the next big sound which is gonna have to be bedroom pop. the same way that 'bedroom rap' (soundcloud rap) took off. very inexpensive to make. low investment cost, HUGE (potential) RETURN.

Only thing I've heard this year thats got my attention is only 100 Gecs and The Hellp.

we're about to hit a shift in culture and i really think it's going to be groups like i mentioned above. Just culturally relevant enough and 'innovative'

things come in cycles and browsing this board really reaffirms peoples boredom.

ur late. grimes tookoff years ago m8. did coachella now shes done and banging a billionaire lol

nah the girl miscarried

Things come in cycles my G.

Every a&r dude is . looking for what i just described

Pretty based but you have some stormfag cum on your chin

look @ dominic fike. its like in the vein of post malone but no beats. its funny cause soundcloud rap is just going to evolve more and more back into guitar bands then we'll just be in the 1990s again

rock with rap influenced lyrics and cadence

based chart my dude